Purchasing Previous Owned Items (Full Version)

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AQDeathKnight -> Purchasing Previous Owned Items (1/18/2024 10:09:39)

Looking at the release of various dodge-lash builds. It's a little bitter sweet, knowing I sold Big Dictionary before the build was a solid concept among the forums. Would it be possible to be able to purchase the item back?

Also- with so many returning players/OG players. Would the implementation of a shop, similar to the AQW's Anniversary shop, that opens depending on when your account was created be something worth pursuing? I feel like that would be a great way to revitalize the player base with existing items. Ironically, it wouldn't require revamping the art to fit the concept of bringing old items back.

But yeah... could I purchase Big Dictionary back, especially with me still having the armor, pet, and shield? [:-]

Broccoli -> RE: Purchasing Previous Owned Items (1/18/2024 23:36:51)

If it were to be brought back it would have to be updated because it's not on current standards and would become weaker as a result.
Gold items are also not tracked so a buyback feature would not fulfil your request, and the implementation of such a feature would require significant backend work from Rhubarb who already splits his time between several AE games.

Sapphire -> RE: Purchasing Previous Owned Items (1/19/2024 5:20:05)

I believe the math shows it should be 24 MRM instead of 29? But that doesn't mean they can't do the right thing and find a way to pay for the additional MRM. Yeah, it's a nerf regardless, but keeping the blocking as-is is the right path.

The only way you'd see this again is via a Dev ticket item, if that'd be something they continue doing.

AQDeathKnight -> RE: Purchasing Previous Owned Items (1/22/2024 23:11:29)

A Dev ticket item? I've never heard of this- where would I be able to issue a ticket?


kreem -> RE: Purchasing Previous Owned Items (1/23/2024 9:17:39)

Staff rarely give them away to a small number of people (usually 5 or less) during special events so you can't randomly request one. Last summer they gave 5 "custom weapon" dev tickets to the top 5 token donators, there was some limits to the weapons. They'll announce it far ahead of the deadline if there will be a dev ticket of some kind. If you'd like to know when they happen sign up for the AQ newsletter email(sign up here) or check the forums every couple of weeks.

The top 5 donator weapons were made using these rules http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22410563
The rules may vary depending on the event

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