Gear Suggestion (Full Version)

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arcblitz1609 -> Gear Suggestion (10/12/2023 21:24:20)

I have Evolved Void of Nulgath for my Darkness armor. Is there anything I can get that would be better for a BeastWarrior focusing on consistent damage? Is there anything regularly available that is better or anything from the new GGBs or Friday the 12th shop?

Primate Murder -> RE: Gear Suggestion (10/13/2023 23:39:40)

If you have PCO, Angel of Souls is by far the best pick. It has a weapon-based darkness skill with a cheap hp cost - so you can save your sp for guest upkeep.

Against Undead, there's no better pick than Paladin. A vast array of skills that gain effectively free elecomp, several useful passives, and a guest that deals 2x damage - what's not to love?

Shadowfall Raiment is a great armor for blocking builds, and even its regular attacks inflict EleVuln, boosting the damage of both your attacks and those of your pet/guest.

Finally, if neither of the three tickles your fancy, you can grab Predator of the Night (werewolf armor variant). Its Beast Form just straight-up doubles your damage.

arcblitz1609 -> RE: Gear Suggestion (10/14/2023 1:23:23)

Shadowfall is good with all of its skills and passives despite the damage compensation? I have been looking at it for quite a while but its looks is the only thing that has been putting me off of it. I've always been looking for an alternative to my darkness armor that is relatively good but also has good art. Im not mix maxing in any way so there's that. I might think again with Shadowfall now

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