Compression Guests (Full Version)

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Varghus -> Compression Guests (5/19/2022 20:13:52)

What compression summons would make it possible to only need to use 4-5 spell slots, so i can use the other slots for other spells, if possible?

Armsman -> RE: Compression Guests (5/19/2022 22:54:35)

There are a few that I can think of off the top of my head. Katshiro from the Neko shops can compress Water and Darkness or Earth and Light. Dekanor (for Z-Tokens) compresses an overcharged Darkness and Wind guest. The Prototype Hunter Drone is an overcharged Energy/Harm toggle. And the new Chupacabra summon can also switch between Darkness and Water.

But rather than just spells, you should be looking to our revamped Tier 3 classes if you really want compression.

The Paladin armor comes with an Overcharged Light summon that toggles for boosting your own Light damage, another summon that can toggle to boost MRM, and a summon that can heal you on attack.

Necromancer comes with a guest that matches your weapon's element, an Ice guest that can toggle for Bleed infliction, a Darkness guest that toggles for a Dark/Fire seeking burn, an Ice/Energy seeker which toggles for Autohit, an overcharged Wind guest that toggles for Paralysis, and a Fire guest that toggles for Harm damage which is boosted based off the number of Necromancer statuses the enemy is suffering from.

And now I've written the word "toggle" so much it's lost most of it's meaning to me. Sounds like a cheap off-brand for swimming trunks.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Compression Guests (5/20/2022 13:38:51)

Optimization Academy of Lore: Spells under Multielement, Guests, Comp lists the compression Calls/Summons available, the numbers in front of the items correspond to the elements in the table of contents that is the same as the in-game elemental resistance order.

Guardswordian -> RE: Compression Guests (5/25/2022 11:24:15)

You can also look at compression guests on the wiki page:
If you have Necromancer, you can summon Deathless Knight for every element weapon you have. While this guest usually does less damage due to being able to use any elements, the Necromancer can also summon other guests, covering fire, wind, ice, energy, darkness, harm. That would mean you just need to cover Water, Earth, and Light guests. Sol-Style Katashiro can cover Earth and Light. Then you can have any guest you want for water, so you take only 2 spells and one armor slot for guests. Of course this is only the case if you have Necromancer as your class.
Without the Necromancer class, your Necromancer guests element coverage would be reduced to fire, ice, and dark. It still covers a lot.
However, without Necromancer armor, the sol-style katashiro, luna-style katashiro, Katabar, prototype hunter drone, and an additional fire guest covers all elements, including harm. The Prototype Hunter Drone requires extra SP, but it is stronger and covers Harm as well, so I think it's worth the SP. That was my default guest list before the Tier 3 armors got revamped.

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