Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Summer Giftboxes 2022 + Pride Month LTS (6/7/2022 14:12:38)
4/25/2022 14:11:12 > http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22402394 quote:
Squee Booster Pet 20K Z-Token Package! You may remember this sad little blue Moglin, spending his days discussing philosophy in Boog's Tavern. Now ready to seek out adventure, this little fella will boost the damage of all your Water attacks! 5/9/2022 14:30:31 > http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22402679 quote:
http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22402675 quote:
Thursday the 12th Golden Giftboxes COMING THIS WEEK! The second unluckiest day of the year returns! Unwrap your own color-custom Mason Form Armor, Deatharrows Cat, Krieger Klaws, and the sinister Mason Masks. In Energy as well as the original variants! Squee Booster Pet 20K Z-Token Package! Just to be sure since it's not listed, there will be a Call/Summon Squee in the GGB UR shop this week, right? 5/9/2022 15:32:07 > http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22402681 quote:
No, Squee is not included in this week's release. This will be the last week to grab Lorekeeper's Oath before it leaves the LTS, and the meat-eor in Battleon disappears! Then, would it be possible to include Call/Summon Squee in this week's release or? [:)]