Consolidation of changes to monsters in comparison to player (Full Version)

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Bannished Rogue -> Consolidation of changes to monsters in comparison to player (7/7/2022 18:14:50)

With the rapidly emerging "game engines", many have struggled to comprehend the changes to the player, but also the changes to the monsters that also effect and inform the players of what tweaks need to be made.

Can we get a consolidated list, specifically to monsters/enemies of their changes? Often times the verbiage doesn't specify if a change applies only to the character or both character and monster.

For example:
• Initiative- Player initiative is calculated no longer solely on LUK but now in addition to other stats. Does this also apply to monsters or are they still exclusively LUK + (additional initiative) linearly?
• Calculating monster accuracy- Is it still solely based on DEX or did they also update to each stat having their own sources of BtH?
• etc.

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