Vaalirus -> RE: November 18th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence: The Point of No Return (Part 1) (11/20/2022 12:12:37)
Yo, the discussion forums updated, nice. spoiler:
So as expected the Deadlands rift is kicking into overdrive now with this rift being an invasion much like Doomwood's rift started out. The fact that the attacks are seemingly more organized might mean we'll be dealing with more reasonable sentient elementals here like the Lagohmorphs instead of a Tytan/Warbeast that brings rainfall unless we end up dealing with both outcomes and these elementals are just holding a Tytan back. Additionally, I'm curious if these elementals are similar to the Lagohmorphs, in terms of intellect, then I'm curious as to whether or not this rift opened up near or in the the respective elemental plane of Water that Neso had control over or if this just happened to open up in a part of the Elemental Wastes in which water elementals have managed to maintain dominance. The Deadlands being flooded in general is concerning considering how much ancient evil stuff, as well as other artifacts, is often lying around that area so I do wonder if the rainfall has potentially unearthed anything left behind...or perhaps submerged it in mud. There's also of course still the matter of Myalos' left behind Dragonoid body and whether or not they and it might prove to be an asset with this last rift. Further still of course are the remains of the Avatar's firmament. Admittedly, I'm not sure what can be done with it considering that only the platform that we stood upon with Uaanta and Notha was tossed into the Deadlands but who knows maybe our enemies will prove resoruceful. Curiously though as Sepulchure pointed out is Circe's supposed loyalty to Victoria. I do wonder now if something could have happened to have encouraged her to be genuinely loyal to Victoria beyond simply being paid well. And then there's Jaania's attempt at healing Brittany and while I'm hoping nothing happens to Brittany as a result of Jaania's little experiment my expectations at the moment are not high. Still can't really shake the feeling that Hesperhodos being seemingly corrupted is what's going to make this whole plan fall apart. Though I do find it a nice touch that Brittany's soul appears to be attuned towards the element of light. Either way, get your energy/fire weapons ready Heroes because we have a rift to burn.