Giftboxen Shop closed early (Full Version)

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lifetime dreamer -> Giftboxen Shop closed early (1/6/2022 20:51:56)

According to Hollow's post access to purchase the Giftboxen would be available until 1/6/22 as the last day. Well the shops are closed and I was planning to get the Giftboxen for all my characters. Does anyone know what happened or how I can still get access?

Sapphire -> RE: Giftboxen Shop closed early (1/6/2022 20:55:12)

A lot of times, when they mention Thursday as a deadline, it usually refers to up until the server time which is 3pm eastern, I think. He could have been more specific for sure, and given a time, but that's my guess.

I am going to send you a PM.

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