=Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (Full Version)

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Chewy905 -> =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/1/2022 0:03:47)

[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/279624702916558849/663068252284649542/Order_-_Small.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/279624702916558849/663068014085931082/Chaos_-_Small.png[/img]

There exists in every realm two Powers whose authority exceeds that of all others. Greater than the magic of the Elements, greater than the might of the Gods, greater even than the influence of Good and Evil: the primeval forces of Chaos and Order. Their conflict stretches across eons, each struggling to sway the balance in their favor. For a time, Chaos won, the scales falling to its side and the realms favoring its might. It was not long before Order tugged at the fringes of the world and pulled the scales back into balance.

Once more, the powers sit at an impasse. Once more, they call out to the realms. The determined and those wavering. The cruel and the merciful. Any who they deem worthy of fighting for them has been sought out, called forth, and issued a single command: Tip the scales in favor of your Alignment, and be richly rewarded. To fall is to be lost forever, scattered to the powers themselves....

Welcome, writers and poets, fighters and mages, heroes and villains, and everyone in between! Welcome to the place Where Powers Collide!

Similar to the Elemental Championships, Where Powers Collide is a combat-style role-playing tournament. ANYBODY on the AE forums, regardless of prior roleplaying experience, is welcome to participate in the event! I, Chewy905, have the pleasure of being this year's Director and Judge.

In Where Powers Collide, characters are “summoned” from different countries, realms, multiverses, versions of Lore, etc. to serve as Pawns in the ancient war between Order and Chaos. While you do not need to name the specific AE game/location your character is from, their race/abilities/equipment should all be something that would not be unusual to see in one of the AE games. Your character should in some way be aligned with Chaos or Order - either through ability themes, personal beliefs, their role in their own realm, etc. The choice of Alignment does not need to be immediately noticeable or extremely obvious, as there are many different options to explore unique expressions of the two concepts. That said, a character who follows every rule to the letter is unlikely to make a good representative of Chaos, just as someone with absolutely no code (legal, personal, or other) will not fit well in the ranks of Order. Additionally, Good and Evil are on a different scale of Alignment - and you can find characters from any position of the former scale on either side of the line between Order and Chaos.

To sign up, you will need to provide a character biography that passes my inspection and includes the following general requirements:


Alignment (Order or Chaos)
Age Range
Appearance (Build, hair, skin, clothes, etc.)
Equipment (Armor, Weapons, etc.)
Skills, Spells, Special Abilities
Personality/Backstory (Optional)

Please note that like last year’s competition, character alignments will be public and must be included in your bio. While there are no creation limits like the element-lock in the Elemental Championships, keep in mind that power levels should be similar. Your characters are “the best fighters”, not “invincible, unbeatable, ‘I-can-do-everything’ fighters”.

Any action performed in the tournament itself, including but not limited to spells, special attacks, and magical abilities, must have some reference in your biography. You may use spoiler tags to hide certain abilities, though this does not guarantee other competitors will not peek. I will be reading (and judging) the complete bio, and there will be consequences for those who attempt to pull off actions in the tournament that I was not aware of prior. It is based off of the listed abilities, skills, and so forth that your character will be balanced and admitted to the tournament. If you are new to balancing, I recommend checking out our Balancing 101 Guide.

Applications will be open until 11:59 PM (EST - or AE Server Time) on Saturday, January 22nd. Any bios still under review will then have 24 hours, or until 11:59 PM on Sunday, January 23rd, to get their characters approved. Once submissions have completely closed, I will reveal the Battlefields that will be utilized this year, and randomly assign participants to each based on the number of bios that are approved. Approved bios will be added to a list at the bottom of this post. If your initial submission is not approved, you have until submissions are locked to either re-submit an updated version in a new post, or submit an entirely new character. To assist with re-submissions, characters not approved will be given an explanation why and feedback for future attempts in this thread. Further clarification may be requested via PM. DO NOT edit your bio after posting without express permission. You must submit a new post to correct an error or to update your character, and only the most recent post submitted will be evaluated.

In the Trials of The Fallen, your characters are fighting to earn a spot in the armies of either Chaos or Order. The Trials will begin on Sunday, January 23rd and last for approximately three weeks. Currently, the period is expected to end at 11:59 PM EDT on Saturday, February 12th, but I will keep everyone posted of potential date changes. At the end of the Trials, the top four writers from each Alignment will be selected as Knights to move on to partake in the Battle of Order and Chaos. Here, you compete for victory, fighting with your Alignment in the attempt to take down the opposing force. At the end of the final Battle, a single victor will be chosen to receive a blessing from the Power that they follow. As they have fought in this war to tip the scales in favor of their side, upon returning to their own realm, the scales will thus be tipped in their favor in some type of conflict or struggle they are involved in. It will likely take about a day to process decisions and get the Finals thread ready. Anticipated start date of the Finals will be Sunday, February 13th. More information on the Finals and their exact format will be released when they are closer.

Now, the Official Rules:

All normal RP Boards Rules will apply. In particular, please read and be aware of the definitions of Bunnying, God-Modding, and Meta-Gaming. Violators will be immolated, electrocuted, drowned, and pulverized. Survivors will be undone at an atomic level. Lists are kept of violators, and depending on severity, you may be barred from future participation. In addition, by participating in “Where Powers Collide”, you recognize my role as Judge and my say as final.

1. Characters must engage in combat.
This is a combat RP event. Your character must be willing and able to both initiate and take part in combat.

2. You must post regularly.
Consistent activity is required. Please do not enter the tournament if you are not committed to remaining active for the full duration. During the Trials, any fighter who does not post at least once every 4 days (counted from the time of your last post) will automatically be disqualified. Your character will then be considered free for the slaughter - any other character in the battlefield will be allowed to kill him/her/them/it. You are allowed to request up to 36 hours in extension, in 12 or 24 hour increments (so, either one 24 hour extension and one 12 hour extension, or three 12 hour extensions). Make extension requests via a forum post in your Battlefield’s OOC thread. Barring emergencies, no further extensions will be granted. If an emergency does occur, reach out to me via PM.

3. Do not edit your posts (or your bios) once they have been submitted.
You may only edit your posts or your bios with the express written permission of me, myself, and I. Editing of bios or of posts without foreknowledge creates the suspicion of foul play. Proofread and double-check formatting prior to posting, and live with any errors you might have made once a post is submitted.

Once more; Do not edit your bios or your posts once they have been submitted.

4. Each entrant is allowed one and only one character.
You may not enter in pairs, squads, platoons, battalions, armies, or swarms.

5. Death has Consequences.
Characters who die in Where Powers Collide are dead in the AE RP forums. This is a Canon event with regards to normal RP Board rules. Characters who die during the Trials are still eligible to be chosen as Finalists, but this is the only free pass to revival. Dying in the Finals is permanent.

6. Have fun!
All these rules and regulations may seem daunting, but while this is a competition, the entire objective is to have some fun. We all like to win, sure, but try to enjoy yourselves along the way!

The penalty for failing to follow the rules may result in immediate disqualification from the tournament. Failure to comply with the direction of the Judge may also result in immediate disqualification from the tournament. While discussion of a ruling may be allowed, as has been stated prior, I have the final say.

General Information, Tips, and the RP Discord:
Though this is a competition, collaboration is still extremely useful and often necessary. Your character is in combat with other characters, but you are not in combat with the other writers. We urge you to discuss combat and options with your fellow contestants. You are free to make collaborative posts, and to work out battle sequences. Please keep records of your discussions for collaboration, as they may be requested depending on how close the competition is! OOC threads will be provided for each arena for the express purpose of communication with your fellow contestants and with us.

Additionally, you may make use of the AEF RP Discord Server - which will also have channels provided for each battlefield. All AEF Rules apply to this server. This server is a privilege, not a right. If you do not follow the AEF rules or are disrespectful to others in the server, you will be banned, and you will need to rely on the forums for communication. The Discord server may be found here!

If you need to reach me directly, you can do so via PM, posting in the OOC threads, or using Discord.

Good luck, writers!

List of Order Entrants: [8]
Cirra Istan, the Sky Dancer, created by Starflame13!
The Unmakyr, created by Apocalypse!
Aramyi, created by Riftrunner!
Sterahl Kelolst, created by nield!
Hydna, created by ChaosRipjaw!
Serihl O'las, created by Oddball!
Vome, the Cosmic Huntress, created by Gabby1903!
Ephemera, created by Synthe_!

List of Chaos Entrants: [10]
Wrynith Suraeko, The Carnivore, created by Dragonknight315!
Beau Reign, created by San Robin!!
Zatmeni of the Diurnal Cycle, created by roseleaf320!
Leciel, The Resplendence, created by deathlord45
"Patchwork" Gith, created by GrimmJester!
Lune, created by markthematey!
Kynes Tanner, created by TripleChaos!
Brauen of the Whistling Stone, created by Riprose123! Idled Out
Erabis, created by Necro-Knight!
Dust Hokori, created by ShinyDiamond! Idle Out

Master List of Accepted Entrants:
Total: 18
Cirra Istan, the Sky Dancer, created by Starflame13, fighting for Order!
The Unmakyr, created by Apocalypse, fighting for Order!
Wrynith Suraeko, The Carnivore, created by Dragonknight315, fighting for Chaos!
Beau Reign, created by San Robin!, fighting for Chaos!
Aramyi, created by Riftrunner, fighting for Order!
Sterahl Kelolst, created by nield, fighting for Order!
Hydna, created by ChaosRipjaw, fighting for Order!
Zatmeni of the Diurnal Cycle, created by roseleaf320, fighting for Chaos!
Serihl O'las, created by Oddball, fighting for Order!
Leciel, The Resplendence, created by deathlord45, fighting for Chaos!
Vome, the Cosmic Huntress, created by Gabby1903, fighting for Order!
"Patchwork" Gith, created by GrimmJester, fighting for Chaos!
Lune, created by markthematey, fighting for Chaos!
Ephemera, created by Synthe_, fighting for Order!
Kynes Tanner, created by TripleChaos, fighting for Chaos!
Brauen of the Whistling Stone, created by Riprose123, fighting for Chaos! Idled Out
Erabis, created by Necro-Knight, fighting for Chaos!
Dust Hokori, created by ShinyDiamond, fighting for Chaos! Idle Out

Rosters by Battlefield
Field of Hunger
Zatmeni of the Diurnal Cycle, created by roseleaf320, fighting for Chaos!
Lune, created by markthematey, fighting for Chaos!
The Unmakyr, created by Apocalypse, fighting for Order!
Ephemera, created by Synthe_, fighting for Order!
"Patchwork" Gith, created by GrimmJester, fighting for Chaos!
Kynes Tanner, created by TripleChaos, fighting for Chaos!

Field of Time
Leciel, The Resplendence, created by deathlord45, fighting for Chaos!
Vome, the Cosmic Huntress, created by Gabby1903, fighting for Order!
Aramyi, created by Riftrunner, fighting for Order!
Cirra Istan, the Sky Dancer, created by Starflame13, fighting for Order!
Beau Reign, created by San Robin!, fighting for Chaos!
Dust Hokori, created by ShinyDiamond, fighting for Chaos! Idle Out

Field of Petals
Serihl O'las, created by Oddball, fighting for Order!
Wrynith Suraeko, The Carnivore, created by Dragonknight315, fighting for Chaos!
Hydna, created by ChaosRipjaw, fighting for Order!
Sterahl Kelolst, created by nield, fighting for Order!
Brauen of the Whistling Stone, created by Riprose123, fighting for Chaos!
Erabis, created by Necro-Knight, fighting for Chaos!

Starflame13 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/3/2022 21:13:34)

Super excited to join this again! Cirra's been in the back of my mind for a while, so hoping she fits here.

"But it's just a story… right, Papa?"
"A legend, child. And legends are simply beautiful lies with truth at their core."

Name/Title: Cirra Istan, the Sky Dancer

Alignment: Order

Age Range: Late 20s

Race: Human, Night Elf Ancestry

Appearance: Cirra stands tall for a lady at 5’10”, although she is constantly leaning or twisting so as to minimize the effect of her height. Her slim build is the solid muscle needed for a trained dancer and duelist. Brilliant silver hair falls plaited to her waist, a stark contrast against her jet black skin. Her eyes are a shade of stormy gray; her features delicate and hauntingly lovely. She is missing the last two fingers on her left hand.

Clothing/Armor: As a dancer and former-guard, Cirra’s clothes are an odd mixture of the two professions. Her dress consists of three separate layers: first, a dress of thin, flexible leather that is tight to her skin, covering her from wrists to neck and stopping at her upper thigh to allow for movement. It is dyed in alternating waves of orchid, violet, and indigo. Strips of floating gauze of the same color make up the second layer, sewn into place about her hips and stretching to her ankles such as to appear a full skirt when standing still, while fluttering and parting to never truly hinder her dance while in motion. Beneath, a set of dark leather leggings and knee-high stitched boots hide the light-weight metal plates that guard her shins. The third layer is that of highly intricate, fine-ringed chainmail, stained so masterfully in shades of purple that with her constant motion, only a keen observer would actually notice the change in texture from her dress as armor rather than a woven layer of cloth. The mail is sewn to the leather in such a way to produce a collar about her neck and shoulders, and a wide sash stretching across both chest and back from her left shoulder to her right hip. An alloy of steel and some metal unknown to Cirra, it is significantly stronger than standard chainmail, but not quite up to the protection of a full plate.

Stardust: Cirra wields a Nine Ring Dao named Stardust. The sword itself is expertly crafted - patterns of woven steel moving like waves across its surface. A slightly curved blade - broad at the tip and narrower at the crossguard, with a wrapped hilt. While fully capable of battle, the appearance is that of a ceremonial weapon: a long banner of purple silk stretches from the pommel, and nine glittering silver rings spaced even along the inner edge. While the rings clink merrily against the blade itself, they are in fact ethereal and pass through all other objects, and thus do not impede the thrusting or slashing capability of the blade.

Each ring of the blade is in fact forged by concentrated starlight - the fire of their birth, the cold of their isolation, and the dust scattered behind when their light finally gives out. Cirra needs to either be holding the sword, or have line-of-sight on it to activate its power. With a word, she can cause one ring at a time to shatter, releasing one of the three factors of their formation:

Fire: A river of white-hot fire spirals outwards from the sword up to 10 feet in diameter. At formation, it causes severe burns to exposed skin and catches mildly flammable materials on fire, but it loses potency as it travels outwards.

Cold: A frigid blast of air explodes outwards from the blade, frosting over exposed metals and causing mild to severe frostbite to exposed skin, with enough force to send an average person within reach of Cirra stumbling backwards. Small amounts of liquid within its range may also freeze over temporarily.

Dust: A cloud of black and silver dust spreads outward from the blade, covering up to 10 feet away in the next few seconds. It sparkles and glints like a nebulae, thick enough to severely hamper sight. Over time, the dust particles gradually dissolve - undisturbed this process takes several minutes, but the time is drastically shortened as people, objects, or wind impact the cloud.

Cirra herself is not harmed or otherwise impacted by the sword’s magic as long as she is holding it. The rings reform themselves after being left out under a sky of no moon, with no light but the stars to touch it.

Skills, Spells, Special Abilities
Royal Training:
Despite entering the Royal Guards through a rather circuitous path (and at a much older age than the typical trainee), Cirra’s devotion to her training allowed her to equal the skill of her peers. She is highly trained with the dao blade, a single-handed chopping and slicing weapon, and equally skilled in the required martial footwork that partners with it (supplemented by her own dancing abilities). While capable of complimenting the fighting style with a shield, she prefers not to due to the added weight. Additionally, the guards rely heavily on endurance training and emotional control - although Cirra will admit, at least to herself, that the latter is compromised for her if her ward is threatened.

Sky Dancing:
Blessed by the stars at birth, Cirra inherited the ability to literally “dance upon the air”. She can take upwards of a dozen steps without anything supporting her weight, and can dance as high into the air as she is tall. If at any point during her dance she reaches the extent of her steps, she descends lightly to the ground - although if someone or something were to “break” her steps, she would fall under standard gravity.

Elven Heritage:
Although her elvin ancestry is far enough back that Cirra is considered a full human, a few traits still remain. Excellent night vision and slightly improved speed are considered blessings, while slightly more fragiles bones and a slight sensitivity to extraordinarily bright light are banes. All other physical capabilities are on par with the average human.

"Do not forget the song of the stars, child. All else may fall to ruin - but they shine forever on."

Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/4/2022 20:49:21)

Our first arrival is here! Hoping for many more, keep those wheels turning!

@Starflame13 - Good to see you again, nice and early!

We clarified via PMs that Cirra’s Dust has no extra properties beyond what’s written, but may irritate the eyes or throat as normal dust does. We also clarified that “breaking” her steps refers to arresting/interrupting her movement while she is Sky Dancing.

With those clarifications in mind, Cirra Istan is nice and balanced already! I’m happy to accept her as our first entrant for this year’s Where Powers Collide! Approved!

Apocalypse -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/5/2022 22:54:01)

Title: The Unmakyr
Age: Millenia
Race: Dark Elf
Calling: Order


The Unmakyr, or Makyr as he’s become to be known, is a curious member of the dark elf race. Despite his lineage, Makyr’s skin is chalk-white with scarlet striations running along all the major muscles of his body. His long hair is softer in tone, more akin to fresh snowfall which contrasts with his pale red eyes. The sharp features of his face are accentuated by the fact that his hair is almost always pulled back into a ponytail. As per other members of his race, it is difficult to tell Makyr’s age as overall he has the appearance of a young man but his gaze carries a wisdom far older.

While overall the Unmakyr seems like a fit and healthy dark elf with unique skin colorations, closer inspection brings to light how his skin clings to his form as if stretched a size too tight. He has an athletic appearance, though the lack of body fat is less conscious decision for peak physique and more a consequence of circumstances. Nonetheless, the smith’s toned figure is born from years of swinging the hammer in the forge, training and wielding the weapons he’s made, and traveling the known world by foot.

In less remarkable metrics, the Unmakyr falls a few inches short of six feet, though has slightly longer arms for an elf of his size.


The Living Forge

Whether gifted by the divine or reached through pure mortal determination, the Unmakyr has managed to embody his livelihood in the ultimate fashion: the instant replication of a weapon. The original weapon must be within thirty feet of the Unmakyr as well as within his line of sight for him to trigger this ability. Attempting to create a second weapon will immediately dismiss the first back into nothingness, though Makyr can willingly dismiss a replicated weapon at any point in time. Replicas will also appear in his grasp, and those that use ammo will manifest with two mundane pieces of said ammunition. For example, a bow that imbues its arrows with fire will be replicated alongside two ordinary arrows. A final caveat to this ability is that Makyr can only ever replicate a weapon once. Any attempt to do so again will fail.

The replicated weapon has all properties of the original, including make, constructed material, and magical properties. It is completely indistinguishable from the original, with the exception that the Unmakyr is able to ignore any requirements of wielding the replica. For example, the dark elf can wield the replicated version of a sword enchanted to only be held by members of a particular noble family. Furthermore, the Unmakyr instantly knows all properties, both ordinary and extraordinary, of a weapon once he replicates it.

As for the classification of “weapon” that falls under the scope of this ability, it is determined by whether or not it is made for battle. A standard shield, while capable of bludgeoning enemies, is not designed to be a weapon. A special shield with razor sharp edges and with the capability of serving as a projectile would.


Makyr has trained with all the weapons he has ever made, which crosses all manners and styles. Though with the flow of time, skills with certain weapons wane as he improves with others. During this age, Makyr is most skilled with single-handed weapons, with a slight preference for ones based on finesse, and is on par with a master in this regard. He is next most proficient with weapons that have reach and rely on dexterity, namely spears and their large family tree. With these, he is considered an expert. In terms of other single-handed weapons like a traditional longsword, Makyr is only slightly above average. Lastly, he is more or less average when it comes to two-handed weapons relying on strength. With ranged weapons, he is a decent marksman but pales in comparison to true sharpshooters.
Notably, Makyr’s preferred style is to disarm his opponents, a feat which he is able to do while unarmed himself.


Despite his blurred vision, Makyr is able to identify weapons at a glance as well as some of their qualities (balance, make, presumed material, etc.). Furthermore, he is able to catch on to hidden or otherwise stowed-away weapons at a glance - such is his familiarity with weapons forged. This second part applies only to individuals within his range of clear vision (approximately fifteen feet).


Not an ability, but a detriment - Makyr was born with a form of albinism and “inversed” from his fellow dark elves. He is sensitive to bright light, with exposed skin becoming itchy in direct sunlight. In general, his vision starts to become blurry a few paces away. Curiously, weapons deviate from this as they retain their sharp and clear forms no matter the distance from the smith, though whether this is a magical side-effect of his abilities or caused by some other source is unknown to the smith himself.

Night Vision

As a dark elf, Makyr can see in complete darkness though cannot distinguish colors. He can see for about a hundred feet in any direction with his night vision.



A gleaming hammer of silver make yet simplistic design. It’s handle is wrapped in red leather for an unparalleled grip, and despite being a tool meant for forging it is undeniably well-balanced. Its material plucked from the infinite voids that devour stars, the forgehammer was once the apex creator of the smith’s arsenal but is now its greatest desecrater. As far as Makyr has been able to deduce, it is indestructible as neither battle nor attempt to destroy it has managed to leave a scratch. As such, with a clean hit the dark elf can put dents even in well-crafted armor. Arcane protections are not safe from its wrath, as the hammer has a suppressive effect against magical items that either dulls or completely neutralizes magical effects with successive hits. The first blow can nullify weak enchantments, the second average ones, the third strong ones, and the fourth and fifth those of a legendary nature. This is temporary, only lasting thirty seconds after which point the enchantment returns, though damage can be done during this period. Makyr has broken more than a few “invulnerable” shields via this method.
As a note, each "hit" has its own timer. If it takes two hits to disable an item's magical property, the item will return to a "dulled magical effect" state after the first hit wears off and back to full capacity after the second hit does as well.

Wear and Armor

The Unmakyr wears a thick black vest with charcoal grey trimmings. Metal plates are sewn within the layers of the vest, providing some much needed protection though this pales in comparison to proper armor. His boots are likewise steel-toed and reinforced, but his slick dark trousers lack any form of protection beyond that provided by casual cloth.

San Robin -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/6/2022 17:24:23)

Name/Title: Beau Reign
Alignment: Chaos
Age: 30
Race: Human
Appearance: Beau is by all means an ordinary man. Caucasian, with brown eyes and brown hair that’s tied into a man-bun. His clothes are simple rags that are easy to move in.
Equipment: Beau carries an ordinary sword and a shield with an indestructible diamond in the middle (this diamond is no larger than a gold piece). Underneath his clothes he wears some well-crafted but otherwise ordinary chainmail.

Skills, Spells, Special Abilities:

Sight: Beau has extraordinary sight allowing him to see things from far away and to spot details an ordinary man would not be able to. There is however a big drawback to his sight…

Swordsmanship: While it’s not his main ability, Beau is capable with a sword and shield. His strength, dexterity and swordsmanship are on par with that of an average soldier.

Colorblind: Beau is completely colorblind, not able to see colors in any way other than shades of grey.

So what are his powers?
Beau is a Prismmancer! he can use elemental attacks based on color! (uh oh!)

Nifty shades of Grey!: Beau is able to use one of the following colors to use as an attack or to use as a spell to affect his surroundings.
However due to his color blindness he is never quite sure if he uses the right one until the spell is already cast!

1. Red: Fire. Fire a red-hot beam of fire that lasts a couple of seconds and reaches up to 30 feet from him, this beam is no larger than the diamond it comes from (gold coin size), this can set fire to burnable objects.

2. Blue: Ice. a wave of frost covers the floor up to 15 feet in front of Beau making it extremely slippery. This can also be used to freeze nearby objects (up to 5 ft) and water. It’s able to Freeze certain materials to the ground though with a little bit of force this can be broken out of.

3. Green: Wind. This can be used to create a sharp gust of wind up to 20 ft away. this wind can cut through wood and packs quite a punch towards metal armor (though does not cut-through it)

4. Yellow: Electricity. a beam of electricity that lasts but a split second but travels great distances in that time (up to 60 ft). whoever is hit can be in for a shocking experience. extra effective on metal armor and other conductive substances.

5. Indigo: water. Sprays water up to 20 feet away This water becomes non-magical the second it hits the floor and is able to put out most fires in its reach

But you said he’s colorblind so how does THAT work?!
That’s the fun part! Whenever he uses this spell he (AKA me) must flip a coin to see if the right color is used! Heads: the spell goes as intended. Tails: another color is used.
When the coin lands on tails I will use the google RNG to decide on what color gets used instead.
The results of these coin flips and rolls will be screenshotted and posted in the appropriate chats.

Why are you like this?
Because I can.

Beau comes from simple beginnings, a country boy who grew up with great dreams! With his skills he could’ve become many things. He could’ve become a soldier, or a regular mage! but NO! His colorblind self decided to become a prismmancer instead!

It took years of training and a LOT of trial and error but at last he finally (somewhat) mastered the art of prismmancy!

And now he’s on a journey to prove that colorblind people can be prismmancers all the same! and what better place to do it than the arena of the Trials of the Fallen?

Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/6/2022 22:45:25)

Today we've got ourselves an ancient Weapon-Smith (and our second Night/Dark Elf) and a truly Chaotic Prisimmancer! Let's get started!

@Apocalypse - Welcome back! You never fail to deliver something interesting!

The Unmakyr is simplistic enough that I don’t see any glaring issues as far as balance goes. While I can't think of any at the moment, I would not be surprised if Living Forge’s replication possibly creates an odd circumstance that I can’t account for currently. However if we are prepared to deal with that on a case-by-case basis, I am not too worried about it.

With that in mind, The Unmakyr is ready to go, and I look forward to seeing which blades and staves he swings about in battle. Approved!

@San Robin - Now that's chaotic! You always manage to bring something hilarious to the table. Good to see Beau Reign and his odd bag of tricks!

The concept behind Nifty Shades is pretty neat! I just have a few questions about the ability as a whole, and then need some finer details for most of the different variations.

First up; is there any sort of cooldown period between uses, or is Beau able to just fire them off rapidly with no pause? If the latter is true, they will likely need to be toned down a bit, and it should be clear that he can’t do things like having Blue active alongside another color.

Secondly, is there any tell or visual cue that he is about to use one of the abilities, such as his diamond changing color? I tend to be wary of instantaneous abilities with no cues, especially with something as powerful as a beam of fire.

For the individual colors; what exactly is the range of Blue? Is it a cube that is 15-feet on each side, or a cone of some sort? How long does the ice last/does it stay until broken?

For Green, where does the gust of wind originate from? Does it start from Beau and travel to its destination, or is it a centralized gust at a specific location within 20 ft? Additionally, how large is the gust (Sword sized? Person sized?), and how does it interact with flesh? If it’s able to cut through skin as easily as wood, it may need to be weakened a bit, be visible in some way, or have another tell that makes it more avoidable.

For Yellow, does the beam pierce through targets, or stop after hitting something?

Finally, for Indigo. How much water is Beau producing? A couple gallons? A full sized wave? Is it released as a cone or more of a blast?

My last note is just a small warning about the random nature you intend to adopt. Be aware that if you follow it strictly, it could lock you into situations that are unfitting or problematic, though with the way you’ve approached this I think you’ll be fine. I’m excited to see how you make use of such a chaotic ability!

Once we have those added details for the different colors, we can re-examine their individual strengths if necessary. These additions should make it easier to visualize what exactly Beau is capable of!

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/7/2022 16:43:01)

Name/Title: Wyrnith Suraeko, the Carnivore
Alignment: Chaos
Age: Mid twenties
Race: Human (with Serpentine Ancestry)

“In this moment, nothing else matters. There’s just me, and you, and only one of us is walking away alive.”


There is a fine line between mortals and monsters, and Suraeko of house Wrynith proudly strides between the two. She stands around 5 feet, 7 inches. Her sun-tanned skin is littered with various patches and scars from long-recovered wounds. Her hair is a simple brown, extending straight to her neck without a curl. Suraeko’s eyes are mint green, her focus bouncing from one interest to another. Across her left cheek is a tattoo shaped like a tusk, the blue ink curving from her eye down to her jaw.

For armor, she wears a dark leather vest that extends out similar to a cloak. Strapped to her chest is a series of animal scales woven together to form a plate. Two smaller plates of scales adorn her shoulders, exposing some of her flesh. From the middle of her upper arm down, Suraeko wears a pair of heavy steel gauntlets. Underneath these gauntlets are a set of 6 sapphire rings, one each on her middle, ring, and index fingers. In the same fashion as her arms, she wears leather tights to allow for greater flexibility that lead into a pair of steel greaves. Various belts and leathers connect the pieces so that they remain in place.

Lastly, Suraeko wears a necklace of teeth. Attached to a long string, this necklace wraps around her neck several times. On close inspection, these teeth are of various sizes from different animals, including humans. They have been meticulously cleaned and sharpened to a point.


Blasting Glaive: Suraeko’s signature weapon, the Blasting Glaive is an enchanted arm capable of taking down even the mightiest of beasts. Made of blackened steel, the shaft is around 5 feet long with various runes etched along its length. At one end is a 2 foot long blade that curves into a sharp point, designed for both slashing and piercing. On the other end is a cross-like shape made of spikes. A pair of thick, 6 inch long spikes jutt out of the sides to form a horizontal line. Another spike forms the bottom of the cross, but it is separated in half by a small thin gap.

Instead of using ammunition or any physical mechanism, the Blasting Glaive draws upon Suraeko’s magical essence for its explosive effects. With a few seconds of intense focus, Suraeko can charge the Blasting Glaive. While charging, the Blasting Glaive will glow violently with blue energy. Suraeko must maintain her focus and physical contact with the Glaive; otherwise, all of the drawn energy will be wasted with no effect.

With each attempted charge of the Blasting Glaive, Suraeko will grow more fatigued. Without any outside aid or equipment, Suraeko can charge it three times without severe consequences. As a last ditch effort, Suraeko can attempt to charge it a fourth time, but this would likely cripple her, rendering her barely conscious and unable to move.

Once charged, Suraeko cannot store the energy for later use; it must immediately be used to perform one of the following actions or be wasted.

Explosive Shot: Suraeko can condense the charged energy from her Blasting Glaive’s tip, releasing a single large mass of energy akin to a mortar. Upon impact, the mass explodes in a 10 foot radius, igniting the area with a wave of heat and force. Furthermore, the loud detonation may potentially deafen anyone too close to the explosion.

Suppressive Fire: Instead of firing one large projectile, Suraeko can release the energy in the form of a curtain of magical bolts. When released, seven bolts of light scatter in a small arc in front of Suraeko. Upon impact, these bolts carry no kinetic energy. Rather, they shatter into a cloud of burning glass, potentially scarring and lacerating any exposed flesh at the point of impact.

Concussive Blast: Rather than firing a projectile, Suraeko can release the stored energy into a wave of pure force, blasting anything within a five-foot cone of the Blasting Glaive’s tip. Instead of outright harming someone, this heavy blast uses all of the energy to knock a target back. Even the heaviest of foes or objects could potentially be sent back a few feet. Alternatively, Suraeko can hold onto the glaive and release the Concussive Blast into the ground, propelling herself up to 20 feet in a direction with a burst of speed.

Mind Shocker: Lastly, Suraeko can use the condensed energy to potentially cripple mages or others sensitive to magical energies. Upon release, a wave of blue ethereal energy rushes from the Blasting Glaive in all directions, traveling up to 20 feet. This wave does not inherently have any destructive physical capabilities. Rather, the wave is composed of pure, chaotic mana. To those sensitive to magical energies, this would feel like a rush of noise. While the exact effects are dependent on the user and their circumstances, the Mind Shocker can potentially overload all of their senses. This could result in loss of focus, sensations of pain, or potentially even a short loss of abilities. Those closer to the center of the radius would suffer from more severe effects, while those on the outer edge would be disrupted less. As a final note, this blast only affects living creatures. While enchanted objects may flare up or otherwise react to the presence of the intense wave of mana, their functions would not be affected unless otherwise stated.

Knives of Recall: When the situation calls for more finesse, Suraeko possesses a set of six large hunting knives. Hooked to the belt at her waist, three of the knives are made of silver, while the other three are made of cold iron. They appear simple and ordinary for the most part, but each has a tiny sapphire embedded on the guard. Each of the daggers is attuned to a ring on Suraeko’s fingers (the silver for her left hand, cold iron on the right). With a small gesture, Suraeko can use these rings to beckon the daggers back to her.

The daggers must be within a 40 foot range for Suraeko to recall them. Once beckoned, the daggers will take a moment to spin and reorient themselves according to Suraeko’s intent before physically flying towards her hands. They travel in a straight line, taking the shortest path towards her ring. Once recalled, Suraeko cannot stop their momentum mid-flight, nor can she recall them again until she has physically touched them.

Recalling the daggers requires a negligible amount of focus and mana, relying on the inherit enchantment of the sapphire gems rather than Suraeko’s limited magical capabilities. However, if she is severely exhausted, her ability to control them can be lessened or completely compromised. Should the sapphire on either the ring or the dagger be sufficiently damaged, the enchantment fades, and Suraeko will not be able to recall that dagger.

Headhunter Armor: Suraeko’s armor is designed to allow for high mobility without compromising too much on protection. While made of ordinary materials, each piece of Suraeko’s armor is enchanted to be more resistant to catching fire or tearing. Lastly, her armor is adorned with “good luck charms,” various trinkets from previous kills. While they do not have any real warding effect, their presence inspires confidence in the Carnivore.

Other Traits/Abilities:---

Unknown to Suraeko, some of her notable traits are due to her serpentine ancestry. These genes have granted her several benefits. Suraeko is naturally adept at shrugging off poisons or toxins. She is able to hold her breath for much longer than the average human. Lastly, she possesses an enhanced sense of smell and sound. Notably, Suraeko can sense even the faintest scent of blood. Combined with her years of experience of hunting, she can track her foes with unparalleled ease.

Suraeko’s profession as a headhunter has honed her body to be both strong and agile. However, she possesses minimal magical skills. Whether it's due to a lack of talent, her unique genetics, or some other factor, her ability to sense and interact with magic as a whole is severely limited. She relies on her enchanted items to perform her supernatural abilities, ripping the raw energies from her body.

Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/8/2022 22:37:42)

Another day, another character! Let's begin!

Welcome back @Dragonknight315! Always good to see you bringing a fun character into the ring. Wrynith (as you have informed me is the correct spelling) is quite well balanced for having such a bombastic weapon! I have a few questions for clarification, a few numbers to dial back, and a general warning.

Starting with the warning; you have limited the Glaive to 3 shots under normal circumstances, with a fourth being usable with consequences. However, your character has 4 different abilities to use those shots on. This means that unless you take those consequences, we will not see everything your character has to offer. However if you choose to up the ammo count, I would likely pull back on the power of the abilities. There is also the option of exploring a more varied ammo system where you can use “partial” casts for less-powerful versions of abilities, though this may make tracking things confusing. As it stands the limited ammo is balanced, just be sure it will be fun for you to write with!

For the Glaive itself, I would like to know if it has a cooldown period of some sort between charges and blasts, as a few seconds on charge alone is likely too short if you’re able to just blast away at a single target 3 times with the mortar.

For individual abilities, I would like both Concussive Blast’s self-launch range and the radius of Mind Shocker lowered from 20 to 15 feet, just to tone them down a tad.

And lastly for the Knifes of Recall, what do they do if there is an obstacle (or a person) between them and Wrynith while being recalled, and how quickly do they move? Are they capable of puncturing through things that block them, or do they stop instead? Lastly, does Wrynith require line-of-sight to recall a dagger, or is she able to even if she can’t see where they are?

I really like what you have going here, just make sure you’ll enjoy writing a character with set limitations, or broaden those such that you can work as freely as you want to!

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/8/2022 23:59:17)

Round 2! Talked to Chewy to confirm a few things. I am fine with the current limited uses of the Blasting Glaive as is; I understand that without outside help, she won't likely be able to use all of them. We also discussed adding further clarifications to her Suppressive Fire. Other changes are boldened/underlined.

Name/Title: Wrynith Suraeko, the Carnivore
Alignment: Chaos
Age: Mid twenties
Race: Human (with Serpentine Ancestry)

“In this moment, nothing else matters. There’s just me, and you, and only one of us is walking away alive.”


There is a fine line between mortals and monsters, and Suraeko of house Wrynith proudly strides between the two. She stands around 5 feet, 7 inches. Her sun-tanned skin is littered with various patches and scars from long-recovered wounds. Her hair is a simple brown, extending straight to her neck without a curl. Suraeko’s eyes are mint green, her focus bouncing from one interest to another. Across her left cheek is a tattoo shaped like a tusk, the blue ink curving from her eye down to her jaw.

For armor, she wears a dark leather vest that extends out similar to a cloak. Strapped to her chest is a series of animal scales woven together to form a plate. Two smaller plates of scales adorn her shoulders, exposing some of her flesh. From the middle of her upper arm down, Suraeko wears a pair of heavy steel gauntlets. Underneath these gauntlets are a set of 6 sapphire rings, one each on her middle, ring, and index fingers. In the same fashion as her arms, she wears leather tights to allow for greater flexibility that lead into a pair of steel greaves. Various belts and leathers connect the pieces so that they remain in place.

Lastly, Suraeko wears a necklace of teeth. Attached to a long string, this necklace wraps around her neck several times. On close inspection, these teeth are of various sizes from different animals, including humans. They have been meticulously cleaned and sharpened to a point.


Blasting Glaive: Suraeko’s signature weapon, the Blasting Glaive is an enchanted arm capable of taking down even the mightiest of beasts. Made of blackened steel, the shaft is around 5 feet long with various runes etched along its length. At one end is a 2 foot long blade that curves into a sharp point, designed for both slashing and piercing. On the other end is a cross-like shape made of spikes. A pair of thick, 6 inch long spikes jutt out of the sides to form a horizontal line. Another spike forms the bottom of the cross, but it is separated in half by a small thin gap.

Instead of using ammunition or any physical mechanism, the Blasting Glaive draws upon Suraeko’s magical essence for its explosive effects. With a few seconds of intense focus, Suraeko can charge the Blasting Glaive. While charging, the Blasting Glaive will glow violently with blue energy. Suraeko must maintain her focus and physical contact with the Glaive; otherwise, all of the drawn energy will be wasted with no effect.

With each attempted charge of the Blasting Glaive, Suraeko will grow more fatigued. Without any outside aid or equipment, Suraeko can charge it three times without severe consequences. As a last ditch effort, Suraeko can attempt to charge it a fourth time, but this would likely cripple her, rendering her barely conscious and unable to move.

Once charged, Suraeko cannot store the energy for later use; it must immediately be used to perform one of the following actions or be wasted. After discharging the Blasting Glaive, Suraeko will need to take a moment to gather herself before attempting to recharge it.

Explosive Shot: Suraeko can condense the charged energy from her Blasting Glaive’s tip, releasing a single large mass of energy akin to a mortar. Upon impact, the mass explodes in a 10 foot radius, igniting the area with a wave of heat and force. Furthermore, the loud detonation may potentially deafen anyone too close to the explosion.

Suppressive Fire: Instead of firing one large projectile, Suraeko can release the energy in the form of a curtain of magical bolts. When released, seven bolts of light scatter in a small arc in front of Suraeko. Upon impact, these bolts carry no kinetic energy. Rather, they shatter into a magic cloud of burning glass, potentially scarring and lacerating any exposed flesh at the within a 2 foot radius of the point of impact. The glass is only tangible for a moment before vanishing.

Concussive Blast: Rather than firing a projectile, Suraeko can release the stored energy into a wave of pure force, blasting anything within a five-foot cone of the Blasting Glaive’s tip. Instead of outright harming someone, this heavy blast uses all of the energy to knock a target back. Even the heaviest of foes or objects could potentially be sent back a few feet. Alternatively, Suraeko can hold onto the glaive and release the Concussive Blast into the ground, propelling herself up to 15 feet in a direction with a burst of speed.

Mind Shocker: Lastly, Suraeko can use the condensed energy to potentially cripple mages or others sensitive to magical energies. Upon release, a wave of blue ethereal energy rushes from the Blasting Glaive in all directions, traveling up to 15 feet. This wave does not inherently have any destructive physical capabilities. Rather, the wave is composed of pure, chaotic mana. To those sensitive to magical energies, this would feel like a rush of noise. While the exact effects are dependent on the user and their circumstances, the Mind Shocker can potentially overload all of their senses. This could result in loss of focus, sensations of pain, or potentially even a short loss of abilities. Those closer to the center of the radius would suffer from more severe effects, while those on the outer edge would be disrupted less. As a final note, this blast only affects living creatures. While enchanted objects may flare up or otherwise react to the presence of the intense wave of mana, their functions would not be affected unless otherwise stated.

Knives of Recall: When the situation calls for more finesse, Suraeko possesses a set of six large hunting knives. Hooked to the belt at her waist, three of the knives are made of silver, while the other three are made of cold iron. They appear simple and ordinary for the most part, but each has a tiny sapphire embedded on the guard. Each of the daggers is attuned to a ring on Suraeko’s fingers (the silver for her left hand, cold iron on the right). With a small gesture, Suraeko can use these rings to beckon the daggers back to her. She does not require line of sight to recall the daggers, only a vague awareness that they are there.

The daggers must be within a 40 foot range for Suraeko to recall them. Once beckoned, the daggers will take a moment to spin and reorient themselves according to Suraeko’s intent before physically flying towards her hands. They travel in a straight line, taking the shortest path towards her ring. Once in motion, they move with the speed and strength as if a peak human had thrown them. If the dagger impacts something it could reasonably cut through, they will keep going; otherwise, they would stop, sticking to the target or clattering to the ground. If the dagger's path would the 40 foot radius, it would also begin to slow and clatter to the ground. Once recalled, Suraeko cannot stop their momentum mid-flight, nor can she recall them again until she has physically touched them.

Recalling the daggers requires a negligible amount of focus and mana, relying on the inherit enchantment of the sapphire gems rather than Suraeko’s limited magical capabilities. However, if she is severely exhausted, her ability to control them can be lessened or completely compromised. Should the sapphire on either the ring or the dagger be sufficiently damaged, the enchantment fades, and Suraeko will not be able to recall that dagger.

Headhunter Armor: Suraeko’s armor is designed to allow for high mobility without compromising too much on protection. While made of ordinary materials, each piece of Suraeko’s armor is enchanted to be more resistant to catching fire or tearing. Lastly, her armor is adorned with “good luck charms,” various trinkets from previous kills. While they do not have any real warding effect, their presence inspires confidence in the Carnivore.

Other Traits/Abilities:---

Unknown to Suraeko, some of her notable traits are due to her serpentine ancestry. These genes have granted her several benefits. Suraeko is naturally adept at resisting or shrugging off poisons or toxins. She is able to hold her breath for much longer than the average human. Lastly, she possesses an enhanced sense of smell and sound. Notably, Suraeko can sense even the faintest scent of blood. Combined with her years of experience of hunting, she can track her foes with unparalleled ease.

Suraeko’s profession as a headhunter has honed her body to be both strong and agile. However, she possesses minimal magical skills. Whether it's due to a lack of talent, her unique genetics, or some other factor, her ability to sense and interact with magic as a whole is severely limited. She relies on her enchanted items to perform her supernatural abilities, ripping the raw energies from her body.

San Robin -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/9/2022 9:12:09)

Name/Title: Beau Reign
Alignment: Chaos
Age: 30
Race: Human
Appearance: Beau is by all means an ordinary man. Caucasian, with brown eyes and brown hair that’s tied into a man-bun. His clothes are simple rags that are easy to move in.
Equipment: Beau carries an ordinary sword and a shield with an indestructible diamond in the middle (this diamond is no larger than a gold piece). Underneath his clothes he wears some well-crafted but otherwise ordinary chainmail.

Skills, Spells, Special Abilities:

Sight: Beau has extraordinary sight allowing him to see things from far away and to spot details an ordinary man would not be able to. There is however a big drawback to his sight…

Swordsmanship: While it’s not his main ability, Beau is capable with a sword and shield. His strength, dexterity and swordsmanship are on par with that of an average soldier.

Colorblind: Beau is completely colorblind, not able to see colors in any way other than shades of grey.

So what are his powers?
Beau is a Prismmancer! He can use elemental attacks based on color! (uh oh!)

Nifty shades of Grey!: Beau is able to use one of the following colors to use as an attack or to use as a spell to affect his surroundings.
However due to his color blindness he is never quite sure if he uses the right one until the spell is already cast!
He can only fire one of these spells at a time and needs at least 6 seconds to recharge for another one.
To fire a spell, it needs to charge for a second. in this second the diamond will glow in the corresponding color.

1. Red: Fire. Fire a red-hot beam of fire that lasts a couple of seconds and reaches up to 30 feet from him, this beam is no larger than the diamond it comes from (gold coin size), this can set fire to burnable objects.

2. Blue: Ice. A cone of frost covers the floor up to 15 feet in front of Beau making it extremely slippery. This can also be used to freeze nearby objects (up to 5 ft) and water. It’s able to Freeze certain materials to the ground though with a little bit of force this can be broken out of. This ice can be broken and melted by regular means but will disappear after 10 seconds OR if Beau casts another spell in the meantime.

3. Green: Wind. This can be used to create a sharp gust of wind that originated from the diamond and can be shot up to 20 ft away. This wind will be in the shape of a sickle that’s colored a shining green. It can cut through wood and packs quite a punch towards metal armor (though does not cut through it) The speed of this projectile is as fast as a thrown projectile (Think mid-level baseball pitcher)

4. Yellow: Electricity. a beam of electricity that lasts but a split second but travels great distances in that time (up to 60 ft but stops once it hits something). whoever is hit can be in for a shocking experience. extra effective on metal armor and other conductive substances.

5. Indigo: water. Sprays water up to 20 feet away for 3 seconds. The water will be like the stream from a water gun, but in the size of a gold coin originating from the diamond. There’s not enough force behind this to injure someone, but could be used to push people away a little bit if they are close enough. This water becomes non-magical the second it hits the floor and is able to put out most fires in its reach

But you said he’s colorblind so how does THAT work?!
That’s the fun part! Whenever he uses this spell he (AKA me) must flip a coin to see if the right color is used! Heads: the spell goes as intended. Tails: another color is used.
When the coin lands on tails I will use the google RNG to decide on what color gets used instead.
The results of these coin flips and rolls will be screenshotted and posted in the appropriate chats.

Why are you like this?
Because I can.

Beau comes from simple beginnings, a country boy who grew up with great dreams! With his skills he could’ve become many things. He could’ve become a soldier, or a regular mage! but NO! His colorblind self decided to become a prismmancer instead!

It took years of training and a LOT of trial and error but at last he finally (somewhat) mastered the art of prismmancy!

And now he’s on a journey to prove that colorblind people can be prismmancers all the same! and what better place to do it than the arena of the Trials of the Fallen?

nield -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/9/2022 10:32:32)

Name: Sterahl Kelolst

Age: 72 (Visually mid-30s)

Race: Vashtera. Vashterans are a species bearing a human form, the only obvious physical tell that they are not human being their overly long, sharp upper cuspids. By a quirk of their biology they possess greater physical strength than humans, but also bear distinct downsides from the same source.

Side: Order


Sterahl has the distinct look of having been out in the sun too long, with angry red skin that peels away in large swathes and faded black hair that falls about his shoulders. He stands at 190 centimetres with a stocky, well-muscled form. Striking blue eyes peer out from his face and a ready grin is somewhat marred by his long sharp pair of fangs. Incredibly striking about Sterahl’s appearance is what seems to be thousands upon thousands of tiny scars covering the entirety of his body, both forward and back.


Myrmidon: Sterahl’s coat and uniform as a Disciple of the Rose. The appearance is rather simple, a long coat with a high collar that extends down to just above Sterahl’s ankles. The lower portion of the coat is bisected at the back, from the waist all the way down, giving rise to two distinct leg sections. The coat is black with red trim. A large pattern of a rose bears prominently in the middle of the back.

Made from materials peculiar to Eronia, Myrmidons provide far more defence than their cloth appearance suggests against slashing and piercing attacks, turning most blades and requiring significant force to puncture, though provide no defence at all against bludgeoning attacks, additionally, a Myrmidon is no less flammable than most clothing. Sterahl is in the habit of half-wearing his Myrmidon, letting the upper half hang loose from his waist.

Kelkeraz: A Dwarf-steel claymore. Though bearing a fairly simple design, its construction from a metal infamously only workable by the greatest Dwarfish metalsmiths betrays the weapon’s true capabilities: Dwarf-steel is either completely unwieldable or allows for feats that seem to fly in the face of physics. Heavier than one would guess from a blade of its size and significantly sturdier than a normal steel blade would be, this claymore has absolutely no business being wielded by Sterahl as though it were a rapier, focusing on thrusting attacks and light slashes.

Mythryl scrap-dagger: Made from the wind-steel, this small dagger is poorly constructed, being rife with imperfections, rendering the dagger easily shattered by blunt force. Counter-intuitively, these imperfections allow the dagger to truly shine: Mythryl weapons require imperfections in order to contain winds within themselves, which can be used to either enhance their cutting edge, or released as a ranged ‘slicer’ attack. Sterahl is yet poor at controlling the winds, his ranged slicer attacks can only reach a few feet and bear no more cutting power than the dagger itself, additionally, Sterahl would need to concentrate the winds for several seconds to contain enough for a slicer attack, though he can keep the wind contained in the dagger without actively concentrating on it.


Blood disorder: Sitting at the core of the Vashtera’s identity as a species is their unique blood condition, which gives them some natural advantages such as their heightened physical strength and disadvantages such as a vulnerability to ultraviolet light. The condition activates during puberty and causes their bodies to stop producing blood, leaving them reliant on others for replenishment of blood cells.

This disorder is spread aggressively through every blood cell in their body: Introduction of a single drop of Vastheran blood into the body of another living being would impose this disorder on them within a few minutes unless all infected blood were removed from the body. Vashteran blood also clots almost immediately on exposure to air, even severe external wounds will cease bleeding (externally at any rate) within a few moments.

Ultraviolet vulnerability: Like all Vashterans, Sterahl bears a distinct weakness to ultraviolet light. Under natural ultraviolet light sources he attains serious sunburns within just minutes, but concentrated ultraviolet light could result in localised spontaneous ignition of his flesh.

Augmented strength: Sterahl’s strength is in excess of what it should be, based on his muscle mass.

Disciple’s training: Sterahl has spent the past 50-some years training under the Deity known as The Master of the Rose, training to master his chosen style, utilising a heavy blade in the manner of a light, thrusting-based blade, with a dagger in the off-hand.

Riftrunner -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/9/2022 13:29:57)

Name/Title: Aramyi
Pronounced: (e´ ræ´m- yi´)

Alignment: Order
Age Range:20-24
Race: Shornie

Appearance: Aramyi is a two foot tall Shornie. The Shornie are a race of magical beings who grow between 2-4 feet tall. They can outpace a human in running speed as well but not by a large margin since they are so small. Their power lies not in that of physicality but they are imbued with the power of Mother, a force quite like alchemy using the world's resources in equivalent exchange. Their average lifespan is much like that of a human. Shornie's usually hold some scarring on their face as a ritual of birth marking them as one of Mother's gifted. For this reason many Shornies tend to wear masks made from things around them. Some of these masks are passed down through the ages and hold unique abilities to the clan they belong to. The clan masks hold unique alchemical properties allowing them to hone their craft even further. These five masks are also said to come from the Mother herself and were worn by her. But they were wrong for there was a sixth mask made. The mask of Breath which was worn as a crown on the Mother. It allowed her to manipulate the alchemical makeup of the gas that surrounds them. This is the mask Aramyi's clan owns, but he can't use it. Yet.

Aramyi stands at two feet tall and weighs 73 pounds. While not muscular by any means he is thinner, lean and fast. He has red eyes like many other Shornie, fair auburn hair and a dark olive skin. He wears a light cloth vest and humble cloth shorts. He also wears many masks usually made from the things around him. The only thing he holds dear is a light chained crown affixed with a dull black gem that rests on his forehead. The scar given to him at birth is long and jagged going from the left corner of his lip, across his nose and ending at the corner of his right eye. He curses the priest who made it out of spite of his split race.

Equipment: Has a medium sized pack that holds his various traveling items as he wanders.
Water skin, Tinderbox, a sleeping sack, a tent, a few rations, a blank notebook, and a charred picture of his mother and a note on the back reading "Find your breath Aramyi"-Love ,Mom.

Special Abilities

Mother's gift of Alchemy: Aramyi can change and shift the surfaces around him to create inanimate weapons, armor, shelter and cover when he puts his palms together and touches a surface. He can not create any kind of life or complex machines in nature. He can make some tools and objects out of the material/surface he touches. When he does use his alchemy it will use his strength and his mask will crack (about 7-10 uses). When his mask shatters he must wait until sun up the next day to properly create a new one. Unfortunately for Aramyi he can only create things up to people and creature's knees. No matter the size it can never go past the knees of a person he can see. Aramyi himself does not understand this and blames it on his shortcomings as a split Shornie.

Mother's Breath: This ability allows Aramyi to change the makeup of gasses when his mask activates. The mask forms a gaseous seal around his face that is transparent showing his true face. He can blow ten bubbles before the mask will dissipate and need to charge at the next sunrise. These bubbles can drift with the wind and go a maximum distance of 40 ft away from Aramyi and will burst when they come into contact with an object. The mask is charged when the dull black gem shines like a Jet Medallion. Aramyi can make five different gasses with this mask. Hydrogen, Ammonia, Benzene, Oxygen, Methane

Hydrogen Gas: Explodes when in contact with Oxygen
Ammonia Gas: Burning of the eyes and nose
Benzene Gas: can cause drowsiness of dizziness
Oxygen: the air we breathe, also explodes when in contact with hydrogen
Methane Gas: Highly flammable gas

Personality/Backstory: Aramyi was seven when his father died from disease. His family was poor and mistreated due to the love of his Shornie mother and human father. His mother always kept him in good spirits and gave him his crown he wears. She taught him the ways of Alchemy and the Mother but never told him their clan title. Aramyi was orphaned by a house fire when he was seventeen. It took the life of his mother and the only thing he has left of her is the slightly charred picture. He has been living on his own ever since hoping to do some good in the world with his life as he wanders.

Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/10/2022 23:34:07)

We've got a newcomer, a returning face, and two approvals tonight!

@Dragonknight315 - Suraeko is looking good, can’t wait to see her glaive in action! Approved!

@San Robin - Changes look good, I’m excited to watch Beau Reign’s antics in action! Approved!

@Nield - Welcome back! Sterahl Kelolst is fairly simple yet effective, so I only have one thing to really touch on. We also clarified that Vashtera do not differ from Humans in terms of physical or mental capabilities beyond what is listed in your bio.

For the Vashtera Blood Disorder, in order to prevent possible frustrating situations, I would like two things added to it. The first is a tell of some sort, either physical feelings or visual, that a person is being affected by the Disorder as it spreads. The second is a second, more achievable way to prevent the spread instead of trying to remove a large amount of specific blood cells.

These changes can help make Sterahl a little less frustrating for another writer in the case that they start to become “Vashterified” with no way of stopping it.

@Riftrunner - Welcome! Nice to see a new face here! Aramyi is an interesting character that is capable of far more than his short stature suggests, so let’s get to making sure he’s not capable of too much!

My first note is a general warning. This character is clearly heavily inspired by Full Metal Alchemist. While inspiration is okay, some of the exact details in ability use are a little too close to being identical, so there will be some notes to change those and make your character stand out as himself more. I would also be careful when actually writing to not mirror moves or abilities from the show too closely.

For the race of Shornie’s, we clarified in PM’s that they match human capabilities, besides the included running speed. I would like this added to the bio, just for clarity’s sake.

In your appearance section you list that Aramyi uses many masks made from the things around him. Are each of these masks capable of being used for Aramyi’s abilities? If so, I would like to know how many Aramyi has on him at the start of the competition, recommending either only having one mask, or a single backup mask as long as the process of switching to a new one takes enough time.

First note for Mother’s Gift of Alchemy is that I would like the palm-clasping motion removed or changed for the above copyright concerns, though also because the odds of having both hands free to use your ability may be lower than you expect. I would also like to know where the objects made appear. Do they appear at his point of contact with a surface, or can he make them further away? Can his “contact” be any sort of physical contact, or does he need to touch the surface in a specific way? I am also assuming that as he uses his strength to create an object, he cannot rapidly create more than one without a small break in between, please let me know if I am incorrect on this account.

Also for his Gift of Alchemy, what happens to the original surface after an object is created? Does it return to normal, as he “duplicates” it’s matter, or does it leave a hole? If the latter, and in general, I would warn that some battlefields may not allow for easy manipulation of their terrain, which may possibly result in a location that you cannot utilize this ability in. I will inform you upon arena placement what the situation is.

For the size limitations, does this limit all dimensions of an object, or just the initial orientation it’s created in (I.E, a spear’s maximum length could not exceed the height of a person’s knees)? Additionally, your current wording suggests that Aramyi cannot create objects higher than the shortest knees he can see, though our conversations in DMs suggested the opposite, so I would likely change that wording to suggest as such.

Some notes on Mother’s Breath; is Aramyi capable of blowing multiple bubbles at once or multiple in rapid succession, or is there a small cooldown period between blown bubbles? I would also like to know how large the bubbles are. Finally, I presume that the Hydrogen bubbles only explode when in contact with pure oxygen, otherwise they’d immediately detonate. If this is correct, I would add that detail to the bio.

A final note is that usually characters with limited resources such as Aramyi have some way to defend themselves if they find themselves out of charges or unable to use their abilities. While it is not required, I recommend giving Aramyi a simple weapon or cantrip of some sort so they can continue to be offensive and defensive if they are not able to manipulate the arena or if they run out of charges.

Get these in to help make Aramyi stand out, and we can see if we need to take a second pass or not!

nield -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/11/2022 2:14:32)

Name: Sterahl Kelolst

Age: 72 (Visually mid-30s)

Race: Vashtera. Vashterans are a species bearing a human form, the only obvious physical tell that they are not human being their overly long, sharp upper cuspids. By a quirk of their biology they possess greater physical strength than humans, but also bear distinct downsides from the same source.

Side: Order


Sterahl has the distinct look of having been out in the sun too long, with angry red skin that peels away in large swathes and faded black hair that falls about his shoulders. He stands at 190 centimetres with a stocky, well-muscled form. Striking blue eyes peer out from his face and a ready grin is somewhat marred by his long sharp pair of fangs. Incredibly striking about Sterahl’s appearance is what seems to be thousands upon thousands of tiny scars covering the entirety of his body, both forward and back.


Myrmidon: Sterahl’s coat and uniform as a Disciple of the Rose. The appearance is rather simple, a long coat with a high collar that extends down to just above Sterahl’s ankles. The lower portion of the coat is bisected at the back, from the waist all the way down, giving rise to two distinct leg sections. The coat is black with red trim. A large pattern of a rose bears prominently in the middle of the back.

Made from materials peculiar to Eronia, Myrmidons provide far more defence than their cloth appearance suggests against slashing and piercing attacks, turning most blades and requiring significant force to puncture, though provide no defence at all against bludgeoning attacks, additionally, a Myrmidon is no less flammable than most clothing. Sterahl is in the habit of half-wearing his Myrmidon, letting the upper half hang loose from his waist.

Kelkeraz: A Dwarf-steel claymore. Though bearing a fairly simple design, its construction from a metal infamously only workable by the greatest Dwarfish metalsmiths betrays the weapon’s true capabilities: Dwarf-steel is either completely unwieldable or allows for feats that seem to fly in the face of physics. Heavier than one would guess from a blade of its size and significantly sturdier than a normal steel blade would be, this claymore has absolutely no business being wielded by Sterahl as though it were a rapier, focusing on thrusting attacks and light slashes.

Mythryl scrap-dagger: Made from the wind-steel, this small dagger is poorly constructed, being rife with imperfections, rendering the dagger easily shattered by blunt force. Counter-intuitively, these imperfections allow the dagger to truly shine: Mythryl weapons require imperfections in order to contain winds within themselves, which can be used to either enhance their cutting edge, or released as a ranged ‘slicer’ attack. Sterahl is yet poor at controlling the winds, his ranged slicer attacks can only reach a few feet and bear no more cutting power than the dagger itself, additionally, Sterahl would need to concentrate the winds for several seconds to contain enough for a slicer attack, though he can keep the wind contained in the dagger without actively concentrating on it.

Conversion-disruption syringes: Given to him by his cousin, these syringes will, when injected into someone currently undergoing conversion into a Vashtera, cause the conversion to stop and return them to their normal biology. Sterahl has four of these syringes.


Blood disorder: Sitting at the core of the Vashtera’s identity as a species is their unique blood condition, which gives them some natural advantages such as their heightened physical strength and disadvantages such as a vulnerability to ultraviolet light. The condition activates during puberty and causes their bodies to stop producing blood, leaving them reliant on others for replenishment of blood cells.

This disorder is spread aggressively through every blood cell in their body: Introduction of a single drop of Vastheran blood into the body of another living being would impose this disorder on them within a few minutes unless all infected blood were removed from the body. Someone undergoing conversion can feel the effect spreading in their body, gaining increased strength in affected areas. Vashteran blood also clots almost immediately on exposure to air, even severe external wounds will cease bleeding (externally at any rate) within a few moments.

Ultraviolet vulnerability: Like all Vashterans, Sterahl bears a distinct weakness to ultraviolet light. Under natural ultraviolet light sources he attains serious sunburns within just minutes, but concentrated ultraviolet light could result in localised spontaneous ignition of his flesh.

Augmented strength: Sterahl’s strength is in excess of what it should be, based on his muscle mass.

Disciple’s training: Sterahl has spent the past 50-some years training under the Deity known as The Master of the Rose, training to master his chosen style, utilising a heavy blade in the manner of a light, thrusting-based blade, with a dagger in the off-hand.

Riftrunner -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/11/2022 17:11:56)

Name/Title: Aramyi
Pronounced: (e´ ræ´m- yi´)

Alignment: Order
Age Range:20-24
Race: Shornie
Appearance: Aramyi is a two foot tall Shornie. The Shornie are a race of magical beings who grow between 2-4 feet tall. They can outpace a human in running speed as well but not by a large margin since they are so small. Shornies are comparable to humans in every other regard. Their power lies not in that of physicality but they are imbued with the power of Mother, a force quite like alchemy using the world's resources in equivalent exchange. Their average lifespan is much like that of a human. Shornie's usually hold some scarring on their face as a ritual of birth marking them as one of Mother's gifted. For this reason many Shornies tend to wear masks made from things around them. Some of these masks are passed down through the ages and hold unique abilities to the clan they belong to. The clan masks hold unique alchemical properties allowing them to hone their craft even further. These five masks are also said to come from the Mother herself and were worn by her. But they were wrong for there was a sixth mask made. The mask of Breath which was worn as a crown on the Mother. It allowed her to manipulate the alchemical makeup of the gas that surrounds them. This is the mask Aramyi's clan owns, but he can't use it. Yet.

Aramyi stands at two feet tall and weighs 73 pounds. While not muscular by any means he is thinner, lean and fast. He has red eyes like many other Shornie, fair auburn hair and a dark olive skin. He wears a light cloth vest and humble cloth shorts. He also wears many masks usually made from the things around him. The only thing he holds dear is a light chained crown affixed with a dull black gem that rests on his forehead. The scar given to him at birth is long and jagged going from the left corner of his lip, across his nose and ending at the corner of his right eye. He curses the priest who made it out of spite of his split race.

Equipment: Has a medium sized pack that holds his various traveling items as he wanders.
Water skin, a slingshot, Tinderbox, a sleeping sack, a tent, a few rations, a blank notebook, and a charred picture of his mother and a note on the back reading "Find your breath Aramyi"-Love ,Mom.
In addition to this he carries around a small sack of chalk that he keeps to draw alchemical circles, and a bag of medium sized stones for his slingshot.

Special Abilities

Mother's gift of Alchemy: Aramyi can change and shift the surfaces around him to create inanimate weapons, armor, shelter and cover when he draws any kind of circle on a surface he touches. This circle allows him to grab the matter within the circle and reshape it. He can not create any kind of life or complex machines in nature. He can make some tools and objects out of the material/surface he touches. This uses the matter of the surface he touches as he can not create only reshape. When he does use his alchemy it will use his strength and vitality (about 7-10 uses). Unfortunately for Aramyi he can only create things up to people and creature's knees. No matter the size it can never go past the knees of the tallest person he can see within 100 feet. Aramyi himself does not understand this and blames it on his shortcomings as a split Shornie.

Mother's Breath: This ability allows Aramyi to change the makeup of gasses when his mask activates. The mask forms a gaseous seal around his face that is transparent showing his true face. He can blow ten bubbles before the mask will dissipate and need to charge at the next sunrise. The bubbles are a size of a quarter. These bubbles can drift with the wind and go a maximum distance of 40 ft away from Aramyi and will burst when they come into contact with an object. The mask is charged when the dull black gem shines like a Jet Medallion. Aramyi can make five different gasses with this mask. Hydrogen, Ammonia, Benzene, Oxygen, Methane

Hydrogen Gas: Explodes when in contact with Oxygen upon bursting.
Ammonia Gas: Burning of the eyes and nose
Benzene Gas: can cause drowsiness of dizziness
Oxygen: the air we breathe, also explodes when in contact with hydrogen
Methane Gas: Highly flammable gas

Personality/Backstory: Aramyi was seven when his father died from disease. His family was poor and mistreated due to the love of his Shornie mother and human father. His mother always kept him in good spirits and gave him his crown he wears. She taught him the ways of Alchemy and the Mother but never told him their clan title. Aramyi was orphaned by a house fire when he was seventeen. It took the life of his mother and the only thing he has left of her is the slightly charred picture. He has been living on his own ever since hoping to do some good in the world with his life as he wanders.

Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/11/2022 21:37:32)

Not much to say today, just getting the notes out. Keep those bios coming!

@nield - Blood Disorder is still too strong. The added syringes do not fix the issue, as there is nothing stopping Sterahl from simply destroying them or tossing them. If you would like to maintain the current restrictions, I would change how the ability works greatly. For example, instead of making it a permanent affliction, it could be a growing effect that fades over time unless additional doses of blood are applied. If you want to keep it permanent, I would greatly increase the amount of effort it takes to convert somebody, rather than just a single drop of blood. There also needs to be a reasonable way to prevent the spread or reverse the process that the affected character is capable of performing, rather than them being reliant on something Sterahl himself has. You could also change the effect of the blood to be localized pain or other effects rather than a permanent, transformative infection. This would allow you more leeway on making the cures more limited, as pain can be pushed through or healed.

Let’s get these changes made so we can ensure we’re not unfairly dooming other characters to their fates if they get infected and then Sterahl is nowhere to be found.

@Riftrunner - Thanks for making the changes and clarifications! We also confirmed via PM that Aramyi has to take breaths between blowing bubbles, but can otherwise blow until they hit their listed limit. Aramyi is approved!

nield -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/12/2022 15:19:56)

Name: Sterahl Kelolst

Age: 72 (Visually mid-30s)

Race: Vashtera. Vashterans are a species bearing a human form, the only obvious physical tell that they are not human being their overly long, sharp upper cuspids. By a quirk of their biology they possess greater physical strength than humans, but also bear distinct downsides from the same source.

Side: Order


Sterahl has the distinct look of having been out in the sun too long, with angry red skin that peels away in large swathes and faded black hair that falls about his shoulders. He stands at 190 centimetres with a stocky, well-muscled form. Striking blue eyes peer out from his face and a ready grin is somewhat marred by his long sharp pair of fangs. Incredibly striking about Sterahl’s appearance is what seems to be thousands upon thousands of tiny scars covering the entirety of his body, both forward and back.


Myrmidon: Sterahl’s coat and uniform as a Disciple of the Rose. The appearance is rather simple, a long coat with a high collar that extends down to just above Sterahl’s ankles. The lower portion of the coat is bisected at the back, from the waist all the way down, giving rise to two distinct leg sections. The coat is black with red trim. A large pattern of a rose bears prominently in the middle of the back.

Made from materials peculiar to Eronia, Myrmidons provide far more defence than their cloth appearance suggests against slashing and piercing attacks, turning most blades and requiring significant force to puncture, though provide no defence at all against bludgeoning attacks, additionally, a Myrmidon is no less flammable than most clothing. Sterahl is in the habit of half-wearing his Myrmidon, letting the upper half hang loose from his waist.

Kelkeraz: A Dwarf-steel claymore. Though bearing a fairly simple design, its construction from a metal infamously only workable by the greatest Dwarfish metalsmiths betrays the weapon’s true capabilities: Dwarf-steel is either completely unwieldable or allows for feats that seem to fly in the face of physics. Heavier than one would guess from a blade of its size and significantly sturdier than a normal steel blade would be, this claymore has absolutely no business being wielded by Sterahl as though it were a rapier, focusing on thrusting attacks and light slashes.

Mythryl scrap-dagger: Made from the wind-steel, this small dagger is poorly constructed, being rife with imperfections, rendering the dagger easily shattered by blunt force. Counter-intuitively, these imperfections allow the dagger to truly shine: Mythryl weapons require imperfections in order to contain winds within themselves, which can be used to either enhance their cutting edge, or released as a ranged ‘slicer’ attack. Sterahl is yet poor at controlling the winds, his ranged slicer attacks can only reach a few feet and bear no more cutting power than the dagger itself, additionally, Sterahl would need to concentrate the winds for several seconds to contain enough for a slicer attack, though he can keep the wind contained in the dagger without actively concentrating on it.


Blood disorder: Sitting at the core of the Vashtera’s identity as a species is their unique blood condition, which gives them some natural advantages such as their heightened physical strength and disadvantages such as a vulnerability to ultraviolet light. The condition activates during puberty and causes their bodies to stop producing blood, leaving them reliant on others for replenishment of blood cells.

This disorder is spread aggressively through every blood cell in their body: Introduction of a single drop of Vastheran blood into the body of another living being would impose this disorder on them within a few minutes unless all infected blood were removed from the body. Someone undergoing conversion can feel the effect spreading in their body, gaining increased strength in affected areas. Vashteran blood also clots almost immediately on exposure to air, even severe external wounds will cease bleeding (externally at any rate) within a few moments.

Secondary blood disorder: During his younger years, Sterahl acquired a second blood condition, whose incommunicability has overridden the natural Vashteran blood’s aggressive conversion: Introduction of Sterahl’s blood into an individual will not convert them into a Vashtera, but will instead induce nausea and feelings of weakness, directly proportional to the amount of blood intaken; with a few drops causing an ill feeling and lightheadedness, to a couple ccs causing instant vomiting, aching in the bones and difficulty moving. The duration is also proportional to the intake amount, lasting a few seconds with a few drops, to a few minutes with a few ccs.

Ultraviolet vulnerability: Like all Vashterans, Sterahl bears a distinct weakness to ultraviolet light. Under natural ultraviolet light sources he attains serious sunburns within just minutes, but concentrated ultraviolet light could result in localised spontaneous ignition of his flesh.

Augmented strength: Sterahl’s strength is in excess of what it should be, based on his muscle mass.

Disciple’s training: Sterahl has spent the past 50-some years training under the Deity known as The Master of the Rose, training to master his chosen style, utilising a heavy blade in the manner of a light, thrusting-based blade, with a dagger in the off-hand.

Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/14/2022 0:12:52)

@nield - Thank you for the changes, Sterahl is approved!

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/15/2022 12:59:41)

Name: Hydna
Codename: Fury Five
Alignment (Order or Chaos): Order
Age Range: early 20s
Race: Human
Pretty if not beautiful young woman. Notably has an innocence her older colleagues have lost long ago.
Golden brown hair tied in an ornate halo braid.
Height: 5'5"
(a rather unimpressive height that only barely passed the height requirements during the screening process)

Rough visual description here, since it has many components.
Pilot jumpsuit is standard issue for Fury Squadron.
(As the squadron's newest member, Fury Five has not yet had opportunity to customize her suit.)
Suit is lightly armored, with the armored sections comprised of a material akin to thick, light plastic, colored white straight off the assembly line.
This kind of plating appears on upper chest, as padding on upper arms, as vambraces on forearms (with slight extensions to cover elbows), and as plating around thighs and on boots.
Everywhere else, suit is similar to the light, puffy material of a padded coat.

Suit has a retractable helmet that can be pulled up by glancing down at the mini-monitor mounted on chest armor.
The monitor is made of a metallic material, protecting it from external physical damage.
When helmet is pulled up, it acts as an enviromental filter, protecting user from noxious enviromental hazards and even phenomena that trigger by eye contact, as the helmet's visual feed comes from sensors rather than a simple viewplate.
However because of this, suit's helmet when activated drains the power cell.
While not at a high rate, this prevents user from keeping her helmet on all the time.


Power cell:
The crash has damaged suit's power cell, causing it to drain at alarming rates.
However, upon entrance into this new dimension, it is now able to replenish its charge over time.
The power cell's charge determines whether she can use some of her other equipment.

Suit support AI:
Suit is accompanied by a rudimentary AI that recites suit's status and other measurements auditorily.
Most of the time, AI warns about power cell's energy levels.
AI can also tell her certain details about things she is looking at, such as an opponent's height or material of their clothing/weapons, most of which are largely useless trivia.

Rocket boots:
Suit's rocket boots provide a vertical boost to launch user up to her own height into the air.
Cannot be used in quick succession, needing a short cooldown time.
Cannot be used in midair; must be in contact with a surface in order to activate.
Takes a chunk out of power cell's charge per use.

Utility flashlight:
Extremely bright flashlight for midspace repairs, designed to illuminate even in the darkness of deep space.
After the crash, flashlight flickers unsteadily, being only capable of temporary bright flashes of white light.
Although not harmful, if someone were to get caught in the beam of light it can obscure their vision in a field of white for a few seconds.
Each bright flash makes the flashlight dimmer and drains a moderate amount of charge from the power cell.


Liquid cable launcher:
Located on top of left forearm guard is a liquid cable launcher, a mechanical grapple gun that uses "liquid" cable instead of coils of solid rope.
"Liquid" cable solidifies into a stiff rod instantly upon contact with air, and reliquifies when retracted.
When fired, the end of the liquid cable latches onto a solid surface or object harmlessly without damaging it, using a mechanism that resembles a blunt claw.

The liquid cable launcher can be used in two ways:
1) Pull mode
In this event, if user latches onto something heavier than themselves, they are pulled toward it; conversely lighter objects are pulled toward them.
2) Swing mode
In this event, it is used to create a pivot point at the point of grapple, allowing user to swing about in wide arcs.
Note: The liquid cable cannot be cut but can be bent. In this event, additional pivot points are created, changing the user's path.

Operating range: 20 feet

Savager handgun:
The Savager handgun is a heavy, emergency sidearm designed for use in the case when ammunition supplies are utterly depleted.
The Savager is able to condense dirt, rocks, and other assorted debris into bullets about the size of a palm-sized river stone. To load the Savager, the user simply mashes said debris into its rotary chambers.
Although rocks fired by the Savager are still very powerful, it's unlikely to be lethal. Against leather armor they would cause heavy bruising, and against unprotected limbs they would crack weaker bones. A shot in the chest should knock the wind out of an average person.
The range is about similar to a longbow, but the speed of the projectile is slightly faster than one. Someone a distance away would be able to dodge the projectile.
The Savager can hold six rounds at any time. Rapid firing is not recommended due to the recoil decreasing accuracy with each successive shot.

Additionally, the Savager has two downward pointing blades on its muzzle for use in close quarters. Attack types include swinging slashes and "punches." Even if the blades don't make contact, the handgun's weight makes it usuable as a club.

Ideally, the Savager should be used to stun from a distance, then close in for the kill.

Skills, Spells, Special Abilities:
Military training:
Hydna ought to be calm and composed even in impending danger, thinking tactically to dispatch or escape converging enemies, expected as she graduated from New Masters' University.
Psychological profile indicates otherwise.

Evasive maneuvers:
Due to her stature making her a less than ideal combatant, Fury Squadron commander Thyone trained Hydna to move evasively against her larger opponents.
She tends to curl into a ball to roll and flip out of the way of danger.

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/15/2022 17:11:42)

Addendum for Hydna: When she enters the arena, the Savager is filled with 6 bullets, and she has a fistful of dirt in one of her utility pockets enough for another 3 rounds.

Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/16/2022 10:52:58)

One week remains to sign up! Get those bios in!

@ChaosRipjaw - Welcome back! We confirmed the following in PMs about Hydna's launcher:

- launcher can only pull stuff that's relatively "lighter" than her but also somewhat smaller, like other guns or swords or whatever
- if the latched object is anchored to the ground or something that prevents it from being moved, then Hydna will get pulled toward it (so yes if she can't pull it normally, neither can the launcher)
- the heavier a pulled object is, the longer it takes to pick up momentum before it reaches the same speed of pulling a light object

With those clarifications, Hydna is approved!

roseleaf320 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/19/2022 22:19:17)

True Name: Zatmeni of the Diurnal Cycle
Currently Used Names: Nox and Heme
Age: 27
Race: Half human, half minotaur
Pronouns: She/her
Alignment: Chaos

Background: Zatmeni is a former Priestess of the Diurnal Cycle; part of an organization that maintains the natural rotation between day and night. Zatmeni was specifically part of their martial program, which was dispatched at times in more dangerous areas to account for the possibility of attackers (humanoid, beast, or other).

Two Sides of the Same Moon: Because of a disaster several years ago, Zatmeni’s personality has split in two. One personality (Heme) is tied to her Day magic and left side, while the other (Nox) is tied to her Night magic and right side. While Zatmeni has given each personality separate voices in her mind, and these sides may interact with each other as if they are separate entities, both are different aspects of the same, single person. They share the same knowledge, body, and consciousness, as they are both Zatmeni.

Appearance: Zatmeni is a muscular humanoid woman standing about 5’8”. Glaringly obvious, Zatmeni’s figure, including her skin, hair, and aspects of her clothing, is divided into two entirely different halves. Both sides have mirrored tattoo-like marks framing her face and decorating the rest of her body that cause her body to glow slightly when Zatmeni is focusing on that side of her body. Her face is human, but her ears, two legs, and tail are bovine, with white and rust-colored fur. She has two dark horns extending from her forehead; the one on her left side has been partially broken off. A scar runs across her nose, equal in length on both sides of her face. Behind her head, worked tightly into her hair (and perhaps her scalp) so much that it cannot be removed is a metal halo; on its right, silver side, it curves upwards at the end like half of an upside-down crescent moon, while its left, golden-bronze side is a full semi-circle with three triangles like sun rays.

Zatmeni’s right side is dominated by silver, cool azure and a dull lavender tint. The right side of her hair is silver and lifts upwards, as if gelled, before curving down and ending at about chin-length. Her right eye glows a silvery blue and the right side of her lips are painted a dark gray. Zatmeni’s left side is more warm gold and bronze in color; her bright orange hair falls slightly past her shoulders, with a braid falling in front of her face and another worked sideways from her ear to the back of her scalp. Her left eye glows a bright bronze, and the left side of her lips are painted a dark orange.

Zatmeni wears half-plate armor that seamlessly changes from normal, darker silver on her right side to a pale gold on her left. In the center of her chest is a small symbol that looks almost like a “completed” version of her headpiece: a crescent curving underneath and to the right of a full circle with spikes radiating from it. Her right shoulder is covered in simple chainmail, while her left shoulder is covered with a plate pauldron with three small spikes coming from it. Her right side arm has a bulkier gauntlet which protects her right hand, while her left arm has a bracer placed slightly higher on her forearm which protects her up to her wrist but leaves her hand free. Her thighs, knees, and forelegs are protected by three separate plate pieces, and her hooves are bare. She wears a layer of cloth between the plated parts of her armor and the chainmail (most obviously shown on her sides, collarbone, and arms). This cloth also falls from the sides and front of her waist. It is various shades of blue, purple, and gray, outlined with silver on her right side; fading in a gradient to shades of red, orange, and yellow on her left side, outlined with bronze.

General Abilities: Zatmeni’s minotaur heritage gives her strength and endurance above that of an average human; she would be about equal with a very skilled human wrestler. Her sense of smell is particularly good; she can smell the scent of individual creatures, and can identify their general direction, and whether they are close or far, from about 30 feet away. Her hearing is slightly above average, but her eyesight is below average; she struggles to identify small details unless someone is close up, though she can still see colors and movement even from far away, and can see general details and outlines from about 30 ft away. Her other skills, such as speed and reaction time, are similar to those of an average human soldier. She has received substantial training in heavy weaponry, though her particular style of fighting one-handed is her own creation. She can throw daggers with relatively good accuracy up to 20 feet; past that, her accuracy drops, and she cannot hit a target further than 60 feet from her.


Nychthemeron: in her right hand, Zatmeni wields a heavy, sword-like weapon approximately 3 feet in length. The body of the sword is blunt, but it possesses a wide, curved tip similar to an axe blade that is sharpened. The weapon’s weight allows Zatmeni to generate significant force with it, but it also causes her to swing it incredibly slowly. Because she holds it with one hand, her grip on it is relatively easy to break.

Armor of the Diurnal Cycle: Zatmeni’s half-plate armor has no special properties: it can be penetrated, melted, or destroyed by magical or physical means that would do so to normal plate armor. Plating covers her chest, stomach, waist, back, and left shoulder; the outside of her forearms, upper arms, and right hand; her forelegs; and the front of her knees.


Circadian Rhythm: Zatmeni expends energy to use her Day and Night abilities. Her energy expenditure is increased if she uses two abilities of the same type (Day or Night) one right after the other, and attempting this strategy will exhaust her quickly. Using abilities of alternating types expends less energy, and she will be able to stay in the fight for longer. She may use a maximum of two abilities simultaneously (from either or both Day and Night), with a greatly increased energy cost.

Syzygy: Instead of using one kind of magic for a spell, Zatmeni can supplement a spell using both Day and Night magic, creating additional effects. These effects are designated as “Syzygy” effects listed after each ability. These have a slightly increased energy cost, cannot be used simultaneously with another spell, and Zatmeni is only able to use a Syzygy ability once every 20 seconds.


Aurora: Zatmeni can use her light magic to create a shield radiating out from the back of her left wrist. The shield is a circle approximately 4 ft in diameter. It can withstand one heavy, bludgeoning attack; two lighter, slashing attacks; or one magical attack of similar strength to a physical strike before it disappears.

Syzygy: Zatmeni can supplement this with her night magic to add a foot-long spike to the shield.

Sunstroke: Zatmeni manifests a dagger of light in her left hand which can be held or thrown. Wounds created by this dagger bleed significantly less than normal, but cause a sharp burning sensation as if the victim had been exposed to a hot flame. The dagger drains a small amount of energy from Zatmeni as long as it is active; the dagger disappears when Zatmeni drops the spell.

Syzygy: Zatmeni instead creates a bow, with a notched arrow possessing the same properties as Sunstroke’s daggers.
She can maintain good accuracy up to 80 ft. If Zatmeni’s right hand is still holding her greatsword, a spectral right arm appears to pull back the bowstring.

Apricity: Zatmeni creates a small glowing ball in her hand which, when pressed to an injury, can temporarily stop bleeding and dull pain from that specific injury. This effect fades naturally over the span of a minute or so. If the wound is bleeding severely, bleeding will slow, but will not be fully stopped; pain from slight wounds may dissipate almost entirely, but pain from severe wounds will still be significant.

Syzygy: Zatmeni completely cauterizes a wound, causing significant pain, but preventing further bleeding from the wound entirely.


Evenfall: Zatmeni charges up her magic for several seconds before summoning her sword to materialize in her hand, regardless of where it currently is.

Syzygy: The weapon materializes ignited with Penumbra’s syzygy.

Penumbra: Zatmeni growls, and her weapon ignites in dark blue smoke. If the blade slices someone while this is active, the smoke can work its way into the wound, causing an additional burning or cramping sensation. If Zatmeni is without her sword, this ability instead is applied to her right fist, manifesting a smokey, axe-like blade over knuckles which she can use to slice instead. This ability continuously drains a small amount of energy as long as it is active.

Syzygy: In addition to smoke, Zatmeni’s weapon is wreathed in fire.

Achlys: Zatmeni expels smoke from her nose which rapidly expands to obscure the area within 10 ft of her. It has all the properties of normal smoke; it may cause slight burning in the throat when inhaled, but is not otherwise harmful. The smoke also disrupts Zatmeni’s sense of smell, making it hard for her to identify smells or their location of origin.

Syzygy: Zatmeni can see through the smoke as if in very dim light.

Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/20/2022 23:51:16)


@Roseleaf320 - Welcome back! Zatmeni (Nox and Heme?) is/are a very cool character with a variety of well-balanced abilities! We discussed the following clarifications about various abilities in PM:

Zatmeni is not able to recharge her energy. Once she’s out, she’s out.
Using Evenfall’s Syzygy is it’s own ability, not like casting it and Penumbra one after another.
Apricity’s lingering effect is not considered an active effect.
Finally, Penumbra’s fire does not melt Zatmeni’s blade into a puddle, and Zatmeni is impacted by her own smoke.

With those clarifications made, Zatmeni is approved!

GodJank -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/21/2022 1:59:33)

Name/Title: Shen

Alignment (Order or Chaos): Order

Age Range: 15

Race: Human

Appearance (Build, hair, skin, clothes, etc.): He has a slim and well-trained body, easily reaching peak human physicality, thought he is fairly short. He has narrow eyes and spiky black hair, and wears a simple blue robe with a brown obi sash tied around his waist. Underneath his robes are bandages tightly wrapped around his elbows, knees, chest and extremities (hands and feet) to protect himself while attacking, though this doesn't seem to restrict his movement. This is akin to boxers wrapping their hands.

Equipment (Armor, Weapons, etc.): Shen is a simple boy, and only carries with him a duffle bag. Inside it are spare clothes and preserved food such as hardtacks, smoked meats and a hand-sized cask with fermented honey water. *Snip*Shen dislikes drinking it, as it makes him feel ''fuzzy''. The content of his duffle bag changes however, as he will often replace or bring new things as he visits new locations.

Skills, Spells, Special Abilities: Aura Manipulation.
Shen can create, shape and manipulate aura, the invisible etheric emanation produced by and surrounding a person or object. Aura is the energy that is formed from one's achievement of spiritual power through extreme mental focus and strong emotions. His auras are based on the 7 primary chakras according to Hindu tantrism, and thus there are potentially 7 different abilities he has access to. However, these are mostly triggered by strong emotions or intense stimuli of a certain kind and while he's inadvertently used some of them at one point in his time, he is only able to willingly use 3 of them, while only being relatively experienced with the third.

Red - The aura that deals with the physical nature of the body. This ability sits at the root of his spine, and is at its strongest when Shen is doing intense physical activity or when under intense stimuli. When he activates this aura, his strength and speed doubles, though he can push his increase to be a 20x multiplier. The uprise of power flowing inside could obliterate him if he pushes his body beyond his limit, however. At his maximum, he's only able to keep up this amount of power for a few seconds before it severely damages him.

Orange - The aura that deals with empathy and emotions. This ability sits at the sacrum, and is at its strongest when Shen has reached a certain connection with another person. This is the third one he's learned, and thus only triggers in-battle after having seen his opponent fight for a long enough period (around 15-20 minutes). When he activates this ability, it lets him predict his foe's movements by reading their emotional pulses. This will however not work if his opponent switches their fighting style, or uses something he has not previously seen them use (such as if a martial artist switched their fighting style from judo to taekwondo).

Yellow - The aura that deals with self-energy and willpower. This ability sits at his stomach, and is at his strongest when Shen has strong feelings of confidence and self-worth. When he activates this aura, he is able to fire concentrated blasts of energy or create solid constructs with his aura. While not as physically taxing as his red aura, continuously using this aura can tire him out.

Green - The aura that deals with love. This ability sits at his heart, and is at its strongest when he is with someone he loves. When he uses this aura, Shen is able to restore biotic organisms, curing them to optimal health. He's able to heal broken bones and deep wounds, but is unable to regenerate limbs or restore organs. Shen currently does not have access to this power at will, but may awaken at some point.

Blue - The aura that deals with communication. This ability sits at his throat, and is at its strongest when he is able to express himself truly and clearly. When he uses this aura, he is able to exert his own willpower over others by speaking. This can be used to temporarily intimidate others with weaker wills and pacify them, dominate people's emotions or raise the morale of people to awaken their latent potential to fight. This aura is most effectively used by charismatic people, which Shen unfortunately isn't, as instilling fear and dominating others goes against his personality. Thus, he currently does not have access to this power at will, and he likely has a long way to go until he can instill his will upon others.

Pink - The aura that deals with spirituality and the subconscious. This ability sits at his forehead, and is at its strongest when Shen has opened his third eye. When this aura is activated, Shen is able to separate himself from his physical body, and enter the astral plane. While he's in the astral plane, he's unable to interact with the physical world, and is only able to calmly float around and spectate. This is a powerful ability that would potentially allow Shen to do more, but he is very inexperienced and has only occasionally used this while he's sleeping. Thus, if he wakes up, he will immediately exit the astral plane and be left confused.

Violet - The aura that deals with being connected to the world. This ability sits at his brain, and is at its strongest when Shen has reached a higher state of consciousness and is fully connected with his surroundings. It is unknown what this ability makes Shen capable of, as he has never used it and it is noted to be an extremely difficult ability to use, let alone master.

GodJank -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2022= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/21/2022 2:16:07)

Addendum: I had to edit the hyperlink, as the previous one did not work. Nothing else about the bio was changed.

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