February 20th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence - Fallen Facade (Full Version)

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Nediphile -> February 20th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence - Fallen Facade (2/20/2023 23:38:02)


Asleep Cat

Monday, February 20, 2023

Book 3: Convergence - Fallen Facade
Hey there, heroes!

Book 3's main story continues! While events have been unfolding inside Swordhaven Castle, what of the Greenguard Alliance?


Circe and Eirn have infiltrated the Rose airship, but can they find a way to sabotage it before it's too late? Meanwhile, you and your allies of the Greenguard Alliance are returning to Swordhaven, as Vseslava tries to get in contact with the Golden Hand Out post Yeden...

Head over to Queen Victoria in Book 3 Swordhaven to play the next quest in Boook 3: Convergence - Fallen Facade.

Also this week, some bugfixes and updates!

  • Puntin g Twilly in the intro quests will now stun the corresponding enemy for a turn at the start of battle.
  • Fixed some issues when selling armors that were previously saved.
  • Fixed a bunch of typos where "Gorillaphant" was mispelled.
  • Anything else I may have forgotten!

And that's all for this week!

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Primate Murder -> RE: February 20th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence - Fallen Facade (2/20/2023 23:59:16)

Great music! Really helps set the mood for the story.

Flabagast -> RE: February 20th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence - Fallen Facade (2/21/2023 23:07:40)

Great stuff!


I'm glad my worries for Circe and Eirn were unfounded. Although I can see the ship's weapons being powered up having some drawbacks... At least it buys the Alliance time to either pursue Jaania, or take care of the final Rift. Then again that might depend on whether Ostromir and Vseslava stick around or decide meet up with Outpost Yeden. If I were to guess, 'Project Casca' might have something to do with extracting another Mana Core Piece from the Fissure somehow.

The Spellseekers were certainly a twist! I really can't imagine Jaania having a reason to put a hit on the Alliance, especially including Hansa. I would say it was Akanthus' attempt at preventing them from interterring with his plans, including sabotaging the Golden Hand in anyway possible; the longer it takes to close the Rifts, the more time he has to get to the Fissure.

As for Yix... let's hope he doesn't become lunch for one of those Manahunters.

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