What does this mirror shattering purple texted attack mean? (Full Version)

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Macho Man -> What does this mirror shattering purple texted attack mean? (9/7/2022 14:04:24)

So I've been going through the season of consequences saga and I realized that multiple bosses would hit me, and some of their hits would flash in purple text with a mirror breaking animations surrounding it. Is this some sort of unlucky strike? It seems like the opposite of a lucky strike but am unsure tbh.

Edit: Just realized that the mob had negative luck so I'm 80% sure its an unlucky strike but a confirmation wouldn't be bad!

Edit 2: Makes sense, thanks @below

Sapphire -> RE: What does this mirror shattering purple texted attack mean? (9/7/2022 14:05:54)

When they have negative luck, and a lucky strike occurs...I think

Lorekeeper -> RE: What does this mirror shattering purple texted attack mean? (9/7/2022 14:09:47)

That would indeed be an Unlucky Strike, which deals reduced damage.

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