Okay, let's see... [Char optimization]? (Full Version)

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Rafiq von den Vielen -> Okay, let's see... [Char optimization]? (7/26/2022 19:50:25)


FD, mainly status based for damage. Let's see if I can optimize her gear with options I've just never had on the radar.
No-drops are Earth.

I do not intend to buy tokens anytime soon. Unopened GGB? Enough.

Main idea I'm thinking of right now is swapping Frost Titan Head out because it seems bugged (eats SP even when doing nothing) for Ancient Tower Scale. But that would leave me an open slot since I'd just get rid of Celtic Wheel at the same time (I only have 1 spell that uses MP, and I get enough MP for that with Osiris misc)?

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