=DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (Full Version)

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Peachii -> =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/29/2021 23:05:16)


Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update!

Hey there, heroes!

This week, we have a big update to the Trick-or-Treating system!


In addition to new enemies (Moglinsters are thing of the past!) and a couple of rare new tricks, you'll also be able to unlock new neighborhoods to trick-or-treat in, in exchange for candy!

These new neighborhoods will provide an increase in maximum potential candy yields, as well as an increase in critical candy chance! Unlocking all of the neighborhoods will also give DragonLord characters a special reward next week!

You'll also be able meet Gargle and Maskmaker, who seem to be behind all those wonderful masks we get every year! (They'll also have the Dragon Coin versions of the masks in stock next week!)

In addition, previous years' Trick-or-Treat events have gained a boost to candy counting rates. Remember, you can always Trick-or-Treat in a later year to get more candy, then go back to unlock things!

Head over to Croft in Chapter 16 of the Mogloween Storybook to check out the new and improved Trick-or-Treating experience!

Trick-or-Treating (and the Mogloween Storybook) will remain for 2 weeks.

And now, some words from Dracelix regarding ShadowHunter!

Greetings players!

It’s time I start throwing my thoughts onto webpages like Dove and Verly have been for all these releases.

With the nature of our development cycle, it can often be hard to find spare time towards larger projects when that time could be put into polishing the present weeks’ content further. I want to try and bridge that gap by dedicating development notes here to show off and discuss bigger scale ideas in development at least once a month.

So we’re starting with something I’ve had in the back of my mind since January of this year:

There are a number of existing classes we feel could receive a ground-up reimagining, but to me ShadowHunter would benefit the most from it. When starting with a redevelopment like this we first go to player feedback and see what went well and what needs some adjustment:

What I gathered the most was that the core theme fits well and the gameplay is interesting, but a new character design and animations for the class would really bring the concept further to life.

So here is my new design proposal:


ShadowHunter is a battle worn gothic monster slayer with the weapons and tools needed to bring any foul creature down!

Please bear in mind that this is a super super early look into the class development, art may change, alternative style customisations may be explored, but above all there is no clear release date in mind for this currently.

I look forward to hearing your opinions and feedback on the new direction for this class, and check here next month for progress on Male version and hopefully some early animation setup!

Very cool! I can't wait to see what Dracelix can do with ShadowHunter!

I'm sure there were some fixes and minor adjustments that I'm forgetting but... I'm very tired after getting everything updated and working. So I think I'll just curl up and have a nice cat nap...

And that's all for this week!

Are you ready for candy and masks next week? We're excited to finally revisit trick-or-treating!

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Laeon val Observis -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/29/2021 23:48:26)

Well, this year's ToT does exceed expectations. While retaining the old flavor of previous versions, the candy acquisition is explosively fast. Managed to unlock all ToT zones in a short timespan.

Here are the mechanics for this year's ToT.

1. You can only get candy once per house visible on screen. Moving to the rightmost end of the road resets this. DO NOT move to the leftmost end of the road unless you're satisfied with your load already as it'll quest clear you.
2. Tiny ghosts and piñatas reward more candy, with the former you can get up to 60% more yield if you're up to the task (it's customizable). More here is relative, as candy drop amounts are still bound to standard issue RNG.
3. Enemy HPs that ain't piñata are within range of a CW+200 MAG dragon's eGambit>Slice kill range at most. Piñatas have slightly higher HP but don't attack, so there's little reason for one to skip them out should they decide to CCL their way in and out of ToT.

Definitely looking forward for the upcoming extras for the masks and the DL exclusive rewards for unlocking all ToT zones.

As for SH, that's definitely long overdue overhaul for the proof of concept combo class. Class art seems to be there with room for a bit more improvement. A redirection of skills in the works, if my interpretation of the terms are right, seems pretty fair game. Combo classes are expert level in usage after all against bosses, requiring one to make sure the combos line up just right in tune with the enemy's rotation and can be screwed if the enemy ends things in a few actions or you misclick (not a prob with CZ, just a mistimed rewind though). If my imagination can run a bit wild, I believe SH would probably thematically be armed with debuffing and weakness seeking, since they seem to be capable of offing monsters regardless of them bumping in the night or not.

EDIT: Just full cleared this year's (currently available) Mogloween content. That was definitely quick.

AstralCodex -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/29/2021 23:53:24)

I really like the Trick or Treat Mechanics - as people have said on Discord, it definitely feels more like actual trick or treating (since you can't go to the same house more than once).

I used STR/DEX ChW with Uragiri, which let me eGambit + Dom the ghost and his buddies (without +health choice), eGambit + 2 random skills vs the Pinata, and then snap everything else to death. At level 90, the solos have a bit over 1k HP, which means WDL/RDL is probably better, but those will struggle a bit more vs the Pinata.

Looking forward to the Shadow Hunter art revamp, which has been a long time coming!

Plutonium -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/30/2021 3:05:06)

just unlocked the last four masks (also unlocked the other 4 Neighborhoods too)

Dratomos -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/30/2021 7:14:51)

I really liked this update. I didn't realize it would be this massive. Great job Verly and Dove!

10speed12 -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/30/2021 11:56:08)

Nice work as always! Considering how much of a skeleton crew your working with normally though, any chance that any of the other teams could spare some extra hands to help you guys out to make things even more amazing?

wer -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/30/2021 13:54:38)

YES thanks for updating the trick or treat mechanics after so long with lots of new enemies to fight! Also great that the mask shop is finally open after like 10 years!

brotherinlaw -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/31/2021 0:31:21)

Well, I was hoping for some love thrown towards Pumpkinlord, a revamp, misc item, or customisation, but this is all great stuff too.

Sips Kool-Aid

Welp, here's to next year


docblade -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/31/2021 1:13:02)

I love the new trick or treating. Finally being able to get all the candy in one go.

btw, I think Verly should REALLY stop bringing home those pails. I was at his house three times now and got attacked every time.

EDIT: Are the chocolate elementals supposed to have an infinite duration of the defense buff? With normal earth elementals, the buff runs out eventually, but these seem to renew it every round

1girlhousefan -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/31/2021 11:32:06)

I think the new Trick or Treat system is great and is way more immersive and dynamic than previous trick or treating....
...but I still grind Mogloween 16 for all my candy.

dragonlord555 -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/31/2021 15:02:09)

Well, I finally grinded enough candy to unlock all the Mask thanks to the update, so I can't really complain about much besides the minimum cap for candy.

Like, seriously? 180+ candy while wearing a 91% mask in Ravenloss?

popinloopy -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (10/31/2021 22:39:20)

I agree with dragonlord555, but otherwise absolutely love the update and all the new ToT mechanics! Great job as always, guys!

kevinc1 -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/4/2021 17:27:16)

Wish I could try it. Have been catching up on older Mogloweens and got stuck on Chapter 11. I have no idea where or how to find the ingredients needed for Bubble's plaguenog. 1st scene ends telling you what you need. Next scene can't be started until you have the ingredients. But not even a hint about how or where to get them. So I can proceed no further until I find the ingredients, but have no idea how. Guess I am done with Mogloween. Unfortunately.

Laeon val Observis -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/4/2021 18:05:05)

^Eh? You know, you could could've politely asked instead of pouting. And the fact that you have a forum acct here means you should have some grasp of how to navigate this site's pages. Unless, of course, you're a newbie and just tried to garner attention in the wrong way. Here's the list you need. No need for thanks.

@10speed12 Such has been happening already, although solely art-wise. The customizations for KAA and the Feral DmK, plus the Astravian set and Pally customizations are Darkon's brainchildren. If you're referring story-wise, that's a different matter. Bringing in a foreign entity can throw a wrench to cohesion of story flows and character personalities, notwithstanding the training/reskilling involved if they were from another AE game (there's a reason why Ancient Exosuit, for all its defensive prowess, has quirky animations apart from being a squat god capable of beating the IE dragons).

kevinc1 -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/4/2021 18:36:08)

^^ Uhuh. Been a member of the forums and Artix games since 2004. And I'm having a poor day with a lot of pain. Sorry that makes you think I'm pouting. Get over yourself -importance, friend.
Also, thanks for the no help whatsoever, just a snarky comment. Oh, and I alsolooked thru the forums and the encyclopedia for the answer, but can not find it anywhere.

Laeon val Observis -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/4/2021 18:53:58)

I will forgive you for your frustrations. The way to search the seasonals would be Locations/Quests/Events/Shops > Index of Importance > (Chronology of Events) DragonFable Seasons & Events.

kevinc1 -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/4/2021 19:11:31)

Thanks, but unfortunately that is [art of the frustration. At the end of the 1st quest entry, last line is "*You set foot off the empty clearing to look for the ingredients for the Plaguenog needed for the ritual to transport you to Apsaydaaun.*" And the next entry is for the Plaguenog quest. But there is nothing at all about where to look for?find the ingredients, without which you can not advance the questline. I had already looked for about an hour before I posted the first time, which is why I had gotten frustrated. Seems as if I either can not see something, or it is assumed at that point that you know something I don't. Either way - no way to continue the questlines for all Mogloween beyond there, for me. Hence, frustration.

Laeon val Observis -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/4/2021 19:17:09)

I see where you're being thrown off. Please highlight the spoiler box at the bottom of the Plaguenog page which I provided. Those details had to be concealed in the said tag (which is often done at the early days when a DNs post in the forums is made) for fairness to all. There are people who yearn for the challenge or just the feeling of adventure, after all. It would be a turnoff for them if the list was in plain sight.

kevinc1 -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/4/2021 19:29:04)

Thank you. I did not think of looking at the bottom of the next quest portion for the answer. Hey, and for the excitement, and joy of seeking, I'll still have to find those places! I've been keeping up with AQ, but until about 2 months ago had not [played DF since about 2009. So, missed some things, and still mainly in the 1st book. My mage and my warrior are finished and ready to go to book 2, but my rogue was finishing the orb saga, and I though to take a break from that to do some Mogloween, esp. after noticing I only had a week for the newest chapter.
So thank you for your help! These days, sitting up to play a game is about all I can do, so the help is greatly appreciated. (I had way too many surgeries last year; won't bore with details)

Laeon val Observis -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/4/2021 19:50:06)

Rest assured, I ain't the type to ask for private/personal info unless job description requires. Well, DF does have a boatload of info. Since the forums can be restrictive (which is why guides here are in a stagnant state), new age DF players also check the Endgame wiki (mostly for stat calculations and provides battle data for Inn non-Inn endgame battles before the forums (just bear with the info overload. The forums data for those same fights are more compressed)) and YT vids ( AstralCodex for endgame, Korriban Gaming for AQ and DF content (his commentaries have the aftereffect of making them long), and TheRuinedShadow for the casual DF player who needs the info quick), all of which are maintained by the DF playerbase. Just note that TRS' plaguenog ingredients vid is 1/6 out of date due to the reimagining of a quest.

kevinc1 -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/4/2021 20:00:33)

Thanks for the extra info. I had seen one of the YT's on the quest, but it was showing me places I have never seen, in book 3, so I was hoping for something that would not spoil book 2 and 3 questing, but would still help find the ingredients. Anyway - thanks for the friendly helpfulness. Appreciated.

Laeon val Observis -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/4/2021 20:28:51)

I see. If you're a DA holder and still have the DCs to spare, I'd recommend purchasing a house (any house, although via gold if budget's tight) so you can equip/use the Storybook Collection purchasable in the Book of Lore (5k DCs normally, 2.5k if Black Friday swings in). It makes all seasonals perma content. Perfect for the player willing to pay and without much time. If not possible, the saving grace is that recent Mogloweens do not need one to unlock all masks to progress to the next chapter. Be careful with *cat scratches for no spoilers*, though. That can be a freaky fight.

kevinc1 -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/5/2021 13:09:15)

Thank you for the extra info.I will look into that. Even though I will probably need to wait for a sale, very good info.

raylas -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/6/2021 0:32:18)

LOVING the Shadowhunter art.

Very Solomon Kane.

Zeebuoy -> RE: =DF= October 29th Design Notes: Mogloween 2021: Trick-or-Treat Update! (11/10/2021 5:15:11)

Just wanted to say, damn the Wolfwing and Kitsune masks are especially awesome/cute.

Can't wait to buy a DA so I can actually use them though

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