DragonUltraMaster -> RE: nemesis? (12/10/2022 7:01:41)
I have 3 enemies I came to think of almost right away. First: Calladus, Dragon Master Reaching this boss back in the day was amazing, but it was a very hard battle. It took me many tries before I managed to defeat him and was dissapointed in how the quest ended. I don't know why, but I had expected some great rewards which never happened! [8D] Second: Fenris Similar to Calladus. I was just as stobbern to defeat this guy, the quests was longer, I was hoping for easy enemies but wasn't always all that lucky which brings me to the third enemy Ziragat, the Undead Dragon This was such a roadblock back in the day... Level 300 Undead dragon? MASSIVE HP?? He often acted like a wall for me, especially when questing for Fenris above. //D.U.M