Best inventory for STR/DEX/LUK 150 guardian? (Full Version)

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incinerator4 -> Best inventory for STR/DEX/LUK 150 guardian? (4/28/2022 22:16:41)

I'm coming back to this game after years, and i don't really know where to start in terms of going places and trying to get gear. If anyone were able to just give me a list of all the items i should have in my inventory at the "endgame"? I have 250 STR/DEX/LUK and I generally prefer offensive. I'd prefer non-Z-token/free items.

Primate Murder -> RE: Best inventory for STR/DEX/LUK 150 guardian? (4/28/2022 23:25:49)

Welcome back!

Would you be willing to link your character page? And the number/type of your GGBs, if you have any. That would make a rating a lot easier to make.

Also, it should be noted that we're currently in the middle of a massive stat revamp, so what's good at the moment may not necessarily be such a month from now.

incinerator4 -> RE: Best inventory for STR/DEX/LUK 150 guardian? (4/29/2022 4:19:42)

hi, thanks for the quick reply! Um, i don't exactly know how to link my character page? also, I don't know what a GGB is haha..

Primate Murder -> RE: Best inventory for STR/DEX/LUK 150 guardian? (4/29/2022 22:28:50)

To find out your character id, move your mouse over the character portrait. The number in the upper right corner, near 'race', will be your id. Then go back to Battleon Forum and click Profile (in the bar at the top of the page). Underneath Additional Info you'll find AQ Character ID. Enter the number you found here and click apply.

To find out more about GGBs, click on Valencia > What are Golden Giftboxes (in hometown). You get a free GGB at the beginning of each month that you're active and a second one if you have a Museum.

To find out how many GGBs you have, go to: > Login > Character List > select character > Gold Prize Swap.

incinerator4 -> RE: Best inventory for STR/DEX/LUK 150 guardian? (4/30/2022 6:46:04)

so, my ID is 61040855, but idk how to link you a page on it like how aqw has, and google was no help in that regard, and i've got 20 GGBs. I had no idea you got them for free

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Best inventory for STR/DEX/LUK 150 guardian? (4/30/2022 9:06:45)

To link your charcter page:

Click on the "link" option above, then fill in the URL * and URL Name.

Your Character's link:

Or (linked dirrectly to character page by removing the "s" from https://):

Guardswordian -> RE: Best inventory for STR/DEX/LUK 150 guardian? (4/30/2022 13:10:14)

You might want to check out the revamped stats. DEX is no longer as essential as it used to be, as now, accuracy of weapons depend on their main stat rather then DEX. Basically, STR for melee, DEX for ranged, INT for magic accuracy and damage. DEX still provides bonus for dodge, but if you had it to just increase your melee accuracy, you could change to to some other stat. As for weapons, you might want to check out this site:
The buying guide shows the weapons/armors/items that are considered meta, and how to get them.

Primate Murder -> RE: Best inventory for STR/DEX/LUK 150 guardian? (5/1/2022 1:05:36)


Lorekeeper's Oath (currently in LTS) toggles to deal Harm damage, which occasionally comes in very useful when facing low-resist monsters.

Keep Kindred for autohit and Magnablade because it remains one of the strongest damage weapons in the game.

Haunted Dragonlord's Might sacrifices a bit of damage to restore a bit of sp on each hit.

Savage Troll Club toggles to give you Berserk - bonus damage at the expense of accuracy. May need to use Dead Eye Straight potion or a bth misc with this.

OlympAxe (light, if you join Lucian) toggles to deal +15%damage for an sp cost. If you have a Rare GGB among those 20, Radiant Bloodzerker sword would be even better.

Uragiri sacrifices your defences for a bit of extra damage and accuracy.


Torontosaurus Rex Rider has a high-damage fire skill, and using it with Haunted Dragonlord's Might allows you to partially recoup the cost.

WHEEL is an old standard armor, which means its water skill deals a fair bit of damage.

Haunted Dragonlord has a strong and accurate wind skill.

Horo Show remains the strongest f2p ice armor. Maybe even the strongest ice armor, period.

Your werewolf transformation no-drop works nicely as earth armor, and Haunted Dragonlord's Might helps offset the Beast Form's costs.

Tempest armor is, hands down, the best warrior armor in the game. It gives +105 Initiative (which, as per latest changes, gives bonus damage during first turn), has a weapon-element skill and an ele-lock toggle with celerity.

Paladin class has been revamped! It now has endgame tier armor (avenger for warrior builds) with 20+ skills, including nukes, healing, effects, ressurection, guests and pretty much everything you can possibly conceive of! I really suggest trying it out.

Angel of Souls has a darkness skill that costs hp (which makes it easy to spam).


Titan's Fall is a blocking shield, but you have 250 Dex and Luck, so you can get some good use out of it.

Kindred shield gives some nice sp healing when paired with the Kindred pet. Spring Dryad Defender is also a fine choice, as it toggles to give +30 Str.

Fujin's Dex drive helps offset the accuracy loss from Troll Club.

Pies has a Cha drive, which gives you bonus damage and extra chance of Backlash via EoC/AL.

Chieftain's Ironthorn was updated to a Str drive shield.

Scarab Shell has a toggle to lower monster MRM.

Eclipsed Dragonlord's Will has a qc Barrier skill that scales with Str.


Essence of Carnage. This guest gives bonus damage to your melee and ranged attacks and gives you Backlash. What's not to like?

(Paladin has Manifestation guest that provides a larger boost to light element attacks and an Apprentice guest that boosts your blocking, for use with Titan's Fall, but otherwise you always want to have EoC present).

Edoc Imanok gives you a qc MRM boost, which works well with Titan's Fall and may save your life against a monster nuke.

Runic Binding gives you a harm nuke with a few aftereffects.

Purple Rain. It's been heavily nerfed, but it still allows for degenerate levels of cheese with EO, SFP and every other qc effect from EDW's Barrier to Werewolf's Snarl.


Angra Linnorm is the pet version of EoC.

Kindred pet remains a nice support for the sword's autohit and shield's sp regen.

Underwyrmling toggles to attack monster sp, which can be surprisingly powerful against certain bosses.

Spotter Drake gives Status Potency.


First and foremost, before you do anything else, go and pick up Essence Orb. This misc redefined the meta. It allows for qc conversion of hp into sp, and that means you can spam skills every turn like there's no tomorrow.

Shadowfeeder Pendant gives you qc celerity, and the status stacks. With EO and Purple Rain, you can effectively gain double turns for the entire battle.

(also make sure to pick up Love Potion when Snugglefest rolls around again, as it gives you a stacking qc stun and, with EO and PR, you can make sure the monster never actually gets a turn)

If you have a UR among those 20 GGBs, pick up Prime Chaos Orb. The misc has a qc skill that scrambles monster resists, so with a little fiddling those elecomped armor skills really shine.

There's so many good damage-boosting miscs, that I'm just going to list the best three and let you pick for yourself:

- Minotaur's Pride provides probably the strongest boost among the three, but little accuracy and actually reduces your defences;

- Hollow Dragon Amulet gives Str, Dex, Cha and bth;

- Murderator Gauntlet gives Str, Cha and a small chance to stun the monster after every attack.

Goggernaut Helm is a very cheap misc that gives +10 bth to every attack on the field (without /2 for spell-type skills). You wouldn't want to use it with Titan's Fall, but a little extra accuracy can come in handy when you want to nuke a high-MRM mob.

Olympax Medal has a skill that imbues your (weapon or old standard) attacks with your clan's element. It probably won't be of much use for Lucian, but if you use Bloodzerker sword as light weapon (or even the one summoned by paladin), you can join Igneus and Imbue Horo Show's skill with fire.

Morningstar Helm makes you immune to Paralysis.

Bell Shell restores a bit of hp based on damage dealt. The heal is less than CoRS', but it also doesn't reduce your damage.

Hope the info's useful and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

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