Shields with Backlash/Reflect (Full Version)

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battlesiege15 -> Shields with Backlash/Reflect (12/11/2021 19:25:13)

Is there a list of shields that have a backlash-like Effects? Mostly looking for just the non-token package items.

Fire: Titan's Fall, Shield of Agony's Blood
Ice: Horo Show
Energy: Cutting Edge Guard

And which shield has the highest backlash damage?

Thank you!

PD -> RE: Shields with Backlash/Reflect (12/11/2021 19:49:31)

Unless I'm mistaken, currently the only shield with a backlash effect is the stuff from the Doomlight series.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Shields with Backlash/Reflect (12/12/2021 0:54:21)

The shields you listed are Shields with effects after a block, specifically those that deal damage equivalent to an Expected player attack in Neutral lean.
Backlash is the opposite where it deals proportionate damage based on the player's intake from the enemy.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Shields with Backlash/Reflect (12/12/2021 2:03:04)

Overlord's Shield has a sort of backlash-like effect. It's pretty weak though

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