Sapphire -> RE: Do FD mages have resource loops? (12/5/2021 17:18:09)
I used to use Essence of Carnage Guest. Less effective with FD armor as the MP heal is based on weapon attack damage, where charisma stat affects heal amount also. Partner this with rejuvenating necklace, you will be able to heal MP in large chunks. Probably the current king of MP heals these days, with certain items, Necromancer Class has two MP heals within it. One is in the skill 16-20 bucket, and costs HP and SP. Decent heal amount. But the best is Grasp Essence-> Consume Bleed. If you have it's bleed toggle enabled when casting spells, as well as other bleed inflicting items, this greatly buffs the heal. You can do 0-full MP with the right amount of spell damage enhancers and bleed consumption. Can nuke and is FREE. It also has a Hp heal that has indirect SP heal built in, too. Full heal SP with essence orb, then cast Grasp Essence-> Consume Fear. This heals your HP for FREE. Heal amount is alright as is, but with fear it will consume the fear and drastically increases the damage. You *can* heal back the HP you just lost using essence orb with it with certain items. (consume fear, but even if no fear applied, spell enhancers and Poelala/elemental boosters help a lot. Both grasp essence heal spells mentioned heal based on damage. So damage increasers = more heal. Bleed/fear on the monsters = damage increasers. Lucky strikes here can be outstanding for heals. I personally use GGB Rare items to get crazy good results-> PCO to switch element to darkness.-> Arms of dragonguard to gain gauranteed hypercrit (I like having luck for these reasons)->Double Necromoglins (darkness boosters) and I can full heal MP or get close. If I have at least .66-.75 bleed, its guaranteed full MP, maybe even 2x the damage needed to full heal. But I understand not everyone has this stuff. Toggle on Spellcaster lean for best results. Nightbane's Claw Staff you can click it, for Nightbane Earth based guest. Has a HP heal mode. Heals very well. With Sol Neko, especially with Cataclysm implemented, extremely extremely strong heal. IDK if you have this, but one area that Quadforce is nice to use with a Mage is with Infinita Staff. Just toggle on Strength and you'll be increasing your weapon damage. I usually out-heal my SP loss from the upkeep in a FO armor, but a weapon based skill MIGHT do a good job if it happens to have a reduced SP cost. At the end of the day, this method is more for FO build stacking damage enhancers. Lastly, Famine's Rapier from Mogloween from last year has a built in SP heal based on the poison it inflicts. Wind damage. For monsters that regenerate SP quickly, this works fantastic, especially if you stack it..even though it costs SP...