Paladin's Unwavering Doesn't Work (Full Version)

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Wingman -> Paladin's Unwavering Doesn't Work (5/8/2022 1:50:23)

According to the description for Paladin's Unwavering skill, against any undead enemy damage should be calculated based on Light resistance.


Against undead, use your armour's Light resist for all eight elements.

Yet that's not what I'm seeing at all. Enemies' damage doesn't seem to be affected. Against a Dessicated Corpse, which uses Energy damage, I'm still taking massive Energy damage despite having 11% Light resistance.

What's going on?

Ryu Draco -> RE: Paladin's Unwavering Doesn't Work (5/8/2022 8:22:44)

Just to confirm, are you using the Paladin's Armaments and have Paladin as your Titled Class?

Biokirkby -> RE: Paladin's Unwavering Doesn't Work (5/8/2022 16:43:36)

I got confused by it too: One thing to keep in mind is that it only affects armour resists, not shields or misc. You need to use the paladin's summoned shield, or a shield that's good against the enemy.

Also, zombies that absorb health use your listed dark/energy or whatever element's resist to calculate their regained health, which makes Paladin not the best choice against them

Wingman -> RE: Paladin's Unwavering Doesn't Work (5/8/2022 23:50:02)

Okay, I think I figured it out.

What the skill does is make an Undead enemy's attacks, regardless of element, be based on your most resistant element (by default, Light). The level 150 Champion Holy Armor, for example, has 39% Light, so enemy attacks are based on that.

HOWEVER, this does not apply to shields, items, etc. (more on that later). So when using e.g. Arthurian Shield, which at level 150 gives -26% to Light, you may think enemy damage calculation should now be calculated based on the 39% - 26% = 13% shown in the UI, but this is not the case unless the enemy attack is already Light. The increased Light resistance, in fact, does nothing if the enemy attack is e.g. Darkness. If you want increased protection vs. enemy non-Light attacks, you need to defend against those elements specifically, e.g. use Eternal Twilight's Regalia for -26% Darkness resistance. The same applies to items (or anything else, I suspect), where you need defense against the enemy's attack element, not just Light.

The exception to the above is the Resonant Bulwark shield from the Level 1 Paladin skill, Paladin Armaments. Since this shield is from the class itself, the increased Light defense it provides is taken into account regardless of enemy attack type. So you should pretty much always use this skill rather than a shield of your own.

Needless to say this is quite confusing b/c what is shown on the UI is not at all what the game mechanics reflect. I hope this can be made clearer in-game and in the encyclopedia.

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