Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2022 0:23:47)
The change to everything is an overall nerf for players, for what panic was being used for. It was a defensive status but it's purpose became auto inflict and then eat it. The changes now make it have more of a purpose. 1. Save at the beginning: This seems fine to me. Bleed and sleep I think you must inflict via a failed save, too. Champion shield now exists, and so this shouldn't be an issue TBH. 2. Panic now is per turn saved *after* the monster goes, and not before. So if you inflict, you're guaranteed at least 1 turn of lowered monster damage. This is a buff. 3. Panic stacks multiplicatively. This is both a buff and a nerf, really, depending on perspective. A. It is a nerf in that it will now take far more applications to drive the damage reduction down compared to before. Before, anything below 5% was auto-adjusted up to 5% as a band-aid. It didn't take much to get it to 5%, too. In some cases, 2 applications could achieve this (with auto inflict). This might mean a spell + a guest, or a weapon + werepyre quick cast, etc. It simply was easy. Now damage can get below 5%. I have pushed it to near 0, but it takes a lot of turns. B. Due to this change, stacking panic applications grows in "melee power" very fast. There is multiple line items now shown, and then the total calc is displayed below the "stack". Each line item is likely valued as having it's own value, and multiple applications starts to grow this value in "melee %" to a massive amount. This is significant for eating panic, which also changed due to new standards and updating the items that eat panic. The standard is an item (weapon, spell, skill, pet, guest, etc) can only eat up to 2x it's melee value. This is .. Weapon-> 200% (melee value I guess is 100?) Spell/skill-> 400% (their melee value is 200) Guest-> 120% (60% melee value) Pet-> 80% (40% melee value) The big hit to panic eat came from Fae's. 1. It no longer gains damage from eating panic. While I think there would have been nothing wrong with having toggle 1 eat panic for more damage and mode 2 eat panic for the heals, this result of killing the damage side and keeping the heal side I am 100% fine with because IMO, this was actually the more important aspect. So staff deciding to ensure the total eat be on 1 aspect, and that aspect being heals, IMO was a good decision as it kept the INTENT. Some may be upset that the damage side is gone. I get it, nobody likes their favorite items changed. However, in the pursuit of maintaining intent I would say staff did good here. I bring that up to say this. Using Optico, and eating some decent panic, you're still getting good resource heals. In fact, I'm seeing very very very little difference here. But here's the best part.... panic power grows faster than 80% melee% power, and it's not even close. Fae's will have a difficult time eating all of panic as the status currently is coded. So you can heal your resources while staying in a defensive posture. And with each turn (provided panic isn't thwarted), that defensive help only serves to grow if you keep inflicting panic every turn. The Cr72/fae's interaction is still alive, just not for pet nuking. As a result, I personally am 100% on board with the changes in it's totality. My hope is, that fae's isn't further nerfed or some other "bug fix" situation that sometimes things get labeled. Any further changes there I think may go too far. I have yet to test other panic eaters but intend to do so. But based on how I personally like to play, which isn't "omgzor moar damage", if those turn out to be bad I probably won't care. Others might. Now....that pesky pet/guest bth issue w/o Dex..... ;-)