nemesis? (Full Version)

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dragonofchaos -> nemesis? (12/9/2022 22:44:25)

what are some of everyone's nemesis stories? monsters(preferably regular mobs, rather than bosses) who they used to struggle against in particular, or who they felt particularly proud of defeating for the first time?

for me i remember being particularly proud the first time i beat dire shade dweezle, and, i forget the name, but the big bad earth dragon with 3 heads. and vamp handmaidens used to mess up my day pretty badly. i also remember being proud of taking down a Roc at one point i think because of how much hp it had, or how much higher it was than me in level

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: nemesis? (12/10/2022 2:05:18)

I remember when beating the following mobs were goals: Armegoggon, Gilgamesh, Deimos, Kel-Al Relish, Terrorzard, ZARDIS, etc.

Good times

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: nemesis? (12/10/2022 7:01:41)

I have 3 enemies I came to think of almost right away.

First: Calladus, Dragon Master
Reaching this boss back in the day was amazing, but it was a very hard battle. It took me many tries before I managed to defeat him and was dissapointed in how the quest ended. I don't know why, but I had expected some great rewards which never happened! [8D]

Second: Fenris
Similar to Calladus. I was just as stobbern to defeat this guy, the quests was longer, I was hoping for easy enemies but wasn't always all that lucky which brings me to the third enemy

Ziragat, the Undead Dragon
This was such a roadblock back in the day... Level 300 Undead dragon? MASSIVE HP?? He often acted like a wall for me, especially when questing for Fenris above.


battlesiege15 -> RE: nemesis? (12/10/2022 10:29:14)

Bun-Bits [:@]

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: nemesis? (12/10/2022 21:57:10)

@DragonUltraMaster Right, Fenris! He's a difficult battle then, still a difficult battle now. I loved how they updated the battle mechanics. I hope Calladus gets updated mechanics (and rewards) too, he and his dragons still look great. I don't remember much about Ziragat but 4.6k HP back then seemed challenging

@battlesiege15 I hate Bun-Bits too, they're so annoying

Macho Man -> RE: nemesis? (12/13/2022 13:36:25)

This one is gonna be random but one of my nemesis' was Amoria. I remember spending so much time trying to find ways of beating her before she left for the rest of the year and failed. I waited the next 11 months to get me chance to get my revenge and man was it worth it.

And I think we can all agree that Bun-bits are the worst.

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