Ultra!!! (Full Version)

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Stoic -> Ultra!!! (7/11/2023 21:57:35)

How to get the Ultra!!! versions of the Mighty Ultra Guardian Plate and Shield?

PD -> RE: Ultra!!! (7/11/2023 22:07:03)

Once you unlock the Awe!!! blade, your other no-drops will become Ultra!!!'d

Stoic -> RE: Ultra!!! (7/11/2023 22:18:27)

I have the Blade of Awe!!! but the armor and shield didn't become !!! [:D]
Char under avvy

dr jo -> RE: Ultra!!! (7/11/2023 23:32:21)

To get the !!! Requires GGB boxes 1 for each item weapon, armour & shield

Stoic -> RE: Ultra!!! (7/11/2023 23:39:09)

@dr jo: So I have to equip Awe Armor and Shield first then get GGBs, then swap to UltraGuardian Plate and Shield?

King Darxonic -> RE: Ultra!!! (7/12/2023 18:40:43)

@Stoic, Yes.

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