RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (Full Version)

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Sapphire -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/2/2022 19:57:01)

In a game I played ages ago, you could have an item in your active inventory and there was a skill called Delve, and it told you some basics about the item. Introducing a system where you could gain insight (like how info subs is) on items either in the shop itself, or after you've bough the item. I think in-shop works, but this will be too large an undertaking I'm sure.

I outlined a museum idea a while back. I had a painting thing there but someone said house appreciation was broken and adding paintings would go backwards, so not including it I'm fine with, but I also included an item upgrader of sorts by placing items inside the museum for display. The idea was something akin to +5% damage for weapons for storing it there for X amount of time. This could only work for damage based stuff like weapons, armors, and spells. Perhaps pets? Other categpories not so much.

But you mentioned the rental idea and I really like that.

PD -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/2/2022 20:06:46)


I thought the sages of lore idea that was introduced in August 2019 was a great way to get the AQ pedia up to date, but it has been more than 2 years and unfortunately it doesn't look like it was particularly successful.
I would be all for scratching the current pedia and we would get an in game pedia instead, yes I know it is a tremendous task, but surely all the coding for all items can be extracted somehow and ordered per item type, elements and etc to provide us with a 100% updated pedia with all the locations to find them unless being seasonal or rare.
Just to imagine that you have finally managed to beat a tough boss and you enter the shop and you can decide right away if you want to buy that expensive item or not, by having access to all the stats for that item, without waiting for anyone else to do some testing or waiting for staff to post official stats in info sub.

Just a note, Gamepedia merged with Wikia so we'd have to take over an existing Wikia project, which is not easy to say the least. A lot of old wikias are out there and it would take a lot of effort to properly take it over and have the community take its stewardship. I have tried to do this in the past but as you've said it's immense work to try to do this, and very few people seem willing to want to do this, let alone the staff.

That being said if we're going to do this, it would probably be best to start with the newer quest lines and everything that's on the map, which actually before 2019 the pedia was mostly well documented.

I have been thinking of attempting to try to work with the experimental Resource Timing API which would allow you to see the network requests that are incoming. AQ actually loads it in a way that allows you to tack the response back and possibly parse this data. Of course this is a long shot to implement properly given how old and arcane AQ is and I have other projects I'm working on (like the Gold Ranks list which I'm still working on, sorry Cupquake for the wait!). But maybe once I get the bandwidth for this I'll see what I might be able to do on this front.

That being said I know almost nothing about http ninja forms so someone's going to need to help me if we really want to get this accomplished.

Bolter -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/2/2022 23:24:26)

Speaking of GGBs, I would to see some old 'rare' GGB items returning or at the very least appear in twisted variants. I would like to see the return of some rare item hunts.

battlesiege15 -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/3/2022 0:16:32)

More beastmaster weapons like Twig's Swordfish pls

PD -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/3/2022 18:59:49)

One other wishlist for 2022: Awhile back thre was a comment that there would be a re-evaluation of which GGB's are in which category. It was mentioned that too many of the GGB's are in the UltraRare category now when they should be at a lower tier. In addition to the people asking for less premium/unobtainable focused gameplay, this should be considered a part of that.

JhyShy -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/5/2022 0:59:48)

Another Wish: People suggesting a dracopyre revamp/update has got me hoping/wishing for a retry on the elementalization of the subrace no drops/being able to change the element of our subrace no drop.

Jue Viole Grace -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/5/2022 1:01:11)

Fire cherub
beastmaster items
beastmaster lean maybe

Deaf of Destiny -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/5/2022 16:03:38)

Kaizoku and Yozai

for your info about Glacial Staff, I already talked with Imry last year, She said So like, with all old items, we don't have any solid plans on when we'll update them. It's gonna get one Eventually™?, but definitely not soon.

thats what i want to see in ahead of time

I would love to see upgrade Blade of Awe, guardian, shield.

museum at max level and it should give you 5 GGB per month

Restats - CHA need fix make pet/guest strongest than player

Need update this beastmaster class to tier 150 lv

Need make more Tome, we have been lack of tome.

Need stop make more fire and dark so much.

Need update Inv for allows you move with hold click right

Why not welcome Nivp's launcher and make it without flash?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/5/2022 17:00:31)


I thought the sages of lore idea that was introduced in August 2019 was a great way to get the AQ pedia up to date, but it has been more than 2 years and unfortunately it doesn't look like it was particularly successful.
I would be all for scratching the current pedia and we would get an in game pedia instead, yes I know it is a tremendous task, but surely all the coding for all items can be extracted somehow and ordered per item type, elements and etc to provide us with a 100% updated pedia with all the locations to find them unless being seasonal or rare.
Just to imagine that you have finally managed to beat a tough boss and you enter the shop and you can decide right away if you want to buy that expensive item or not, by having access to all the stats for that item, without waiting for anyone else to do some testing or waiting for staff to post official stats in info sub.

Part of the issue was that we Sages couldn't make edits to existing entries. Only create new ones. So when items were updated we couldn't update the old entry. We also couldn't update the indexes with the entries we were creating. That along with the difficult learning curve of the search function made it less interesting to make entries. It also took forever for applications to be approved. I had applied to be one right away and didn't hear back for two months. By that point, I had less time on my hands to work much in it. I still don't but will try to get at least a couple done per week this year.

Tantrumz -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/5/2022 17:02:34)

CHA stats - 2 or more pets to use on field if you have a max CHA

roobee -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/6/2022 1:06:14)

The Sages of Lore post mentioned

You must use the Posting Templates provided when making entries or helping to reformat old entries.

so I think it was originally planned to give powers to edit old posts. Dunno if that became unviable to do.

1stClassGenesis -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/6/2022 6:43:10)

A QoL change: more and more items have toggles these days. For future armors, I'd suggest having a a clickable button to toggle Pets and Guests, alongside the current implementation of the shield and weapon, a la War's Legacy, regardless of how the armor is designed. Some items just overlap in a way that's impossible to click on until you change things around.

Also, I think miscs should always display some notification of what they do once equipped / toggled, rather than have them confined to text boxes.

And rework how mobs that are supposed to "die" at 1 HP, end there.

Sapphire -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/6/2022 12:59:23)

I dont care what would need to happen, but Guests not getting lucky strikes has always been a massive disappointment. I could care less if "current blah blkah blah", it just needed to be considered.

If New Year's Surprise were to allow pets and guests to get the bth, they'd have to drop the ov erall amount to account for PETS, but not guests, as I have read, because "25% of BM damage is assumed to have been shifted to Guests" So 25% of BM damage from attacks cannot get damage bonuses, bth bonuses, and lucky strikes through current in game meta without specific made items developed specifically for this...

I think it's a small balance issue personally, but nonetheless, making guests have lucky strikes no matter the balance work needed to make it happen is on my wish list. Prob wishful thinking, but still

Bolter -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/7/2022 10:32:46)

Increase in inventory spaces, especially before the February Crossover GGBs.

PD -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/7/2022 20:07:13)

Just want to re-iterate:

I mentioned earlier that I wanted an emphasis on the New/Low Level experience. Now with the recent changes to the EXP/Gold caps, it's no longer possible to effectively skip through this part of the game (which in my opinion is the most difficult part). Thus any tip/trick that people *have* suggested for farming is now going to be moot. Now we'll have to actually play through these parts of the game. With that said, I'm asking again for 2022, a re-emphasis on the low/new player experience.

Deaf of Destiny -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/7/2022 20:29:39)


Just want to re-iterate:

I mentioned earlier that I wanted an emphasis on the New/Low Level experience. Now with the recent changes to the EXP/Gold caps, it's no longer possible to effectively skip through this part of the game (which in my opinion is the most difficult part). Thus any tip/trick that people *have* suggested for farming is now going to be moot. Now we'll have to actually play through these parts of the game. With that said, I'm asking again for 2022, a re-emphasis on the low/new player experience.

they already work on increasing the cap. so just be patient and wait til they will let us know.

Lance027 -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/7/2022 23:29:56)

I would like the ability to see a description of your items in your innovatory. (Sometimes) It's hard to remember what does what.

ruleandrew -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/8/2022 2:25:14)

I want more 2 elements in 1 pet slot (gold version and accessible to all players).

Benoni -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/11/2022 1:50:39)

It'd be very nice if there was a way to directly edit what's displayed on your character page. The closest method I found was to put every other thing away until my character looked how I wanted them to look. I'd like to be able to do that with the press of a button. Secondly, it would be nice to have some sort of cute-looking bear as a subrace. Lastly, there needs to be more balance with regard to just how many Z tokens you get if you spend real money. It seems really inefficient to me. You have to spend a few bucks short of 300 USD for 200,000. That much cash should net you At least three times that much IMO.

JhyShy -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/11/2022 6:43:52)

People suggesting No-drop updates has got me wishing for a Custom weapons/zard update

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/11/2022 19:24:33)

Ohh yeah, a Custom Weapon/Zard update would be really nice!

Shapeshifter Update could also be nice, I hope they could add more FD leans or maybe even spellcaster lean shapeshifts

Anothing thing for me would be an update to the Randomizing Rays, with top-level variants. Maybe they could be made quick-cast, once/turn spells?

Assassin class would be great as well, since we already have Paladin and Necromancer. Rogues should get some love

Zennistrad -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/11/2022 23:20:30)

^I'd love this. Thia would be a great way to get pets with status coverage for all elements.

Honestly, the only thing the Custom Zard really needs now is a toggle option to make things like burn stacking more viable.

sunblaze -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/12/2022 12:25:24)


2. Improved communication from staff. While communication has improved, 2021 was a step backward in this front. This may have not been helped by the increased controversy that was AQ in 2021 but in recent years there's been inconsistency regarding things. Particularly in regards to seasonal/rotational items where the staff still leaves it an open question of whether items will return or not (in reality, their comment is just not committing to a statement while still continuing with what they do). I'd like to hope that going forward this is improved. If this is improved we ought to see more consistency in which items we can expect to have or not. Which ultimately if we aren't left in the dark so much it'll be a win-win for everyone.

I can only second that.

While some changes were made we still do have very little information in what 2019 was done with stats and what the point for some builds was?
I hate repeating myself but at least in that case (and that was the most often claimed wish last year) I do not think anything was explained there.
We got some nice items that closed difficulties and gaps for some builds sure but the actual explanation is still kinda missing. [&:]

Linkref to 2021 wishlist ->

OG Ranger -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/26/2022 10:34:11)

I think the essence dragons would make an excellent end game area if they updated the other elements to match the wind essence in challenge level and creativity. The wind essence dragon is one of the best bosses in the game IMO. I would love to see what you guys could do with the other dragons.

Zork Knight -> RE: 2022 AQ Wishlist (1/26/2022 10:57:10)

Updating UltraGuardian and Awe armors. If we have to carry them around, they might as well be great armors.

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