War questline (Full Version)

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s_venom -> War questline (12/28/2023 17:58:06)


Where can I find the war questline?


Grace Xisthrith -> RE: War questline (12/29/2023 14:49:53)

The OLD war questline is in the Dracomancer Saga, and it's the Destroyer questline.

The new war questline (recommend doing the old first as it's only 3 old quests if I recall correctly, should be pretty quick), is found in Yulgar's Inn, go to talk to Sage Uldor, and do burning solstice. I enjoyed this saga when I played through it, although some of it is tricky to follow.

I hope you enjoy :)

s_venom -> RE: War questline (12/30/2023 12:00:33)


I stopped playing a while ago and I remember us becoming War, I am just surprised it's still a thing.

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