Infernal Champion - Praise to Hecate and a possible Misc? (Full Version)

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Sphinx Jevoha -> Infernal Champion - Praise to Hecate and a possible Misc? (12/18/2022 3:26:58)

It's been a few weeks since the stunning Infernal Champion Set has come out, and I wanted to ask if you guys were using it as your new main Fire armor. The main (and possibly only) negative aspect of the armor is its super heavy SP upkeep. At around 700-800 SP upkeep per turn, it's right up there in terms of resources spent.

For course, for Guardians you have the Essence Orb which makes it possible to get all the SP you ever need each round, but for non-Guardians, there's literally no way to use the armor for more than a few rounds each battle.

Since the armor is FD and has 0% inclination towards dodging or blocking, why not reduce the M/R/M even more to give increased SP regen on the armor's first skill. Take off 5 M/R/M and give 99 more SP regen if all hits connect.

Another thing: the set's FSB is supposed to be enhanced healing from the Poison, but I don't think it is currently working. If you see the in-game chat box, the armor only heals the exact amount the Poison deals. There's no 12.5% bonus FSB healing active yet.

I think there is an easy way to solve the heavy SP upkeep of such armors:

A Misc, of any element, that grants SP Regeneration to both the pet and the guest.

The Misc would give your pet and your guest the ability to passively regenerate a small amount of SP every time they attack.

Around 40 SP Regen for the pet, and around 60 SP Regen for the guest (since guest effects are usually 50% stronger, so 50% of 40 = 20, and 20+40 = 60).

This regen should be a fixed amount, and not based off damage dealt because most players get massive SP heals from the Fae Wanderer pet or the Cometoid jelly.

Since the Misc regenerates SP, it shouldn't have a SP upkeep cost, and if it uses MP, then warriors and rangers can't use it.

The solution? The Misc has HP cost as upkeep.

Also, how about a discussion on the Abyssal Champion being what might be a weaker version of a Darkness Bloodzerker/Bloodmage (come on, we know it's going to happen), or a Darkness Necromancer Cavalry (this might happen too!).

Sapphire -> RE: Infernal Champion - Praise to Hecate and a possible Misc? (12/18/2022 7:34:58)

I think I'd be on board with most of those changes. The SP upkeep is quite insane, but there are items and methods to still spam it's abilities with certain builds. If those combined interactions were to be nerfed, it'd be an indirect nerf to this package and it would no longer be worth the money spent on obtaining it. However, I think the bigger issue is if the FSB isn't working. For a $100 package, that needs to be addressed asap.

As for a misc that gives all pets and guests the ability to regen SP, I would rather it be paid for by decreasing the pet/guest damage rather than in HP. I *hate* things that cost HP, usually. But this is a personal preference. But a misc that does this would be very welcome.

As for the Abyssal set, it's good but it does feel as though something is off about it. It might be because darkness element armors are just too good across the board and therefore this one simply doesn't separate itself. I will say, though, it seems to me the best and most perfect build for it is a Ranger-Mage or traditional hybrid utilizing weapons with 0 proc effects and booster pets/guests. Being able to have a built in nuke spell *and* cheap SP that is a large amount of damage w/ boosters all in one armor is perfect for hybrids. I think it also works best if you prefer Paladin over Necromancer.

Korriban Gaming -> RE: Infernal Champion - Praise to Hecate and a possible Misc? (12/18/2022 8:18:18)


or course, for Guardians you have the Essence Orb which makes it possible to get all the SP you ever need each round, but for non-Guardians, there's literally no way to use the armor for more than a few rounds each battle.

I think it is highly unlikely that someone who doesn't even have Guardian yet drop $100 on a token package.

However that being said I do agree with the criticisms. It is definitely possible to run all the toggles though you do need an insane healing setup (Jelly, Mort, Fae + C72 etc). I second the idea of increasing SP regen at the cost of MRM.


around 60 SP Regen for the guest

Guests have their own upkeep as well and I don't think 60 would be sufficient. Even if it is balanced, it most certainly won't be worth using over the healing setups mentioned above coupled with Optico

J9408 -> RE: Infernal Champion - Praise to Hecate and a possible Misc? (12/18/2022 13:52:38)


As for the Abyssal set, it's good but it does feel as though something is off about it. It might be because darkness element armors are just too good across the board and therefore this one simply doesn't separate itself.

That is exactly it. It has to compete with other Darkness sets like the Terror set.

When I saw the word "Abyssal" I was expecting a water set. I think that would be better.

Sapphire -> RE: Infernal Champion - Praise to Hecate and a possible Misc? (12/19/2022 7:34:38)

I would think maybe a better comparative set of armors would be Necromancer and Angel of Souls. Terror set since fear is a stun and boss freedom rejects stuns lost a lot of luster a long time ago, although it isn't bad for normal questing. Just not good for the boss fight.

The armor is not bad for a traditional hybrid and a Ranger Mage hybrid

Sphinx Jevoha -> RE: Infernal Champion - Praise to Hecate and a possible Misc? (12/28/2022 6:12:42)

Do we have a confirmation that the FSB on the Infernal Champion (bonus incoming Healing) has been fixed?

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