Biokirkby -> RE: Staff Appreciation Thread (10/12/2021 16:27:42)
I know that despite all stuff I could complain about, the staff really are doing a much as they can! I don't expect everything from them, and I trust that they are doing their best. I appreciate that that they are keeping it going, and never guilting us or lashing out at the fanbase despite negative feedback that is either unreasonable or given without understanding what's going on behind the scenes (which is not unreasonable, given how little we know in general) I, personally, am very disabled, honestly. My energy levels are low, and very difficult to manage. When I want to enjoy myself, even a lot of video games are too high-energy for me. But games like Adventurequest and Dragonfable are ones I can always play! Despite their own complexity, I can play simpler parts or take it at whatever pace I feel is best at the moment. Video games might not be productive to most people, and rightfully so, but when I can do so little, it means a lot to contribute to the characters I've been building up and playing as for years.