ship? (Full Version)

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dragonofchaos -> ship? (12/23/2022 1:57:21)

who do you consider to be the chosen one's ship/love interest?

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: ship? (12/23/2022 3:44:43)


JhyShy -> RE: ship? (12/23/2022 10:54:32)

Mastercraft Equipment

sunblaze -> RE: ship? (12/23/2022 12:46:23)

THose are 2 excellent answers [:)]

MetalKnight -> RE: ship? (12/23/2022 15:53:57)

Experimenting items.

Red Blood -> RE: ship? (12/23/2022 23:42:58)

Death, and the horror that is Holiday Sham.

lolerster -> RE: ship? (12/24/2022 17:47:26)

The CPT obviously.

Nameless King -> RE: ship? (12/26/2022 20:01:52)

Mirah the Goddess of Destruction for male and Midzah The God of Destruction for female.Thicc and powerful.We met him/her when we were trying to save the whole universe from the devourer of all thing,Mundus Devorans,the first son of Deus Omnium of universe 42069.We are after all a singularity so only 1 version of us exist in every universe.At that time.we are the new God of Martial Art.No enemy could even challenge a speck of our power in Battleon-69 so we venture out for more worthy opponent.After a few years of marriage,we were gifted a beautiful children.For some odd reason.our children have been sleeping soundly for a long time.......and oh,the child name is Azathoth.What a cute name right~

GwenMay -> RE: ship? (12/30/2022 21:26:51)

I don't know about y'all, but Wabio for me <3

As for other, non-Chosen, ships I love:

-Cenara x Kaley (It's canon to me!)
-Celestra x Galrick
-Hans x Aria
-Dame Constance x Trish

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