Saturday, February 17th Design Notes: Hero's Heart Day 2024: Mighty Mechin' Snugglerangers! (Full Version)

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Laeon val Observis -> Saturday, February 17th Design Notes: Hero's Heart Day 2024: Mighty Mechin' Snugglerangers! (2/17/2024 14:57:12)


Saturday, February 17, 2024
Hero's Heart Day 2024: Mighty Mechin' Snugglerangers!
Hey there, heroes!

Hero's Heart Day has arrived, and the path to the Forest of Infinite Terror has revealed itself! What onerous task does Big Daddy have in store for you this year?


Seems like some of Big Daddy's prototypes have gone missing... and you're so graciously being volunteered to retrieve them!

Check out this year's Hero's Heart Day quest in the Book of Lore!

Also this week, some bugfixes and updates.
  • Fixed a bug where some guests would not properly use randomized attack skills.
  • Fixed some issues with Mage/Warrior/Rogue skill tooltips.
  • Mage/Warrior/Rogue DoT skills no longer add "stat damage" to their DoT effects.
  • Fixed some issues with DragonLord skill tooltips.
  • Anything else I may have forgotten.

And that's all for this week!

Flabagast -> RE: Saturday, February 17th Design Notes: Hero's Heart Day 2024: Mighty Mechin' Snugglerangers! (2/18/2024 3:46:49)

I was half-expecting these guys to have their own theme-song...


And I wasn't disappointed! Quite catchy too.

And it looks like some cultist dude is trying to resurrect Odium. Ruh roh...

Vaalirus -> RE: Saturday, February 17th Design Notes: Hero's Heart Day 2024: Mighty Mechin' Snugglerangers! (2/18/2024 13:03:45)

Somewhat surprised we didn't get an actual fusion transformation and even more surprised this had nothing to do with the sentogs when I realized this was quest was going for the power ranger aesthetic.

As for the ending...


So, the cultists have returned, or at least one of them has returned, and they appear to be worshipping Odium, a being of pure hatred.

I must say this only further cements, in my opinion, speculation that Odium was an infernal entity, or at minimum a being with close ties to their doom creations, given the all too familiar exalted aesthetic of his arrowhead in Big Daddy's body but now also this particular cultist being outfitted in similar colors; one they likely wear in veneration of their new dark lord. Whatever the case, it seems to me we'll be seeing more of Big Daddy's past as a former human hero as this particular questline goes on.

My main source of curiosity at this moment is have the plans of the cultists changed or do they believe that Odium will bring about the Darkness they were seeking in the Calamity Saga. Or is all of this just the single plan of one cultist instead of all of them and if so why?

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