Delta Star Saber (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Delta Star Saber (9/15/2023 18:56:17)

[image][/image]Delta Star Saber
An ancient Azaveyran relic once locked away in the Magesterium's vaults, this blade glows with mysterious power... (Cosmetic) (CC: Element)
(No DA Required)

Location: DC Cosmetics
Price: 350 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 315 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 88 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 1
Damage: 0-0
Element: Silver
Stats: None
Resists: None

Rarity: 5
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Other information
  • Weapon's appearance is attuned to player's equipped weapon's element.

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