Chaos Hollowborn Sets (Full Version)

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dizzle -> Chaos Hollowborn Sets (12/10/2021 20:51:05)

Alright, I've tried to play around with the set for a couple of weeks now and it's pretty difficult, to say the least. The base MRM for the armor and shield is 65/66/66. It's just way too low to actually be a viable way to dodge without spending a bunch of resources. If the "Chaos Reflexes" skill were to immediately gain the +12 mrm instead of having to wait for 6 whole turns to build up to it I think it would a huge improvement and make the set a lot more fun to use. As of right now, it's pretty underwhelming since titans fall alone is almost as potent as the FSB from the set. I don't think it's asking for a whole lot but I do think it deserves a second look, given it's from a $100 package.

Edit: I guess I should include my question since it is on the Q&A section. What would have to be done in order to receive the +12 immediately as opposed to waiting for 6 turns? More hp cost or included sp cost? The problem is titans fall and ghost costume give pretty similar results to the Chaosborn armor and shield but ghost costume has nearly 25 more mrm.

Sapphire -> RE: Chaos Hollowborn Sets (12/11/2021 9:15:02)

AS I have perhaps said elsewhere (might have been a comment on youtube), the armor isn't all that dodgy. It does eventually get +12, and the shield grants -6 to the monsters for a total of 18. The 65/66/66 in a FSB becomes 83/84/84 which isnt bad, but not the best. In addition, the shield's skill adds a LOT. With -20 from berserk and an additional blind (depends on darkness/energy resistance of monster) you can gain an additional perhaps ~60-80 blocking. I think it was designed with the understanding you'd be using the shield's skill.

I do think that adding the 12 immediately makes more sense.

At the end of the day, using titan's fall + the armor yields better results than the FSB, for sure.

You mentioned you are "spending a bunch of resources", ie you're likely using a lot of quick casts, blinds, self buffs, etc etc to generate blocking to make it worthwhile. I hated this about "dodge builds" and is why I never really went all in to try it out fully. That, and I only recently picked up Ghost Costume.

However, two things happened. First, Mandate spell came out. People are sop used to following the crowd (I'm not saying you too) that they're stuck just doing what others recommend rather than testing stuff out. Mandate is the single most powerful defensive spell in the game, when partnered with Prime Chaos Orb to move monster element to earth, and then switch to roots of daw for additional blocking.

Did you see anyone salivating over the spell? Nope. All you saw was "this doesn't make sense because you don't need a damage reduction effect with a blocking effect it doesn't make sense" when if people would open their eyes and realize it actually DOES make sense. While building blocking with multiple casts (2-3), the choke softens the blow IF you get hit. Both Shadow Raiment and Hollowborn take in more damage if they're hit. You're gonna need it if you get hit.
Second, I made a spreadsheet using formulae from the master formulae thread and figured out if you're a pure build, or even perhaps a beast build w/ dex using bun barrets.... if you're able to stack about 88 blocking with a combined self mrm buff, blind, berserk, the cold, bth loss (entangle), you wont be hit no matter the armor. This is 88 total above 59 base blocking from shield/armor. You already said Hollowborn has 65. So you're 7 points ahead. Just need to get 81 more.

So here's what I'd recommend, and I don't know what your build is, but this is a bit easier as a mage, especially if you have Necromancer or some other form of MP regen. I see you have Spelslinger, so I'm guessing you're a Mage.

Go get Mandate spell. (MP version, I see you have SP, but you can use the SP to test what I'm about to tell you. But get celerity first turn, cast mandate twice while wielding emancipator's radiance while *in* Necromancer armor. -20 blind potence from the shield + 7.5 more from the armor will mean almost every roll you'll win. Versus 100% Earth, 2 casts yields 60 blind. A 3rd if so desired is 80 blind. This increases as earth resist goes up. Choke is also going to drastically lower your defense as if you have a 50% misc to all elements, and then some *if* you get hit. This also gets better with higher earth resist. Earth @ 130% results in 78 blind in two turns and 0.278% choke. 3 turns is 104 blind and 0.038 choke. It's the strongest defensive spell in the game, bar none. Just PCO to Earth. And since it lasts 6 turns, you can switch to Hollowborn and titan's fall and dodgelash to youre hearts content.

So @ 100% Earth, this is how easy it is to never be hit in *any* armor. Win 2 mandate rolls and you have +60 blind, +19 from bun barrets (39 if beastmaster), and if you used roots of daw, -216 dex for -16 bth for the monster. For a beast build, this is already unhittable. 60 + 39 + 16 =115 blocking and Even against a pure build monster with 275/250/250 stat spread, it has a -27.83% chance to hit you.

Wield emancipators radiance, two mandate casts with bun barrets out. And youre unhittable for 6 rounds.

So change your strategy away from the "accepted" methods and at *LEAST* go test this, and come back telling me OMG!!!! And have fun with your Hollowborn, like I do.

dizzle -> RE: Chaos Hollowborn Sets (12/11/2021 11:36:26)

Yea Mandate is insane I used it for a little bit when it was first released. I'm more so talking about fighting bosses/void monsters tho since I don't really play dodge unless I'm fighting bosses. Thanks to boss boost status infliction can be a pain. I know necro spotter drake and the emancipators help but it'd be terrible using 650 mp and not inflicted the blind. I don't use PR either so its just not worth the 1300 mp at the start of the fight. That's why I lean more towards mrm buffs and ghost costume. I'll give your strat a go for a lil bit tho and spice it up why not

The Chaosborn shield is also insanely good I have no complaints at all about it. I just think the armors "Chaos Reflexes" needs to give the +12 mrm on the first turn as opposed to waiting for 6 turns for it. +2 mrm per turn is just not the best lol. I'd be okay with paying more hp or adding an sp cost on top of it to get that 83/84/84 on the first turn.

Sapphire -> RE: Chaos Hollowborn Sets (12/11/2021 12:05:01)

In Necromancer, holding emancipator's radiance, I don't have issues landing Mandate's blind even with boss boost 40 it's not too bad.

The chaos reflexes should be a straight 12. It makes little sense to charge 35 Hp for 2 MRM, then 35 HP for 2 more. The first turn and the 6th turn costs the same? And every turn thereafter ? Just make it 35HP and +12 from the start.

Additionally, the weapon's effect based on the info subs is bugged. 1 block gives you 3.1% elemental empowerment when the info subs, if you do the math, is +(<Blocks> x 1.01 x 2.5 / 0.15)% Elemental Empowerment effect of the weapon's element for 1 turn, with <Blocks> being the # of attacks you blocked in the previous turn. If the weapon is in Magic mode, this has a x0.75 penalty.

That should be 16.83 for Melee/Ranged and 12.62 for magic. And then double for 2 blocks, triple for 3, etc etc. But it's bugged and always the same measly 3.1%, * blocks irregardless of weapon type.

Once that is fixed, the armor should get a lot better too.

Also, being worried about MP...Cast the Mandate Spells using Spelslinger Necromancer armor with bleed toggled on. Then grasp essence and consume bleed, to heal it back. You'll be good to go. Or if you are a beast build, get essence of carnage and heal via weapon attacks.

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