January 6th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: In Wanderland (Full Version)

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Laeon val Observis -> January 6th Design Notes: Arena at the Edge of Time: In Wanderland (1/6/2023 22:26:28)


Friday, January 6, 2023
Arena at the Edge of Time: In Wanderland
Hey there, heroes!

Start off 2023 with a trip into Wanderland! The Otherworldly Creatures Part 2 board has appeared at the Inn at the Edge of Time!


Chase the Platinum Cabit and find yourself in Wanderland! Avoid the popping bubbles of the Kittypillar, and you may just escape with a prize (and your life)!

Defeat them both to earn an upgraded bubble trinket, and a new necklace item, Kittypillar's Pipe!

Dive into Wanderland by heading over to the Inn at the Edge of Time. The Otherworldy Creatures Part 2 board awaits!

Also this week, Januray Dragon Coin seasonal specials have arrived!


Other returning items such as the Nova Phoenix set, the New Dawn scythe, and even the Fireworks trinket are also available!

Check out the seasonal shop in the Book of Lore to get them!

Finally, a few adjustments!

  • The Tournament of Champions (Part 1) has had some of Amadeus and Jaania's dialogue reworked.

    • ToC and Timelines will receive minor updates again in the future.

  • A huge number of enemies (including arena challenges) now have significantly less variance in their damage ranges. Before, it was random and quite large. Now (may change in the future), damage variance is +- 6% from the average damage.
  • Fixed the spelling of Phoenix Helion Blade I and Phoenix Helion Helm I.
  • Anything else I may have forgotten!

Happy new year everyone! And that's all for this week!

Aight, folks, remember: constructive criticism. I *might* not be able to DNs post next week depending on my sched, so if it takes beyond Saturday ET, greenlight for anyone confident enough to perform the task.

Looks like these fights seems decent enough. Slightly vague mechanics, sure, but not too biggy once you figure them (Cryomancer's Pyro v Wanderland description has the details). Managed to Maul them with Pirate. Damocles, Dropbear, and Hidebehind items are just redundancies.

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