Bringing back an old friend. (Full Version)

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Rafiq von den Vielen -> Bringing back an old friend. (10/15/2022 15:47:29)


110, hasn't been properly touched for years. I think I wanted to make a Poemage back then. I want to revisit him and make him decent, but I am horribly, horribly out of touch with mage gear, sooo... I need help.

Side questions:
-Dex as third stat okay (mainly for some shenanigans with Infinita Staff because I bought it with the only rare GGB this guy had[:D])? Or just go pure with END?
-I think I want to stay as a mainly attacking char with only casting spells occasionally. Or skills, obviously (Pyro BM, Talados, Void Vig). How do I accomodate for that with my spell slots?

I do not have any rare or UR ggbs left nor do I intend to buy any zmoney in the near future so please stick to f2p options. Thank you. (You can list a ggb item if it's a BiS case and I might nab it if I get lucky with free boxes).

Trying to get the 20th anniversary set as I write this.

PD -> RE: Bringing back an old friend. (10/16/2022 17:36:04)

As you have stated, DEX is not a necessary stat any longer. Since you're using Poelala and other types of boosters you should consider putting those points in CHA since boosters benefit from that in addition to getting the most out of pet/guest effects. In this case I'd actually favor CHA since you'll get the most out of your damaging effects as well as subrace abilities. Following the suggestions from the equipment guide:

First: It's advisable that you immediately get your character up to level 150 as the game tends to be much easier due to the scaling effect of a lot of quests and monsters. Consult the leveling guide to take fully advantage of the +50% Boost period (as of this post until Nov 2022)

Dark: Necromancer T3 / Vampire Subrace (If using Paladin)
Fire: Stick with Pyro Bloodmage
Wind: Haunted Dragonlord
Ice: Master Fighter Armor (if you like attacking) / Horro-Show Void Visor (skill casting. Get the MC'd version of the set)
Water: Kindred / Blue Blood (Vampire Subrace) / FATS (Upgrade this in the account manager))
Energy: Psionic Vampire (Vampire Subrace)
Light: (Retro) Golden Set (If using Necromancer) / Paladin T3 / FATS / No-Drop
Earth: Chithonian Count (Vampire Subrace) / Eternal Champion

Dark: Infinitia Staff
Fire: Pyro BloodBlade
Wind: Haunted Dragonlord's Insight
Ice: Artctic Atheme
Water: Prismatic Paintbrush / Blade of the Briar
Energy: Mystic Caissa
Light: Retro Golden Axe / No-Drop
Earth: Eternal Champion Apex
Utility: Loremaster's Tome

Fire/Dark: Cerberus Ward
Energy/Ice: Carpe Somnia
Water: Celtic Wheel
Light: Mana Crystal Defender
Earth: Eternal Champion Defender
Wind: Haunted Dragonlord's Insight

Fire: Underwyrmling
Light/Utility: Fairy Godmother
Dark: Kurgweenboh (Memorial Shop)
Wind: Spotter Drake
Utility: Psychadelic Dino
Energy: PikaZard
Utility: Angra Linnorm
Utility: Poelala

Summon Poelala
Purple Rain
Destruction Burst
Summon Essence of Carnage
Archmage Research
Sizzler Explosion
Utility: Up to you

Staff Master Emblem
Shadowfeeder Pendant
Irt of Osiris
Cyclop's Eye
Grakma's Harbinger
Murderator Gauntlet
Essence Orb
Rejuvenating Necklace

This is just a starter, but feel free to comment if you have any difficulties getting these items.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Bringing back an old friend. (10/17/2022 11:59:47)

I'm probably going to use Necro, yes.

Also, possible stand-ins for Underwyvermling and Murderator? Wicked King and DUM always give me all sorts of hell. (It's not that I don't know what to do, it's that I sometimes have brain lapses and die to the prisburn because I forget it's permanent lol). Slowly working on the rest.

Kaizoku -> RE: Bringing back an old friend. (10/17/2022 14:44:23)

For alternatives to fire pet, you could try:
When available/if you have them: Keyote (Void boss rotation) Rose in Full Bloom (Snugglefest)
Generic: Floating Pie (toggle for paralyze, Dessert set quest) Guardie (toggle for Burn, Aria's pet shop)

Murderator is just a generic good misc, you can replace it with whatever utility you have or like using such as Love Potion from Snugglefest or throwing in guest compression miscs for your CHA stat (Gemini Pendant, Friendship Bracelet, Infernal Djinn Lamp). If you like mashing attack button the guests will make good use of your SP/MP while you aren't using it.

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