Defender Stat Confusion (Full Version)

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Kelanor -> Defender Stat Confusion (10/18/2023 9:48:46)

The defender seems like a melee tank class, but on the stat screen it's an offensive caster. Even though the description says "preferred stats: luck" i would rather not mess with crit.

So would i be better off with a healer or fighter stats on my gear if i wanted to get the most bang for my buck in a tanky sort of way. (Both give +endurance, but should I be using strength of intelligence for my other stat?)

The auto attack is physical even though the base stats of the class is +intelligence and +endurance as a defensive caster, which is why i'm confused. the auto attack would get weaker if i went all into intelligence i thought, but at the same time since the base stats of the class is intelligence using fighter gear the attack power is rather low compared to my legendary hero class i also use which is melee tank.

I noticed that the other skills on the bar are hybrid, so i'm hoping they take a sum of your two offensive stats to give you your attack score or healing/etc.

I guess i'm really just surprised that this class isn't technically a melee tank class instead of defensive caster.

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