Zardnado level? (Full Version)

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weatherseed -> Zardnado level? (4/18/2022 14:20:47)

I have the zardnado painting but I can only fight the level 15 version. Is there a way to increase the level of the painting so I'm fighting the level 150 version?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Zardnado level? (4/18/2022 16:34:22)

If the Item upgrader from Manage Account has the category House Items, it can be upgraded with the difference between the next tier's and current tier's price, which is different from selling and purchasing as there is no loss in value, if this isn't available, it has to be purchased from the original shop.

weatherseed -> RE: Zardnado level? (4/18/2022 17:45:47)

I didn't see it under the account manager but I will look again. There is an even chance that I'm just blind.

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