Permanent Location for Anim's Experiments (Full Version)

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CH4OT1C! -> Permanent Location for Anim's Experiments (12/30/2022 15:13:32)

For those that are unaware, @AnimAnimalKing (one of AQ's artists) has a house where he unofficially codes and tests a variety of experimental Boss monsters. These monsters often feature unique art/mechanics and, due to their experimental nature, are completely unavailable anywhere else in-game. Due to these characteristics, many of the bosses are some of the hardest (e.g., Sandy Claws' Pet Boo, with 70k HP) and most iconic (e.g., Sehr Stilvol Dragon) available to the player. Combined with the lack of a reward, they turn Anim's house into something similar to the Void of old. A testing ground where the player can test their mettle, their reward being the glory of overcoming the odds. In case anyone reading this wants to have a go for themselves, Anim's House ID is 19336901.

The reason I bring this up is that this system has its limitations. Anim currently has to switch out old bosses whenever he designs a new encounter (otherwise his house guard list would be extremely long). This is a problem because, as I mentioned, these fights are both difficult and iconic (and therefore interesting). New and returning players miss the opportunity to fight the old bosses since they can't stick around.

With this in mind, I have a proposal: Provide Anim with an experimental in-game area to store and test his creations. To be clear, this does not mean I want Anim's experiments to become part of the official release cycle. We have plenty of recurring events as is and, more importantly, these fights work best precisely as experiments. It's part of what makes them so entertaining. I'm only suggesting Anim is provided a space where he can produce and store his boss fights so they can be permanently retained and fought. That way, everyone gets the opportunity to fight these abominations. Such a space should, naturally, come with a clear message that the ensuing fights could contain bugs (it's an experiment) and that the reward should be the glory of getting the win. Whilst I definitely wouldn't say no to a pet Sehr Stilvol Dragon, the system is fine as it is. There just needs to be a way to retain the fights.

What do you think? Have you fought any of Anim's test monsters yourself? Did you enjoy it? Would you like to see them retained for the future?

Sapphire -> RE: Permanent Location for Anim's Experiments (12/30/2022 16:44:23)

Agree, and this leads me to the following idea.

First, the place for Anim's monsters to be held is and should be: The Estate Museum --> Displayed Monster Paintings

Expanded idea to include all players:

1. Everyone with a museum should be allowed, if so desired, to display inside it (staff would have to make a room or rooms inside) that a player can display all void and anim-based and other monster paintings. This allows the owner to visit them whenever they choose for free.

2. Engine Update to differentiate "monster access paintings" from all others via some sort of "tag", if necessary to allow this to occur.

3. Other players should be able to access other's museums and view the owner's monster paintings.

4. Other players should be allowed to PAY z tokens to the owner to access the monster. This means non-owners of void monsters can find ways to access void monsters outside of void rotations by paying z tokens to painting owners.

5. They say art can increase in value. Paying 500 tokens or w/e is deemed ok to access the fight will eventually pay for the painting for many.

6. Museums free GGB remains.

7. Anim's painting access is free

8. All of Anim's monsters be given a painting reward

This gives the museum a new function that'd be desirable and give Anim a place to house his creations in one fell swoop.

GwenMay -> RE: Permanent Location for Anim's Experiments (12/30/2022 20:18:24)

100% agree with @CH4OT1C!. These are like secret void challenges, and I love them. It's terrible when they leave.

In my opinion, the best solution is just to add them to the Void, in a special "testing" area. The easiest solution is to put each of them as guards in separate staff character houses, and to have some sort of pinned post on the forums giving the house id for each house/challenge.

Alternatively, I would be happy to add them to my house gauntlet! (If y'all haven't tried it yet, visit my house at house id 51836365, and if you beat it message me and I'll add you to the Hall of Fame).

PD -> RE: Permanent Location for Anim's Experiments (12/30/2022 21:10:39)

I was wondering when someone was going to post this. Or rather it should have been here all along. Maybe these bosses could even be added to the Void Area since there hasn't been any updates to it since the 3 Birds update.

Red Blood -> RE: Permanent Location for Anim's Experiments (1/10/2023 22:14:01)

Would also love to fight them again/ be able to take part in any tests missed.

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