Dex -Type Spell (Full Version)

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Firedice18 -> Dex -Type Spell (2/4/2023 0:37:37)

Do we happen to have any Dex Type Spell that gives DeX buff but uses SP instead of MP?

I just created a Ranger Beast Master but Im planning to either invest to LuK or END.

KuronekoAlchemist -> RE: Dex -Type Spell (2/4/2023 3:53:08)

These are the only ones I can find. I don't know if the last two are any good, maybe someone else can answer that. Void Dragon can be useful.

Void Dragon Blitz (This is about to leave in a few days) (There's Melee and Magic versions too)
Harm SPell. Does -10% damage due to dealing Harm-element damage.
MC: Chance of Auto-Hit.
Location: Guardian Tower -> Teleporter -> The Void -> Void Bosses: Void Dragon Queen.

Warmaster's Burst (There's Fire and Wind versions)
Overcharged SPell. Scales with DEX. Deals +50% damage. Pays 5% with MC and 45% in HP (97 at 150; uses old HP cost standards).
Location: Yulgar's Inn -> Go to Lounge -> Sage Uldor -> Burning Solstice -> Part V: The Choice to Fall

Your Body Heals at the Speed of Light
"Ranged" Healing SPell. Uses DEX for stat damage. Healing is also modified by the enemy's Light resistance.
MC: 14% chance to grant Celerity for the Player + Pet + Guest. This has a +0 save (inflict with DEX/LUK, resist with LUK/INT).
Location: Granemor -> Cemetery -> Halerno's Statue -> Thursday the 12th Out of Order!

Firedice18 -> RE: Dex -Type Spell (2/4/2023 6:31:03)

Thank you so much.

Although i cannot use the higher version of moonwalker grace its MP cost. Hoping AQ would release a DeX Buff spell that uses SP

I'll check if the DeX and Luk Beastmaster would be effective.

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