Need to Re-gear my Mage character (Full Version)

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Siachi -> Need to Re-gear my Mage character (12/25/2022 7:50:08)

Character Page:

To start off with, I know this character's inventory is probably hot garbage. A combination of me trying too hard to stick with the necromancer theme even if it means getting subpar equipment, power leveling the character to 150 without much regard for upgrading its equipment, me playing sporadically over the years, and just in general having no idea how to play Mages in this game.

Main thing to note, I have 22 Common and 3 Rare Gift Boxes for this character I can use up as needed. I do have more on other characters, but I'd like to save those for the time being if I can help it.

I haven't finished the Necromancer Class yet, and the Phylactry boss being a roadblock is a big part of why I'd like to update my inventory. Any additional advice for that would also be appreciate; so far I've gotten as far as "Generalist Robe's rank 9 skill can help with it's elemental shield, and try to inflict Primal Fear from the necromancer armor to reset its damage boost", but otherwise I'm stuck.

Either way, have at it: Please help me tear this character to shreds and build it back up to something decent. I know there are guides out there for equipment and things, but to be honest the Mage playstyle is so foreign to me, that I probably wouldn't know what I was doing even if I had all the good equipment.

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