Summer's Shade (Full Version)

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Silver -> Summer's Shade (7/2/2022 1:19:42)

[image][/image]Summer's Shade
Finally, a parasol (Also known to less civilized folk as an "umbrella") on your back, shielding you from the much needed UV light! (Cosmetic)
(No DA Required)

Location: Surf's Up!
Price: 300 Dragon Coins
Sellback: N/A

Level: 1
Element: Ice
Stats: None
Resists: None

Rarity: 5
Item Type: Cape
Equip Spot: Back
Category: Armor

Other information
  • Previously had the description: Finally, a parasol (umbrella, for those who don't speak british) on your back, shielding you from the much needed UV light! (Cosmetic)


    Thanks to Jay for image and updated description information.

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