=AQ= Frostval Season Begins (Full Version)

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CHAIML -> =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/28/2022 13:19:22)

Z-Token Holiday Madness
The weather may be getting colder... but AdventureQuest is heating up with blazing hot Z-Token bonuses and discounts!
Get more Z-Tokens with each Z-Token package, and the larger the Z-Token package you buy, the more bonus Z-Tokens you'll have to spend! Get up to 35% more Z-Tokens and also unlock tons of bonus items with select packages until February 2nd.

AQ's massive Z-Token Sale also begun with all Z-Token items and Golden Giftboxes 50% off! These amazing discounts will only be available until December 1st, so grab them while you can!

COMING THIS WEEK! Frostval 2022 - Decorate The Battleon Tree

Yulgar has replaced the fountain in BattleOn with a new tree just waiting for a player with an eye for decorations. So team up with Robina to find the best and brightest decorations to make your BattleOn Tree a shining beacon of joy. Frostval is one of AQ's oldest holiday traditions, and a favorite among players, as there are tons of rare and powerful items to collect all month long.
Guardian Giftboxes:
Make sure you head over to the Guardian Tower and pick up your giftboxes as we wait to see what's inside at the end of the Frostval Gift Delivery!

Don't forget to pick these up. O_O ~Anim

Frostval Season Limited-Time Shop:
Stop by and pick up gear to help get you in the festive spirit! Fun holiday gear like the legendary axes of Artix, now further enhanced by the powers of the festive Frostval season!

November 2022 Golden Giftboxes
Elder's Gear
This month we have new Elder’s gear in the Golden Giftboxes! Don’t catch yourself maidenless and pick up 4 new player faces and 4 katana variants - with and without special attacks.

Frostval 2022 Season of Gifting Contests
Begins December 1st!
Kibbles and his cousin Tibbles have returned to spread holiday cheer with new Season of Gifting contests! This merry elf duo collects gifts and randomly gives them to your fellow players - meaning you could receive gifts up to 5000 Z-Tokens or 100 million Gold just for playing!

This year Tibbles is rewarding charitable players with powerful Devoured Earth items.
Not to be outdone, Kibbles has brought his own Shadowstalker gear.
That means for crazy generous players there are 14 possible prizes to win!

10 Frostval Crown Misc items are being given away DAILY for everyone that gifts either gold or Z-Tokens (5 daily for gold, 5 daily for Z-Token).
You can double your chances of winning if you gift both gold and Z-Tokens in a single day!
2 versions of the Frostval Crown are available - Ferocious Frostval Crown for +LSDmg and -LSRate, and Precise Frostval Crown for +LSRate and -LSDmg. Winners will receive the Ferocious crown by default, and it can be swapped for the Precise version via the Item Upgrader.
This daily giveaway will end with the contests on January 31st!
You will find Tibbles and Kibbles randomly throughout the game or visit them directly through Today's Event page.

This contest will end 11:59 PM January 31st, so don't miss out on these exclusive prizes before Tibbles and Kibbles return home!

Infernal Champion Sets - 50K Z-Token Packages
We have conjured 2 demonic sets for the Black Friday and Cy-burn Monday season! The plane of Heck is a chaotic land where only the strongest thrive, ruled by the right of absolute conquest. It is the ever-warring clash of eight domains, each a twisted mirror of the Elemental Realms. This is the only history the Eight Tyrannies share with mortals... Because their conquest was NOT final. Reveal the forbidden knowledge of Heck's rebels with the armaments of an Infernal Champion! Command your allies and drain your foes' life as a defensive firebrand, or take a darker approach by combining efficiency and devastation as a mystical warrior! Let the Tyrannies fear the forgotten name of the First Demon! Each package includes:

1 Armor
1 Shield
Melee, Magic, and Ranged Weaponry
4 Player Faces
1 Title
Grab these powerful sets while you can as they will only be available until January 5th!

Throws a snowball, tag you're it. ~Anim

Dardiel -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/28/2022 14:35:17)

Are the staff able to give any sort of idea for how much player input can be taken into account with these donation sets? The summer set was basically designed by players which was awesome, but winter seems like a bigger workload that makes it harder to find the time to figure out how each suggestion might work.

PD -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/28/2022 16:42:11)

What time is the release going to be this year? Last year's contests started on a Wednesday which threw a lot of people's schedules off. If it were possible, I wouldn't mind a day or two of delay to see if we could get any of the possible QOL features for the Gold contest (or even Token contest as well) this year:

1. Batch Donate: Basically, donate an amount larger than 100m, and then evenly distribute by 100m. For example if I batch donate for 500m, it would give 5 people 100m donations each at the same time.

2. Exhaust Donation: Automate the ability to donate large amounts. Like with the current estate function which allows you to exhaust your reserves to depletion. So if you have a 1b gold, then it would automatically deduct 100m every 10 seconds (or whatever the timer is going to be).

Currently the gold donation still has a pretty long timeout and it can be fairly repetitive if you plan to donate anything of significant amount.

Otherwise looking forward to the start of the event.

OG Ranger -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/28/2022 17:14:26)

Is frigid bard of war returning this season? Are we getting a new one? I suggest green (earth) as it fits the frostval color theme.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/28/2022 20:41:33)

The same 25 people (or close) will be the top 25 and dictate what all the items will be again.

And it will cater to their preferred style of play.

I would like to see some new ideas, or it be a BM set, or a combo of stuff.

At the end of the day, knowing how many tokens it took for the summer contest to break top 50 and then top 25 made me realize why those thresholds remain hidden. Unless you're spending hundreds, literally, of $$, you won't make it to a high enough number to have any influence, and unless there's conformity, even if you did make it, you won't have any influence.

And the back room development is under lock and key!!!!!

At least there's a gold contest this time, giving more players access to more stuff at the very least for some of the lower stuff. My hopes is they leave out faces this time.. idc about them whatsoever. Make all thresholds mean items of significance and not just some artsy aspect that really doesn't matter at the end of the day.

Prediction-> Giftboxen set will be choke based.

PD -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/28/2022 22:03:01)

One more thing:

As an added bonus, if we donate an extraordinary amount of gold and/or tokens, perhaps the staff should grant us something special as a stretch goal. My vote? Allow us to go back to Frostvals 2011-2013. If at least the quests themselves aren't functional, we should still have the right to get those items because that more than anything is what people probably want out of those Frostvals.

I think it'll be a good motivator for us to work for to increase activity outside of the motivation to get the top ranks.

Novyx -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/29/2022 2:31:54)

I think it's top 50 for winter as of last year? Either way we haven't had input on recent winter rewards besides the Bag of Mixed Nuts misc, so I wouldn't get too angry/hopeful just yet.

PD -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/29/2022 17:59:43)

Interesting set of balance changes on Panic: https://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=22407051

Love the change. It used to be annoying when the monster would save against your panic immediately after you inflicted it so it was as if the monster was never panic'd to begin with. Now they have to at least have 1 panic turn when you do inflict. It should raise the power on a lot of older panic items, combined with some much needed nerfs to Fae Wander and other things that did not have a cap to them.

Also just read the DN note at the start. It will start on Thursday so at least I will have time to accumulate 1 last round of gold before it starts. Though I'd still like to see if the team could investigate adding those QOL changes I suggested above!

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/29/2022 18:46:53)

Heck yes, such an amazing change to make panic actually worth using for defensive purposes and not just for turn 1 eater strats. [:)]

Korriban Gaming -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2022 0:15:52)

Did a bit of testing on my own. I feel it's a nerf to the status as a whole but it's not that bad. QC Panic infliction like the Werepyre Snarl skill is actually a buff since you can now plan ahead and do other stuff if you know your Panic will fail. Panic is now a strictly worse defensive skill compared to Choke due to the lower power and the way it stacks. While it's better in the sense that monsters usually won't be able to clear multiple stacks in 1 go, the stacking power and duration of Panic was overall decreased. For Panic eaters it may seem like a nerf at first glance but capping the amount of Panic that can be eaten lets you keep a bit of defensiveness so I'm actually alright with that. Overall I think I'm quite neutral to the change, it's undoubtedly a nerf but it's something I can accept. I don't see a use for the skill other than to eat it since Choke is just a better defensive option.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2022 0:23:47)

The change to everything is an overall nerf for players, for what panic was being used for. It was a defensive status but it's purpose became auto inflict and then eat it.

The changes now make it have more of a purpose.

1. Save at the beginning: This seems fine to me. Bleed and sleep I think you must inflict via a failed save, too. Champion shield now exists, and so this shouldn't be an issue TBH.
2. Panic now is per turn saved *after* the monster goes, and not before. So if you inflict, you're guaranteed at least 1 turn of lowered monster damage. This is a buff.
3. Panic stacks multiplicatively. This is both a buff and a nerf, really, depending on perspective.
A. It is a nerf in that it will now take far more applications to drive the damage reduction down compared to before. Before, anything below 5% was auto-adjusted up to 5% as a band-aid. It didn't take much to get it to 5%, too. In some cases, 2 applications could achieve this (with auto inflict). This might mean a spell + a guest, or a weapon + werepyre quick cast, etc. It simply was easy. Now damage can get below 5%. I have pushed it to near 0, but it takes a lot of turns.
B. Due to this change, stacking panic applications grows in "melee power" very fast. There is multiple line items now shown, and then the total calc is displayed below the "stack". Each line item is likely valued as having it's own value, and multiple applications starts to grow this value in "melee %" to a massive amount.

This is significant for eating panic, which also changed due to new standards and updating the items that eat panic.

The standard is an item (weapon, spell, skill, pet, guest, etc) can only eat up to 2x it's melee value.
This is .. Weapon-> 200% (melee value I guess is 100?)
Spell/skill-> 400% (their melee value is 200)
Guest-> 120% (60% melee value)
Pet-> 80% (40% melee value)

The big hit to panic eat came from Fae's.

1. It no longer gains damage from eating panic. While I think there would have been nothing wrong with having toggle 1 eat panic for more damage and mode 2 eat panic for the heals, this result of killing the damage side and keeping the heal side I am 100% fine with because IMO, this was actually the more important aspect. So staff deciding to ensure the total eat be on 1 aspect, and that aspect being heals, IMO was a good decision as it kept the INTENT. Some may be upset that the damage side is gone. I get it, nobody likes their favorite items changed. However, in the pursuit of maintaining intent I would say staff did good here.

I bring that up to say this. Using Optico, and eating some decent panic, you're still getting good resource heals. In fact, I'm seeing very very very little difference here.

But here's the best part.... panic power grows faster than 80% melee% power, and it's not even close. Fae's will have a difficult time eating all of panic as the status currently is coded. So you can heal your resources while staying in a defensive posture. And with each turn (provided panic isn't thwarted), that defensive help only serves to grow if you keep inflicting panic every turn. The Cr72/fae's interaction is still alive, just not for pet nuking.

As a result, I personally am 100% on board with the changes in it's totality. My hope is, that fae's isn't further nerfed or some other "bug fix" situation that sometimes things get labeled. Any further changes there I think may go too far.

I have yet to test other panic eaters but intend to do so. But based on how I personally like to play, which isn't "omgzor moar damage", if those turn out to be bad I probably won't care. Others might.

Now....that pesky pet/guest bth issue w/o Dex..... ;-)

Korriban Gaming -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2022 0:32:43)


this result of killing the damage side and keeping the heal side I am 100% fine with because IMO, this was actually the more important aspect. So staff deciding to ensure the total eat be on 1 aspect, and that aspect being heals, IMO was a good decision as it kept the INTENT. Some may be upset that the damage side is gone. I get it, nobody likes their favorite items changed. However, in the pursuit of maintaining intent I would say staff did good here.


As a result, I personally am 100% on board with the changes in it's totality. My hope is, that fae's isn't further nerfed or some other "bug fix" situation that sometimes things get labeled. Any further changes there I think may go too far.

I fully agree with this so kudos to the staff on that. It seems they have learnt well after the Cutlass change

LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2022 6:56:28)


The damage was more important because we rarely get good damaging pets and water especially is one of the worst elements for pets/guests.

I certainly have to agree here, as a beastmaster not having a pet that can eat a status for damage while we already have a spell (Mages), and weapons (Pure builds), and Pet (Ghost Hound but its only for SP regen) is not good.
I am hoping we will get a Pet that can eat for pure damage because it will help a lot beastmasters in regards of pure damage Pets. Now if only Fae could have a toggle that does eat Panic for damage and one that eats it for healing would be very nice since the 1st mode is supposed to be pure damage anyway on Panic trigger and it wouldnt be very thematically different if it worked by eating the status rather than a trigger on the status.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2022 16:53:53)

✍ ppl ✍ want ✍ status- ✍ eating ✍ pets; ✍ esp. ✍ water ✍ offensive ✍ ones

Got it!

Fae Wanderer's eating attack was meant to be a healing attack; it only got a damage buff because the healing got a bit out of control. With the cap in place I think status-eating is in a healthier spot, so I'm more comfortable releasing more.

dizzle -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2022 18:46:46)

Is this a good time to put in another request for past dono items to potentially get ballyhoo shops? Also please for the love of Lorithia can we at least get frigid bard back this year? [:D]

Kokujoe -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2022 10:15:13)

I've got to completely agree with @Broccoli here; he raises a good point! Water pets/guests were never in a great spot to begin with and the equally unfavourable options for FD water armours in-game just adds to the misery of Beast-masters. (No; Furries don't count! Accepting applications for a WATER bard or something completely different.) Additionally, I welcome the new changes made to Panic as a status; but not at the cost of losing yet another water pet slot. (Can we just clone that stupid UR Mimic pet with a "Gold-Hungry" variant for additional +dmg boost or something?) As a matter of fact, I'm still patiently waiting for the staff to bless us with a heavy damage dealing ice pet in the near future.

Also, @Hollow: I'm afraid this needs to be said but we have enough fire and dark sets; both FD and FO! Please, lend a helping hand to the often left-out elemental gaps in niche builds next year.

Now that I'm done being grumpy, I can finally focus on what actually matters: Frostval, the Donation Contest and the accompanying Gift-boxes are upon us! Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to take your wild guesses on which element will be introduced over the course of the following months. My sixth sense is not as sharp and tingly as Mr. Parker, but I'm going with Wind and Ice for this year's sets.

P.S.: In a year which has been nothing short of personal nightmares, I sincerely wish for much love, joy, peace and happiness to be bestowed upon the entire AQ community as we enter this festive season. (Yes, that includes you Mr. Robot-o, Mr. Iron Golem and our beloved Mr. Bronzed out of his mind Dragon in denial!) ~Peace out! ^____^v

LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2022 11:07:36)

May i suggest for the Frostval Guardian Boxes in Guard Tower, if Z-Token versions are still made,to have Z-Token level tiers again instead of scaling since its a much larger Z-Token investment than buying a lower level Z-Token version and upgrading it after it unwraps if we do like the items rather than having it be scaling like it is now? I liked the old model better for the specifically Z-Token versions of the Guardian Boxes [:)]

Knight of salvation -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2022 11:34:14)

At what time is the gifting contest added? :-)

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2022 14:22:42)

"Normal" release time is 3pm server time. That is probably the earliest we'll see it.

Knight of salvation -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2022 15:10:41)

alright thanks :-)

PD -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2022 15:12:05)

Looks like it's live! Let's go!!!!

EDIT: It seems like the timeout on gold gifting is a little glitchy. Sometimes even after waiting longer than 30 seconds it will still tell me it fails. I'm hoping the timeout on this could either be removed or lowered to something lower like 10 seconds. Or perhaps a fix on that.

EDIT2: I just noticed, but it seems there are no participation prizes this year? You can only get items if you're in the top 150? That seems like a regression from last year...

battlesiege15 -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2022 17:51:18)

Well, everyone gets faces for donating. Would the staff be generous to give all participants pets? Or after donating a certain amount? Thank you :)

dragonofchaos -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2022 20:17:16)

is there any benefit to doing the z giftboxes if you're level 150? the items scale to the same power right?

battlesiege15 -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2022 22:09:12)

I think any MP/SP costs are slightly cheaper compared to a Guardian item (143Z vs. 150G). Also, I'm assuming that the token versions can be used by Adventure players in your account since it is not locked behind a Guardian tag? (Not sure about the latter)
Do we get a Darkness and Ice version of the Calendar items this year?

Primate Murder -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (12/2/2022 0:31:49)

Will donation items get a shop?

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