RE: =WPC 2023= Final Battlefield (Full Version)

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Apocalypse -> RE: =WPC 2023= Final Battlefield (3/3/2023 21:53:10)

Quills - sharp as spears and smelling of morning dew - perforated the operator. Riptides of agony tore through him as fissures sprouted throughout his crystal form.

Lightning and fire and lightningandfireand-

Thorn lurched, large chunks of himself crashing to the floor in butterflies of burnt umber. Ferdinand escaped his grip as the entire limb holding the avian crumbled in swirling cyclones of glittering diamonds. -I- His vision folded in on itself, a neverending kaleidoscope of fractured image. -I- Thorn fell to his knees. The radioactive field failed, menageries of jade vanishing into the cold, empty night. -I-

The air still crackled in tawny blooms when the twinned voices swallowed all in their curtains of onyx and ivory.

Knight of the Cosmos. Though you show ceaseless persistence, you fail to keep the rhythm of Order. You are Dismissed.


Thorn howled.

Brimstone and sulfur. Biting winds and frigid maws. Thunderous bolts and charged hatred. The operator threw back what false arms it had left and pulsed out all that remained of him. Solar flares blazing with ruby and garnet. Coruscating nebulas glaring with sapphire and aquamarine. Ionic storms fulminating with emerald and malachite. Each spiraled in and out of the others, weaving a living tapestry of the sky’s wonders. The Knight of Disruption chipped away at his form, striking again and again with its frozen flail through the prismatic onslaught. Shards shattered with shrill shriek, screeching in hollow scents, but the colors they spat and vomited-

Crystals creased in a crude imitation of a smile.

-suffocated in his galaxy.


Colors faded, crystals vitrified.

-have been…

The Knight of the Cosmos tumbled to the floor, his scattered remains falling silent in this prison sealed away from the starry skies.


Starflame13 -> RE: =WPC 2023= Final Battlefield (3/5/2023 1:46:12)

The Captain snarled, muscles burning as she drove her slim dagger forward. Just before it plunged through the feathers, they parted. Crimson wings swept back to reveal the Parodist’s inhuman face. Nearly half a dozen eyes - wide and unblinking - bore into the revenant’s mismatched gaze. Her heart stuttered, breath freezing in her lungs -

- she choked on the smoke, gasping desperately for air. Raiders’ laughter echoed in the distance as the girl sprinted through the ravaged wharf, debris and wreckage painting unfamiliar angles onto the well-worn streets. Smog stung at her eyes, tears whipping free in the wind. Fire leapt from house to house, the encroaching blaze searing at her skin -

She growled, shoving panic aside as she drove the dagger forward. Her ship obeyed her will; her body would do the same, despite the bite of icy fear sinking its fangs into her soul. She glared at the demon, eyes locked on the steel of her blade as she plunged it deep into one scarlet eye -

- metal glinted in the thick smog, and the girl flung herself sideways. The raider’s blade carved through flesh; her scream tore her throat as steel ripped through her arm. The force flung her into a nearby stall, burning boards collapsing as she crumpled, sobbing, to the ground. The man laughed and moved on, ignoring the ragged, breathless retching as the girl choked on her own blood -

Scarlet ruptured from the punctured vessel, living flesh within the cracked porcelain yielding to the blade. A tide of blood gushed over her fingers, thick and warm, as her eyes widened and face twisted in horror. You bleed?! Unease boiled into dread and bloomed into terror; the Captain locked up in fear -

She screamed, raw and desperate. She screamed, furious and heartbroken. She screamed, her voice lost in the discordant cacophony of cries and wails. She screamed - unheard, and alone.

The Parodist shrieked, its shrill cry a constant churn of shattering glass, further driving the spikes of pain splitting through the Captain’s skull. Feathers snapped down to cover the devastation, blood staining the plumage and dripping down its exposed chin, scarlet teartracks against broken stone. It reeled backwards, massive club falling from its hands as it shoved itself away from the wraith. The Captain managed to stumble forward in its wake, unbalanced and shaking. Its shriek swelled, the demon raking its scarlet-tipped claws against its own face. It screamed -

And Miriam heard.

The woman staggered back half a step and pressed flesh fingers against her throbbing shoulder. She swayed in place, dragging air back into panic-stricken lungs and fixing her eyes on the sobbing demon. The surge of fear receded somewhat, her heartbeat still fast, but steadying. Phantom fingers loosened, blood-slick dagger slipping from her palm to clatter to the floor below. Tiles shuddered beneath them, marble rippling away from the epicenter of the battlefield as the great voices reverberated through her mind. Dismissed. The Parodist sobbed, its terror settling into horrified despair. It pressed its palms against its face and wailed, waves of pain and misery and fear - always fear - overlapping in bleeding and broken tones. Miriam knew those screams. They had come from her own throat. You’re… a child. She half turned, looking over her shoulder at the white orb, flecked with crimson, now falling from the scales. Dismissed. She swung back to face the weeping puppet. And now you’re alone. A flood of rainbow hues washed over them, Thorn’s own howl of anguish muffled behind the pillar of ice - but he didn’t matter. Not anymore. His life was spent.

The Parodist… hers could still be beginning.

Miriam took a limping step forward, foot brushing against her fallen cutlass, and pressed the swirling mists of her palm against a cracked porcelain hand. The puppet’s - the person’s - babble fell to an abrupt halt, and it - she - shivered at the touch. Carefully, gently, the wraith lowered their hands, using her flesh-and-blood fingers to push back the wings on the other side of the child’s face. Undamaged, glowing eyes blinked back at her.

This demon had nearly taken her heart. A soft growl built at the base of her throat, then softened away. The Captain had destroyed one of its eyes. A fair exchange. We’ll call it even.

“You called me beautiful.”

A storm was beautiful. A storm was also so much more - monstrous, terrifying, and destructive beyond measure. It ripped apart life and limb, drowned sailors and tore ships into shreds, but… none of that detracted from its sheer majesty. “All terrible things are beautiful.”

The Parodist stood before her, delicate porcelain chipped and cracked and covered in crimson stains. The heart - false or not - beat; uneven, sluggish, but alive. It was abhorrent and horrifying and wrong. Miriam snorted, looking from the false heart to her own swirling, ghostly limbs. Not so different after all, are we?

“That means you must be beautiful, too.”

Slim, ghostly fingers dropped from fractured ivory to the remaining pistols in her bandolier. She pulled one free, gradually, cautiously, her movements clearly on display to the child before her. Ephemeral whispers of white energy rippled along the barrel, thrumming and pulsing in time to the beat of her own heart. Miriam flipped the pistol in her hand and offered the grip to the Parodist. “Learn to walk your own path, child. There’s only so long you can copy mine.”

And she turned on her heel to face the remaining Knight of Chaos.

“Do you know what they call you in th’ ports, Captain?”

Miriam glanced over her shoulder at the sailor, his eyes sparking with admiration and a hint of awe beneath the flicker of his aura. Definitely the most energetic spirit she’d recruited in a while. She raised an eyebrow, waiting.

“They’re calling you a devil! A sea-devil! Th’ devil of th’ Crimson Sails!” He swung about on the rigging beneath said sails, thrilled to be serving on the ship of such a legend. “They say you’re gonna rule the waters one day! That no one can stop you!”

The Captain chuckled. “This sea already has a devil, boy. And I’m for sure not him.” She paused and blinked, turning away from the boisterous deckhand to gaze out over the horizon with a soft hum of thought.
Could she be the devil? She’d copied his path, if nothing else. Followed in the footsteps of terrorizing the waters, of sinking ships and claiming sailors and calling storms for her own. But the devil controlled the sea in ways even she, with all her ships and storms, could not. Not yet.

The balance of power could shift. She’d proved that already, in binding sailors to herself rather than sending them to the depths. He couldn’t stop her from pushing it further.

The sea would only listen to one master.

Why shouldn’t it be her?

Miriam slid her hazy gaze across the shambles of the battlefield. Shards of ice littered the area about the pillars, and a few limping steps brought the goose into sight between them; its long neck bobbed dejectedly over the discarded shell of Thorn’s iron armor. Nothing left for you to eat, then? Crystal remnants surrounded the pair, their previous luminescence dulled to colorless stone beneath the scattering of snow-white feathers. Useless until the end. Fogged eyes narrowed to focus on the Knight of Disruption. Her lips tugged into a frown. While difficult to make out details, the avian looked ragged - more ragged than any seagull Miriam could remember. In some places it was almost bald, feathers drooping and dropping about it. A last gift from the behemoth after all. Her lip curled. He managed to tire you out. Still, it looked spry enough as it stretched its neck over the fallen armor, an icy mace swinging gracelessly in its beak. Some fight in you left for me, it seems. She bared her teeth. Good.

Fingers spasmed against her wound, a fresh wave of black blood seeping through wool and steel mesh as her frozen shoulder throbbed. Can’t trust the aim of either arm. Damn. Her eyes fell on the broken shards of crystal, and the ice threaded through them. A grin - pained, but solid, broke through her expression. But maybe I don’t need to.

Miriam dropped to one knee, reaching out her phantom hand to reclaim her cutlass. Fresh spasms shot through the aching muscles along her back and waist. She winced, curling into her side - and slipped her solid fingers from her shoulder to the grip of another pistol. Black ichor trickled down the side of her face as she raised her head, fixing the goose in the sight of her living eye. Looks like it's just you and me now, Ferdinand. The woman swung her pistol upwards, and a single sharp crack split the air. Whatever you are, I’m going to make sure it’s just me. The reverberations echoed, the only sound in the otherwise silent field, before the bullet slammed with a shattering boom into the pillar about the goose’s head. Ice groaned, fractures spreading in crackling webs along the structure before a great sheet sloughed off in a spray of snow and weapon shards, roaring down at the feathered form below. Miriam grinned even as the pillar mended itself anew. Let’s see if your soul is worth more than the one I let go, bird.

There were only a few left to collect, after all. She could afford to be a bit more selective.

roseleaf320 -> RE: =WPC 2023= Final Battlefield (3/7/2023 15:03:05)

White orb, stained with crimson, shattered against the chequered floor. Each piece clanged harshly in the Parodist’s ears, a cacophony of glass that clashed against its ever-beating rhythm.

Crimson soul, stained with white, collapsed under the thousand shards of porcelain the orb left behind.

Red-stained fingers bathed in blood as the Parodist gripped its face. It had failed. It would die.

bum Failure. A reflex that it had not felt before racked its whole body with her beat. A sob, it realized dimly. Not that it mattered. b-b-u-- Terrifying. Its limbs shook and its wounded eye cried with scarlet. b-u-um-m Painful. It would never be human, it would hurt them all, it was better for it to just die here, end it Captain please, something like me doesn’t deserve--

bu-bum “You called me beautiful.”

What? The Parodist flinched away, careful to obscure its eyes as a soft hand touched its bloodied porcelain.

The low, cracked voice washed away the remnant chiming of the Parodist’s glass. “All terrible things are beautiful. That means you must be, too.” It was ugly. It made humans feel pain, feel fear. How could that…

The Parodist slid its fingers aside just enough to meet each of Captain’s eyes with one of its own. It… wasn’t very good at understanding the emotions that always filled humans’ eyes. But… this one wasn’t fear.

In her hands, Captain held a small weapon. It glowed with a faint white light, and instead of pointing it towards the Parodist… she was holding it loosely, as if offering it.

But it didn’t…

b-bm The Parodist dropped a hand from their face to hesitantly wrap trembling fingers around the weapon. It felt normal at first, but if the Parodist closed their eyes for a just a moment…

They could barely feel the familiar beat-beat-breath of Captain’s soul.

bu-bum They looked up at her, searching her mismatched eyes for an answer, for a reason she was offering something when they had just hurt her.

bu-bum “Learn to walk your own path, Child. There’s only so long you can copy mine.”

--- The Parodist stood, breathless, stunned, as Captain nodded and began to turn away.

Their voice rang clearly through porcelain frame as they called out to her.

“Thank you.”

The Parodist watched, wings open, as Captain returned to the battle. Then she herself turned, and stepped with porcelain feet over her clockhand towards her portal. She… when she’d first taken the clock’s beat, she thought its hand would help her. But… she didn’t want to need it anymore.

And… perhaps she didn’t make everyone afraid.

As she bbb-bum carried Kasdil’s defiance, Captain’s beauty, across the threshold with her, she wondered if someday she could find a home for her own b-bum chaotic beat.

Sylphe -> RE: =WPC 2023= Final Battlefield (3/8/2023 20:02:35)

Little lights. Little darks. Little lights, swaying and suffocating.

He heard- felt? Somewhere at the edge of his consciousness, glass breaking. Heavy, distorted, followed with whispers, like… Like when a mirror was broken, and years of bad luck were to follow.
It was within a little black that Ferdinand hit the floor. He opened his beady eyes with the first raspy breath. He couldn’t move, and yet he struggled. Everything spun. And then, for just a brief moment, his thoughts were clear, as if someone lifted the heavy confusing cloud, and the star-snow that spun all about him became just a single galaxy reflected in his black eyes.

Pretty, The goose thought with a tinge of sadness.

The Knight That Didn’t Help. Dismissed. The Brute Crystal Giant Man, Thorn, gone…?

Ferdinand wasn’t very good with numbers, no matter how much the crows tried to teach him. With sticks, with stones and stolen bells and cutlery and many household items he didn’t know the meaning of. He could never make it beyond two sticks. But even if he couldn’t say how many sticks were by his side, he knew that he was alone.

He tried to honk at the howling Thorn, tried to tell him to leave, to run at once. But nothing more than a gurgle came out of his beak with the strain.

He couldn’t hear, or couldn’t listen. Like a limping buck shot in the grasslands, tearing itself apart and beyond help.

Ferdinand clambered back to his feet, shaking. The dizziness threatened to topple him like a little gosling on a stream and yet he made one step, two steps, towards the shrieking, shaking behemoth and his prismatic storm. Then another, and another, and one half-step lost as a thud on the icy ground. Blood stained the white marble but he ran, he ran, and closed his beak firm around the frozen handle, thinking, knowing that if he didn’t, he’d choke out whatever was left in him.

A single pained whimper, and the goose rushed silently, its pitter patter the only sound against the operator’s thunder. He swung, Bearmaw’s jagged claws tearing into sickly viridian crystal and shattering enough for centuries of bad luck. A horrible shock surged through the goose. He thought of lightning at the height of summer, loud beyond the shaky barn. Of warm rain and the guard colie, terrified of the noise. He’d lie by her, guardian to guardian, to lull her to sleep. He’d fight the lightning for her. For a world where she wouldn’t have to fear, where thunder did not shoot out of swords. Anyone, even lightning shocking beyond feather and bone.

With a strained breath, he struck again against the ember red gems. He thought of fireflies and bonfires as he burnt from inside out. Of carnivals and lanterns and paint on his feathers and friendly voices becoming fast terrified - kids pulling on his feathers realizing their end was at hand. Of harsh winters and huddling together by the last light as the blue lashed against him with frost- Chipping away at the doors stuck in place, ice crystals refusing to melt-

He thought of the blazing red sun and the cold castle walls as he swung his morningstar one final time.

For the return of the lush greens. For thunder of the sky and goose honks in high summer, and never from human hands. For that, Giant, I take you.
Thorn collapsed. Not with a horrible roar, but with a shower of crystal dust. With a whisper. And in the silence that followed, Ferdinand thought of the prince that wished so desperately to be found. As if dreaming, he waddled forward, and pushed crystal bits together with his head.

It isn’t why I witnessed. Eat all the breadcrumbs in the sky, brave glass bird.

The crows gathered when one didn’t come home. They learned from humans to place down pebbles, smoothed by the stream…

There was no time for graves.

The goose snapped its head up at the shwish of the air and the loud crack that soon followed. More snow than on the snowiest of days descended upon him. Just two sticks left. He could count that! Just one more enemy to make a fool of, if… if he made it. One last foe to fight. One last pawn of order.

I’m sorry, Bearmaw and Dawn, old friend. We part ways! I shall do this alone!

There is no dread to us!

He tossed the large weapon, suddenly almost weightless. Bits and pieces of sharp ice snowed by Ferdinand and time felt like the thickest jar of honey as he ran. Safety was just as the edge, so close and yet too far. No amount of tiny goose steps would make it in time. His beady eyes narrowed.

They wouldn’t have to!

It was the strength of his heart, not its size!

Ferdinand built up speed and leapt at the last moment, sliding forward and away from the icy burial like a penguin, on his plucked belly. The pillar collapsed just a breath after Ferdinand escaped, a mighty roar echoing across the otherwise empty space where only the stars kept watch. His belly was freezing, it was burning and by big geese above the jump hurt everything soft inside that had not yet been rattled. But even as dizzy and shaky as his vision was, one target is very hard to miss.

Spinny? Very!

Dizzy? A lot!

Icy shards stuck in his back? Yes!

The goose inhaled the frosted air and willed his burning muscles for one last fight.

What can a goose do?

Ferdinand let out all the air he had into a ferocious, shrill hiss. Never before has his hiss sounded so full, so determined - for this! This was not a "LEAVE ME ALONE!" hiss! This wasn’t a "YOU FOUL CHILD! YOU TOOK THE BREAD FROM ME I WAS ABSOLUTELY INTERESTED IN!" hiss.

This was a hiss that sent his eyes ablaze red! This was a "SO LONG AS I STAND I’LL KEEP THEM SAFE!" hiss! This was a "YOU FOUL CAPTAIN! YOU BROKE THE PILLAR I WAS ABSOLUTELY INTERESTED IN!" hiss.

Chewy905 -> RE: =WPC 2023= Final Battlefield (3/14/2023 11:18:15)

A heavy silence fell over the Battlefield. It lingered one moment. Then another. Then, abruptly, the sounds of cannon fire echoed through space, bringing with it the scent of the sea and a cool breeze that washed over the tiles and seemed to make them gleam ever brighter. The stars above receded, their glimmer reduced to naught but a faint pinprick.

And the Battlefield roared.

The stars above shifted, sliding across the sky to create a perfect map that any sailor could use to chart their course. There they stayed, completely still, unable to escape the ever-strengthened bindings of Order. The scales shook, a single orb of white, with just a hint of hold and crimson, falling from grace to shatter beneath the pillars and explode in a wave of seawater. The water flowed up and down the carved weapons, dripping off them in endless streams, bringing the ocean to a space that had never felt its cool touch. Two sheets of water parted to reveal a final portal, its destination shrouded by the mists.

One final orb remained, an orb as deep blue as the sea and flickering with ghostly light, pressing The Scales out of balance.

Order spoke alone, its single voice overpowering Chaos’ rage.

Captain Miriam. Champion of the Sea. Nightmare, Masterful and Merciful. You have brought Me victory on this day, and for this, I acknowledge you. You have tipped the scales of war in My favor - so, too, will I repay you. Return home with the Blessing of Order, and may the scales weight ever in your favor.

Starflame13 -> RE: =WPC 2023= Final Battlefield (6/6/2023 0:26:06)

Black and white blurred together across her vision as Miriam dropped the spent revolver and shoved herself to her feet. She staggered, weight swaying unevenly between her phantom leg - weakened as the Parodist left with the gifted pistol - and her still-throbbing flesh one. The ache behind her ghostly eye spiked as frosted crystals smashed into stone floor, the cacophonous avalanche cascading down upon the Knight of Disruption. Icy fractals scattered with piercing screeches, and the revenant shook her head in an attempt to clear it. It’s not over. Miriam hadn’t felt the soul slip into her clutches - that meant the blasted, buried goose had survived. She lurched one step forward, then another. Another. Ano -


A shrill squeal pierced the air, sending a lance of pain between her eyes. A chunk of ice had detached itself and now hurtled along the ground towards her. Miriam blinked rapidly, and the ice resolved itself into the wavering form of the goose, ragged and mostly bald but still somehow propelling itself towards her and hissing something about… breadcrumbs? Wha - FOCUS!

Adrenaline slammed into her a split second before the fowl did, and Miriam threw herself to the side. Its raucous squawking faded in and out as the wraith reeled. Her head smacked into the ground, and she bit back a scream, solid teeth piercing through her lip and staining the stale copper in her throat with fresh blood. Do. Not. BREAK! She swung out her cutlass, sending up sparks as it dragged against the tiles. It slowed her momentum just enough for Miriam to regain her bearings, snapping her head up and her blade forward to guard against another assault -

Captain Miriam.

The roar of cannons shook the battlefield. Salt kissed her face, stung at her open wounds. The cool scent of the ocean swam through her senses, overpowering the blood caught in her throat. Stars shook with each blast, falling into the shapes of familiar constellations, a clear map of the skies pointing her North towards her home. She twisted to follow, and found herself facing a geyser of seawater that split through the ice. The ocean swelled before her, curtains of waves spirling and then parting to reveal a portal shrouded in mists. The scales above tipped slowly, a single orb - her orb - still held in their embrace.

Champion of the Sea.
- to swim, little minnow?-

- quite the sight now, ain’t ye -

Masterful and Merciful.
- don’t be afraid -

- ya ready t’ make a deal -

Victory on this Day.
- bend if you must -

- with the devil, girly?

Blessing of Order.
- but never -


Strength flooded through Miriam’s limbs like the tide, steadying her breath and straightening her spine. Her aching flesh eased, her sparking spirit stilled, and the revenant’s mismatched eyes blazed with power as she turned to face the approaching knight. Souls - ones not slain by her hands - sunk through her own. A menagerie of twisted animals, a brushing of dry desert sands, a buzzing hum pulsating crystals - all that fell upon these battlefields, she realized, inhaling sharply in surprise. Allies, enemies, strangers, their lives slipped through her fingers to sink through the vast waters of the ocean’s grave. The last few souls needed to fulfill her deal with the devil.

I’m… free.

Miriam swayed in place, Ferdinand’s presence barely registering. She felt light, as if invisible shackles had rusted and vanished within the moment the scales tipped. Pay ten thousand souls, in exchange for a borrowed life long enough to have her revenge. Pay ten thousand souls, and her own would no longer be considered forfeit. Pay ten thousand souls - and the tethers of the devil’s power binding her to her ship would fade, her spirit allowed to slip away and follow the remnants of her family to the afterlife.

But it was not the devil’s power that held her bound to the Nightmare now.

It was hers.

The goose stopped before her, its head bowed in acknowledgement of her victory. A soul no longer worth collecting and one she definitely wasn't interested in recruiting. I suppose I can let this one g-

With a sudden, startling honk, the Knight of Disruption’s neck lunged forward. Its orange beak sank into the top of the tattered flap of her boot, emerging with her stiletto. Another, now muffled honk - did… did it say ‘congratulations’? How -? And the bird threw itself into its portal, vanishing with only a few bedraggled feathers in its wake. Miriam blinked.

Well… I suppose even order can tolerate a little chaos.

Miriam turned slowly back to face the scales, the words of Order still echoing throughout the vast expanses around her. Her storm hummed in her veins. Her ship’s song called loud and clear. Whatever bet the devil had made with these Powers to get her here, he’d lost that one as well.

‘A little chaos’, hmm?

Captain Miriam stepped forward, the sway of the waves in her walk and the spark of lightning in her eyes. There’s always a little chaos involved, when it comes to a storm. A familiar figure seemed to coalesce in the mists before her, its form crooked, its teeth sharp and stained with blood.

The scales shifted in her favor. Her ocean would no longer answer to the devil once she was through with him.

There will be Order upon my seas.

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