RE: Healing (Full Version)

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Ward_Point -> RE: Healing (3/27/2024 21:52:49)

The numbers presented aren't pulled out of nowhere. If you are inclined towards a higher maximum cap, there must be an appropriate downtrigger.

Sol Defender (A CHA-based Shield), reduces damage based on Player CHA

-(Min(PlayerCHA/ExpectedCHA*7.5,8)/1.4)% damage. In short, if your CHA is = to the expected CHA, you take -(7.5/1.4)% damage, if your CHA is a bit higher, you do get a BIT more, but only up to -(8/1.4)% damage.

If you have 0 CHA, you outright do not benefit from this MC. You must train CHA to appropriate levels to benefit from this MC.

IF Endurance is going to have a Blanket effect on all Healing, I am of the opinion we should be more lenient, therefore applying an appropriate downtrigger & trigger at 0.75 & 1.25 respectively. Simply put, there can be no trigger without some form of downtrigger.
Let's remove Style Bonuses from the debate for now. I'm not even particularly confident in the numbers, however, in general, I think that if END is the Healing stat for such equipment, the adjustment should be either of the following:

1) Adjusted to 'Half for free, half by END', as is typical for the rest of the Stats (STR, DEX, INT, CHA)

2) However, since END is unassumed, what would probably be slightly more appropriate might be a Trigger/Downtrigger

3) The other, most extreme case would be that similarly to Sol Defender, END & CHA are both not assumed to be trained. If you use Sol Defender at 0 CHA, that is the Player's problem in not using 'fit for build' gear.

@Aura Knight

Obviously not. You cannot make the one stat which prevents the need for heals to be necessary for their power.

Please read the rest of the thread. The proposal of making END the Healing stat also comes with the caveat that END's effect on Player HP is reduced to around 30%. Essentially, Player HP at 250 END shall be adjusted to around 3845 instead of the almost 6k we have right now. By reducing Player HP to 3845, you might still want to Heal.
Of course, if your argument is that Healing isn't necessary for the game even at 2958 HP... Well... Why do we even have Healing Items in the first place?

Absolutely. SP is not a resource which any one build should handle better than others which is why a percentage based regen for every source of it would be ideal.

To clarify, this means that since Pets are valued at 20% melee without Stat investment, this means that a Pet will only be able to regenerate 20% melee in SP per attack. This value is 98 SP. Saying 'Yes' to this completely runs counter to your answer to (B). You do not want Healing to be based on fixed values, but you believe that SP is a resource that any one build should manage better than others. In other words, you want equality of SP Regeneration across ALL builds. The only way to accomplish this is to fix SP regeneration at a specific value that is not influenced by Stats.

Aura Knight -> RE: Healing (3/27/2024 22:15:48)

How does a value change make healing worth more if even at no endurance, it's not necessary to rely on healing? If the hp amount will change that much there's no difference with 0 endurance. Heals need something extra. I've read other replies too but my agreement to them is not part of the expectations of a discussion. I appreciate the clarification anyway but it offers little reason for me to support what I still consider a bad idea.

Grace Xisthrith -> RE: Healing (3/27/2024 22:43:03)

Obligatory personal belief universal heal END scaling is poor idea because item diversity is good + WIS bad + 250 STR END LUK w/ 75+% power boosters 100%+ power healing pet and guests is creepiest of power

If items that currently don't scale off END started to scale off END, they'd presumably be able to overcap 1.1x potency, like a vast majority of other effects in the game, like the randomly pointlessly discussed Macha Lot Buckler + Demi clones.
Poor idea due to many items being designed without a 1.1x power increase in mind. Abuse cases are likely many and difficult to predict. Obvious one is resource conversion, as I mentioned already. Bears repeating.

Similarly, I'd be devastated if something like this "IF Endurance is going to have a Blanket effect on all Healing, I am of the opinion we should be more lenient, therefore applying an appropriate downtrigger & trigger at 0.75 & 1.25 respectively" happened. EO but it's 1.375x more efficient by design, and everything you funnel the resources into is also 1.375x more efficient. Say they make it not work on quickcast effects. Still 1.375x power increase to all healing effects. Coincidentally, the staff decided one stat build shouldn't have that free multiplier compared to other builds on heals very recently.Only chance of saving limitless powercreep here would be Dardiel's healing softcap.

Ward_Point -> RE: Healing (3/28/2024 3:59:47)

@Aura Knight
Your stance is as follows:
'At 0 END, there's no need to heal anyway. Therefore Heals need something extra.'
This is exactly what we're trying to discuss. The 'Extra' value of Heals comes in affecting (maybe) MP & SP Healing, not just HP Healing.

I don't think anyone here disagrees that END currently provides too much HP. Thus, the proposal is intended to cut away END's excessive HP in exchange for allowing some influence on MP & SP as well.

Again, if your stance is that 'Healing is not necessary anyway because the game is too easy'... Well, then none of what we're discussing here will affect you because you neither need the extra HP nor do you need Healing. You are free to leave the discussion.

@Chaotic & Dardiel
There is some concurrence & some differences between both of you, so I'll try to expand the discussion with respect to both parties at once.

(D): I think there is some concurrence in this. Statuses should not be affected by Stats. This is a fair statement to make. However, even if Barriers & Resource Shields act as 'Other', how should they be valued? This brings us back to (B), where should Healing(Barriers) be scaled on %Melee values?

(E): I want to point out that it could go the other way as well, if END influences Healing, by necessity it should also extend to MP, giving Mages all the advantages that come with END's effect on MP as well. As stated previously, one cannot have a trigger without having a downtrigger. If Mages have to take the potential penalty with not training END, by necessity, they must also reap the benefits of training END.

(F): Could we have a better definition of 'Build agnostic' vs Build? I'm struggling to differentiate between the two. Currently I don't even view SP as 'Build Agnostic' in the sense that some builds clearly outperform others at SP Regeneration. At the same time, I don't think I want SP Regeneration to be utterly independent and utterly delinked from player influence. Creating different item combinations in an attempt to push the limit is what makes things fun.

(G): This would be getting into some specifics. Currently, I'd expect that Player Heal of +12.5 will add to the Shield of 12.5 for a total of +25 Heal resist. If both the Style Bonus (In its current form) AND the Shield's Heal Resist was scaled to END, we should end up with a somewhat exponential curve of power, capping at (Maybe 28.125 at 250 END). This is... a very large value. Will a soft cap be able to handle such a modifier? In such a situation, should the Style Bonus of END even add +12.5% Healing at all?

@Grace: I'm seeing the powercreep in (G), however, you might want to elaborate upon a particular combination that might prove ridiculous and the math nerds can try to fashion something to deal with it.
We should definitely be wary of END characters being able to cycle resources in a way that current BMMs would. I agree with this.

You are absolutely right to be concerned about EO. Even with a 75:76 ratio, the Player will be able to funnel 75 HP into 105 SP per click with a 1.375 multiplier (The cap on EO's use per turn has yet to be published, but I'm going to hazard a guess at ~490 SP, since this is the amount of SP a SPell would cost) so if we take it to the closest number of clicks, being 5...

0 END : 380HP for 375SP (Or Less, if we decided that a 0.75 Multiplier should be applied at 0 END. I'm not so sure of this)
250 END Character: 375HP for 525 SP

Based on this, 250 END EO would actually be 18% more efficient than current Essence Orb! This is hardly ideal.

Aura Knight -> RE: Healing (3/28/2024 4:29:02)


the proposal is intended to cut away END's excessive HP in exchange for allowing some influence on MP & SP as well

If the change doesn't affect beast builds much and instead puts pure mages (250 INT/END/LUK) at a competitive level to them I could support it. What I dislike is for heals of every type to require points in endurance. The sp regen I still favor if a lack of dependence on our stats. No one build should get an advantage.


Again, if your stance is that 'Healing is not necessary anyway because the game is too easy'... Well, then none of what we're discussing here will affect you because you neither need the extra HP nor do you need Healing. You are free to leave the discussion.

Neat advice but I'll be ignoring it. Just because it might not affect me now doesn't mean it couldn't later. There's more to consider with this beyond the mp/sp influence too. Honestly a lot of this could have happened with the stat revamp itself.

LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: Healing (3/28/2024 5:52:39)


I don't think anyone here disagrees that END currently provides too much HP. Thus, the proposal is intended to cut away END's excessive HP in exchange for allowing some influence on MP & SP as well.

Cutting HP to 3845 is a MASSIVE cut, i for one have a Tank Warrior which uses END as a way to tank damage and foregoes healing pet/guest in favor of outlasting Attrition bosses.
I also have a Backlasher which surely wont want cutting HP from 5853 to 3845.
I do agree with scaling END for Healing but reducing END HP surely not because then Tank builds will cease to exist and be replaced with builds that just heal instead of tanking,its an aspect of END that i enjoy playing,tanking hits without healing pet/guest.

I like END affecting MP and SP regen though will END affect passive SP regeneration too? Its about time END gets the proper effect of actually being +12.5% to Heal res instead of just 12.5 to HP healing.

My proposal is making player HP with 250 END at least 4500 instead of 3845, it would remove my need to train END in the first place if i cant cosplay as a Tank Warrior.

KhalJJ -> RE: Healing (3/28/2024 8:13:45)

I have a general point of confusion with how all of this works/what the point of this discussion is.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm looking for clarity - Ward, you are not game staff but a moderator here, correct? And as you started the thread I'm assuming the game staff speak with you and request this thread, looking for player feedback. This all makes sense initially, but at this point the lack of transparency and clarity from the staff is I think unhelpful, with respect to constructive discussion.

To explain this a bit more, the initial post raises the GBI's for discussion, and highlight some additional points:


And are currently looking at the implications of tinkering with Healing. They are in the middle of discussions & are looking for feedback.

1) Healing remaining unaffected by Berserk is here to stay
2) Devs are considering the further implications of whether Leans should or should not affect healing.

1) Healing Spells were coded to have a -15 BtH Lean instead of a hardcoded *0.85 to damage. Now that Berserk no longer interacts with AutoHit, this issue is resolved.

All this states is that they are looking at the implications of tinkering with healing - and we are left to make assumptions about how much of the linked GBI's are being considered. I think this is a reasonable assumption initially but as the discussion progresses it seems that maybe we are wasting time on a lot of points that are simply being repeated, and/or perhaps aren't actually being considered for implementation as strongly as we non-staff are assuming. This is where I'd ask for a bit more clarity/staff input on the discussion. I recognise that it may be better from a staff perspective just to let these discussions play out and to pick through the interesting points that come out of it however.

I would then lean on this general point to make the further point that other participants have touched on - why are we even discussing this, when the stat revamp just happened? Why was END not better addressed at that point? Most notably, the oft-cited OP too much HP being given. I was less involved in that discussion so maybe I have missed reasons why. If then, it wasn't changed at that point for some reason known only to staff, it seems unlikely it will be changed now. If this is the case, it'd be great to know, so we don't waste time discussing something that isn't being considered. And if there is a reason this didn't occur in the stat revamp that is public knowledge then I'd appreciate being informed also!

Further Lupul used a figure of 3845 for new max HP, and I haven't fact checked this, someone please correct me if wrong here. However, the following point will still stand if the max HP cut is similarly large. I acknowledge it is mathematically OP, but given the length of time it has been this way, and the above point about staff not changing this in the stat revamp, I think this is kind of fine, and presumably staff do too, to an extent? Again, very happy to be corrected here. However, I would say that this change if implemented as severely as this would likely receive significant backlash, and I'd oppose it for this reason, even though it wouldn't affect me personally. *Doomlight discussion probably not for here.

I'd further note that the stated point of this is to make END more desirable - and this change, perhaps similarly to what others have said, doesn't quite check out in this respect. END becomes the healing STAT, but my actual HP benefit is much less. So I need to switch up and use that boosted healing just to get the equivalent benefits as pre-change - in this specific context, END becomes much less desirable than before, for one of the stated END stat characteristics (tank play). So from a pure tank warrior perspective, I may be put off END. Weird. Whereas, as a mage, END would look fairly essential with proposed changes/MP heal affected. This feels, again, just preference based. Why make such a significant change based on preference?

I'll address Ward's q's for clarity too here, in case my views aren't clear from elsewhere:
A) Are Players agreeable for ONLY Endurance to affect Healing for other equipment across Weapons/Armours/Shields/Spells?
Absolutely not. Think this is clear from much previous. I don't think it mkaes sense, nor is it worth the input.
B) Should all Healing be modifed based on set %Melee values?
Probably not.
C) Besides some sort of Cap to be set on Healing per turn (Thanks Dardiel) to curb the Algern's/CIT combination of yesteryear, what else can be done?
Unsure! But I don't necessarily think anything has to be done. Things are ok. Make things better with cool gear! I'd also re-iterate, I strongly dislike the idea of an overall, per turn heal cap. But love this as a boss mechanic idea. Some things make sense in isolation but not for blanket every-fight gameplay, in what is a sandbox-like game that encourages build diversity and tinkering with item synergies, as one of the most fun aspects of the game. A blanket limiter like this feels anti-this.
D) Should END affect the amount Healed by Status effects like Siphon? Resource Shields? Barriers?
Does it already with its 12.5%? If not, then maybe it should. Okay with either, but can see the positives if it did.
E) Should END affect Healing MP?
No. Thematically horrid, and I think to echo Grace again would have a lot of unintended consequences.
F) With respect to Healing SP, should Healing be build agnostic... or build independent? This is a particularly scary question, but we should not waver from presenting opinions on the matter.
Not clearly distinct without tracking down Chaotics post (I think) but if you severely cut SP regen now, players will hate it. So should be agnostic, as I think Dizzle brought up - why change from the stat revamp discussion? Tying this to a stat would be a direct contradiction of what was previously stated by staff (I believe, but willing to accept I may have misinterpreted some of this discussion as I wasn't present).
G) With respect to Nickelclad Knight Defender (and by extension to items that modify Heal Resist), should the model of (2) be applied to its Heal Resist as well?
If I understand this correctly, should heal resist items have their heal resist modified by END? Eg. scaling from 5-15% heal resist at 0-250END? (I haven't used actual numbers here, just an example for concept). This seems kinda awful. So you can't really use these at 0 END? I like these items currently and think they have a strong fairly stat-independent niche. Doesn't this double dip also? END affects the heal resist and then also the heal? I'm imagining this would create some busted heal combos if implemented along with other proposed changes.

I'm going to wrap this long post up with what I think is the strongest point that actually brings something new to the discussion, and in my view, is highly relevant. I actually researched the amount of END usage by players using the only publically-accessible player data I could find (The Top X lists on the main AQ webpage) (For transparency, Top Legends, Guardians, X-Guardians, War wins, and Elf Gold). This is not very replicable given the list changes every hour and it uses players active in the past 10 days.

From these lists, the average END value was ~105, remarkably consistent between lists, and it consistently beat out DEX, for example (maybe not truly fair given MainStat vs NonMain). For comparison, CHA's usage was also ~107 average (although much more variable between lists, especially for max level vs not). This is more for interest, I don't think concrete comparisons can really be made given the following:

There are many considerations for this data (Sample size, repeated characters between list, power-levelling setup possibly for those under 150, current war affecting builds, a group of players could hypothetically affect this with enough coordinated effort (200-300 sample size, 10 player characters per account)). As far as I can see most of these considerations would not be in favour of END (perhaps powerlevelling?), and moreso, these do not affect the point I'm making:

END is actually used, and reasonably well used. If the average END usage was sitting at 20 I would be concerned, but it looks healthy.

I feel that this objectively shows any assertion that END is currently not desirable to be false. (I think Dreiko said originally that no one currently needs, or even wants END?)

That has been the stated reason for these proposed changes, and so to go full circle, why is this being considered? (Again, asking for staff input/transparency essentially - do they have access to much better data than me? I imagine they likely do).

Sapphire -> RE: Healing (3/28/2024 9:40:06)

^ Thank you for that post. Here’s what I’ll say…


I would then lean on this general point to make the further point that other participants have touched on - why are we even discussing this, when the stat revamp just happened? Why was END not better addressed at that point? Most notably, the oft-cited OP too much HP being given. I was less involved in that discussion so maybe I have missed reasons why. If then, it wasn't changed at that point for some reason known only to staff, it seems unlikely it will be changed now. If this is the case, it'd be great to know, so we don't waste time discussing something that isn't being considered. And if there is a reason this didn't occur in the stat revamp that is public knowledge then I'd appreciate being informed also!

For the record, I have been saying that I think top end HP's should be brought down for about 800-1k and a reciprocal amount of buffs added back in to make END more attractive for a good while now. The amount proposed by WARD is excessive as can be. A 25% reduction in the amount END provides (2895) is 2171, lowering total HP's at L;150 to 5129. Then add back in a +25% heal bonus to all heals derived from the player. The style bonus is a separate thing, and changes the effective boost to 37.5%. If this works for all resources, I think END is actually more attractive than how it sits today.


Further Lupul used a figure of 3845 for new max HP, and I haven't fact checked this, someone please correct me if wrong here. However, the following point will still stand if the max HP cut is similarly large. I acknowledge it is mathematically OP, but given the length of time it has been this way, and the above point about staff not changing this in the stat revamp, I think this is kind of fine, and presumably staff do too, to an extent? Again, very happy to be corrected here. However, I would say that this change if implemented as severely as this would likely receive significant backlash, and I'd oppose it for this reason, even though it wouldn't affect me personally. *Doomlight discussion probably not for here.

Another brilliant take. Yes, this doesn't make END more at all. But I will bold the #1 biggest factor influencing my position, which is something that others either don't care about, or believe the effect these draconian changes would have are simply not recognized to be as significant as I believe it would be. (Seems you see it) The bolded portion inside the above quote will be considered whether anyone likes it or not. The effect on many items, premium and non premium, IMO, makes most of these ideas a non starter. There's been so much evidence of taking a more delicate approach to certain things from staff's standpoint such that I scratch my head as to why some people don't see it. They can disagree with the approach, but I think taking on the approach to this topic with total disregard for the past only serves to create a huge waste of time, to which you also seem to see.

Example: The following is an excerpt from the stat revamp announcement in the final phase from Hollow. I will bold the thing that I want to call attention to.

You can read it for yourself here ->



Guests have always provided several times the power they paid for, as they were originally designed based on a damage and accuracy model that was never implemented. Their cost discount was meant to be a decompression bonus for using Beastmaster weapons, as part of this model in which CHA would have been a main stat and DEX a secondary one. Since this old model was never completed, and guest costs couldn't be dynamically adjusted, the end result is essentially a spell being cast every turn that only pays part of its actual cost. That really isn't fair to any other build.

However, reducing guest power to what is being paid for would feel awful, and just increasing the cost would be just as harsh. The adjustment needed to be split, with a further way to mitigate the resource cost increase. We sourced the above value adjustment from mixed community feedback in June 2023, and the Style Bonus is fully dedicated to guest Ferocious Strikes, so that keeping costs manageable can be part of the stat behavior itself.

^ So why would the staff consider the implications of guest power adjustments as something that would "feel awful" and increasing cost to be "just as harsh", only for later on to make wholesale changes to the game that would affect the very same players mentioned in the above quote? See, the underpinning issue here is you have a group of people who dislike staff's approach to CHA/Guests, and their ideas they present wholly ignore it in hopes they change course...when there's been evidence (not just above, but if you'd like I will gladly list SEVERAL either here or on discord/DM"s, up to you) that staff are keenly aware of potential backlash caused by major changes to certain aspects of this game. My approach has this in mind, not only because it directly affects me, but also because I believe 10000000000000% that causing a jaded playerbase doesn't justify the outcome in-game when you could actually potentially resolve "the issue" w/o the backlash of most players. This is the major line in the sand that's underpinning this entire discussion.

And finally, I'll end with the "why" all of this has been kickstarted.

The stat revamp project seemingly initially had 3 major goals (although it evolved) 1. Buff Warrior up to Mage power 2. Create a distinct Ranger and have it be different, yet equivalent to Warrior. 3. Nerf CHA/Guests some

Before this project kicked off, a while back a GBI was posted to introduce the SpellCaster lean idea. It was accepted and implemented. They went from generally boosting spells of a specific element via design, to the spells boosted everything (although the amount was lower than the old design (elecomp) .

I wrote a GBI saying that SC lean shouldn't boost healing. That lean type was made with MAges in mind, and Warriors and Rangers didn't have an equivalent armor lean type catered to them alone that also boosted healing as a side effect of the design, so I proposed that SC lean no longer boost healing. By the way, I run Mage builds, and I run SC lean armors at times on my BeastMage setup. So this was nerfing myself. Some will claim I am only self servant, but that's just an absurd talking point.

That GBI post was mostly silent, with very little replies. In that post, I included other things like SIlas staff, Poelala, etc from boosting heals but I have since changed my mind on those items because they're not tied to a lean and are items catered to a build. My position is either make all leans affect healing or none. Also, my position is at baseline, when talking about Warrior v. Mage v. Ranger, access to healing should be equal. Secondaries and what they do are wholly different and are no significance to what I have labeled as Archtype Balance.

The GBI was accepted by staff, and the SC lean at stat revamp time was altered. Later, they found a way to disable berserk's ability to boost healing. Everyone knows berserk's boost was unintended, but I also think SC lean's was also. Lean calcs are never considering healing. They only consider damage out vs damage incoming. Healing has never been apart of the equation. It CAN, but there are no armors with leans that cater to Warriors and Rangers w/ the exception of the newfound warrior lean in FD armors. I'm on board with undoing SC lean if there's a way to also make it fair for warriors and rangers within their armors. But I think this would be rather difficult.

The end result is some seem to think the change means healing needs a complete overhaul, and CHA builds provide an advantage over other non CHA builds in terms of all healing. I don't disagree that CHA builds do currently create a healing discrepancy especially because non CHA buuilds were using SC lean and berserk stacks, but I also believe that's due to a combination of longstanding item support and the SC lean/berserk changes. This is why my position is to 'replace SC lean and berserk' with items actually intended to heal, for non CHA builds. These can be also catered to Warriors/RAngers/Mages. This approach doesn't trample on beast builds (Ya know the backlash and 'feels bad' thing Hollow mentioned?)

So END is being used as a way to boost heals. Most players agree that END provides an unnecessary amount of HP's. I have long argued that training END means there's less of a need to heal. So the idea is to lower HP's some, but give END some power with heals. It's the approach that's up for debate. One group wishes CHA was nerfed more during the stat revamp and are perhaps using this debate as a means to an end (no pun) and others are being more realistic with the approach. You're right....END as-is was deemed OK despite being the most OP stat in the game mathematically. So why completely alter it when staff seems to have deemed it fine? Because maybe some are calling for END nerfs to justify CHA nerfs.
Instead, we should just be replacing what was lost with SC lean/berserk, and not making a brand new game..trampling on many players experience and creating major backlash in the process. I have pointed out how their idea tramples on those who train CHA and Lupul has pointed out how their idea tramples on END. Most players don't wish to see a completely redesigned game. My approach simply makes END more attractive, doesn't tick off the majority of players (both END users and CHA users), and provides a pathway for heal support for non-CHA builds which also includes new items designed for those builds. Their approach is "CHA OP, nerf nerf nerf there's already too much power for players" You can't have a healthy game when nobody plays it. And just because I have a difference in approach, I get told "Nobody will take you serious" and other ad hominem.

Thats a long summary, but we'll see if this post manages to not get altered.

Ward_Point -> RE: Healing (3/28/2024 12:44:04)


^ So why would the staff consider the implications of guest power adjustments as something that would "feel awful" and increasing cost to be "just as harsh", only for later on to make wholesale changes to the game that would affect the very same players mentioned in the above quote? See, the underpinning issue here is you have a group of people who dislike staff's approach to CHA/Guests, and their ideas they present wholly ignore it in hopes they change course...when there's been evidence (not just above, but if you'd like I will gladly list SEVERAL either here or on discord/DM"s, up to you) that staff are keenly aware of potential backlash caused by major changes to certain aspects of this game. My approach has this in mind, not only because it directly affects me, but also because I believe 10000000000000% that causing a jaded playerbase doesn't justify the outcome in-game when you could actually potentially resolve "the issue" w/o the backlash of most players. This is the major line in the sand that's underpinning this entire discussion.

To be very clear, based on the current proposal that we're discussing, at 250 END & 250 CHA. There is effectively no change to the amount being Healed. For 0 CHA, 250 END Characters, this is an outright buff. You feel that the implementation of new items is sufficient for this plan. I do not agree. I feel that Pets & Guests are versatile and powerful enough that one aspect can be removed from them and there would still be much incentive to train CHA.


I wrote a GBI saying that SC lean shouldn't boost healing. That lean type was made with MAges in mind, and Warriors and Rangers didn't have an equivalent armor lean type catered to them alone that also boosted healing as a side effect of the design, so I proposed that SC lean no longer boost healing. By the way, I run Mage builds, and I run SC lean armors at times on my BeastMage setup. So this was nerfing myself. Some will claim I am only self servant, but that's just an absurd talking point.
It is clear that your original post in GBI had the intention of nerfing Spellcaster Healing, Spellboosters and all.

The inequality of Healing, in my opinion, has become apparent. While the creation of the spellcaster lean has helped push for more spellcasting, the universal boost to spells has now given Mages an advantage.

While anyone could, in theory, hop into a spellcaster armor and boost anything, like for example, a ranged healing spell, this would still mean using an armor design not actually meant for a Ranger.

Not only has healing now been made to be more advantageous to Mages, who have an entire MP bar to use for healing since they can just use weapon based skills just as good as other archetypes, but they also heal better than Warriors and Rangers.

I think if we are to seriously look at attempting Archetype vs Archetype equality in as many aspects as possible while attempting to create unique dynamics catered to each archetype, I think it would only be fair that at the very least healing be equally powerful regardless of the mainstat trained.

As a result, I propose that spellcaster leans and generalist robes no longer boost healing spells. They only boost outgoing damage to the monster.

This also will curb another aspect to healing that mages are enjoying some supremacy on: Barriers. The ability to boost barriers with several means is also problematic and barrier stacking can essentially trivialize even bosses.

So again, I propose that healing no longer be boosted by spellcaster leans, Poelala (any boosters), sila's staff, etc etc and only allow these things to boost outgoing damage to monsters.

I think healing equality is an essential part of game balance and no one archetype should get supremacy simply by items meant for a single archtype to use.

I also think berserk , at a later time, might need to be looked at too for it's healing ability, but at least for right now it's a universally used status and therefore for now, it's probably OK.


That GBI post was mostly silent, with very little replies. In that post, I included other things like SIlas staff, Poelala, etc from boosting heals but I have since changed my mind on those items because they're not tied to a lean and are items catered to a build. My position is either make all leans affect healing or none. Also, my position is at baseline, when talking about Warrior v. Mage v. Ranger, access to healing should be equal. Secondaries and what they do are wholly different and are no significance to what I have labeled as Archtype Balance.

There are two ways to think of Spellcaster's effect on Healing.
1a) Healing Spells shouldn't receive a boost because FO & FD lean armours do not receive a boost (This is your reasoning, and it is a somewhat valid one.)
1b) Healing Spells should receive a boost because Spells are a full and proper part of a Mage's arsenal. In exchange for Healing more, the Mage in Spellcaster Lean armour still takes more incoming damage and only deals 1x (0.75) melee. The Spellboost effect is clearly paid for.
You chose to go with (1a), of which I can see the logic.


The GBI was accepted by staff, and the SC lean at stat revamp time was altered. Later, they found a way to disable berserk's ability to boost healing. Everyone knows berserk's boost was unintended, but I also think SC lean's was also. Lean calcs are never considering healing. They only consider damage out vs damage incoming. Healing has never been apart of the equation. It CAN, but there are no armors with leans that cater to Warriors and Rangers w/ the exception of the newfound warrior lean in FD armors. I'm on board with undoing SC lean if there's a way to also make it fair for warriors and rangers within their armors. But I think this would be rather difficult.
To be extremely clear, Healing has never been part of any part of the balance model. It is not relevant if it can be. It is not. As you like to claim, one of the ways to equalize this would be for Warriors and Rangers to use Drain type skills similar to Algern's Carapace.
If your concern was truly 'Archetype Balance' (Which no one else uses such a term) in which you've tried to justify the Spellcaster nerf, you should have considered the modifiers of each of the mainstats:
2a) Armour Lean would have affected Healing on Weapon-based Drain Type Skills, therefore Warriors would have dealt +10% damage with it, and correspondingly, would have received +10% Healing
2b) Ranger's Accuracy ramping would have affected the Weapon-based Drain Skill. Rangers would receive higher or lower healing depending on their accuracy lean.
2c) Spellcaster Lean, as a fully viable part of the Mage's arsenal, should receive their bonus as appropriate.

However, you failed to consider that if Lean does not affect Healing Spells, it would naturally follow that any Spellboosting items cannot affect Healing.
Basically, if any Spell Boost cannot affect Spellcaster Healing, it must logically follow that
3a) Blood Contract cannot have an effect on 'Drain' type skills like Algern's Carapace
3b) Aria's Rattle cannot have an effect on Fairy Godmother's Heal.
3c) Summoning Stone cannot have an effect on Twilly's Heal.

Generalising from the above, the logical conclusion is (3) 'Direct Damage modifiers cannot interact with Healing in any way'.

Now, you have backtracked completely. You are trying to claim that Spellcaster lean was never intended to boost Healing Spells and attempting to limit the entire Healing discussion to Armour Lean only.

You have backtracked on your stand with Sila's Staff and Poelala so that you would not have to deal with the logical conclusion from (3), where all Items & Style Bonuses cannot affect Healing.


The end result is some seem to think the change means healing needs a complete overhaul, and CHA builds provide an advantage over other non CHA builds in terms of all healing. I don't disagree that CHA builds do currently create a healing discrepancy especially because non CHA buuilds were using SC lean and berserk stacks, but I also believe that's due to a combination of longstanding item support and the SC lean/berserk changes. This is why my position is to 'replace SC lean and berserk' with items actually intended to heal, for non CHA builds. These can be also catered to Warriors/RAngers/Mages. This approach doesn't trample on beast builds (Ya know the backlash and 'feels bad' thing Hollow mentioned?)

So END is being used as a way to boost heals. Most players agree that END provides an unnecessary amount of HP's. I have long argued that training END means there's less of a need to heal. So the idea is to lower HP's some, but give END some power with heals. It's the approach that's up for debate. One group wishes CHA was nerfed more during the stat revamp and are perhaps using this debate as a means to an end (no pun) and others are being more realistic with the approach. You're right....END as-is was deemed OK despite being the most OP stat in the game mathematically. So why completely alter it when staff seems to have deemed it fine? Because maybe some are calling for END nerfs to justify CHA nerfs.
Instead, we should just be replacing what was lost with SC lean/berserk, and not making a brand new game..trampling on many players experience and creating major backlash in the process. I have pointed out how their idea tramples on those who train CHA and Lupul has pointed out how their idea tramples on END. Most players don't wish to see a completely redesigned game. My approach simply makes END more attractive, doesn't tick off the majority of players (both END users and CHA users), and provides a pathway for heal support for non-CHA builds which also includes new items designed for those builds. Their approach is "CHA OP, nerf nerf nerf there's already too much power for players" You can't have a healthy game when nobody plays it. And just because I have a difference in approach, I get told "Nobody will take you serious" and other ad hominem.

Thats a long summary, but we'll see if this post manages to not get altered.
Once again, we shall no longer deal with END vs CHA. This has derailed the overall discussion about Healing for 2.5 pages. Regardless of how I feel about CHA & Guests, I have not at any point in this discussion advocated for a change to Guest Standards. Chaotic's proposal which I do support, was to change all Healing items to scale on END, and this would apply to all equipment types, Weapon, Shield, Spell, Armour, Pet, Guest & Misc. The 'Scale on END' issue is something that should be discussed. We will not be engaging in further discussion on END vs CHA

Overall, this summary is incredibly misleading.

You opened Pandora's Box, Sapphire. We're just trying to discuss the implications of the conditions that you've set for us.

I really feel like I should preface all my numbers with a disclaimer 'THESE ARE SAMPLE ONLY'. I'm very open to changing those numbers into something suitable and balanced. If 4500 is a balanced figure, I would fully support it.
I don't think END should affect Passive SP Regeneration...? Yes, we're somewhat talking about END affecting the SP Heal of Haunted Dragonlord Weapons... I'm honestly not sure. Should it?

Game staff have taken notice of the discussion going on with Healing and are looking for feedback. I am attempting to keep this thread on-topic so that the main points can be summarised at some point in the future (TM),

I would then lean on this general point to make the further point that other participants have touched on - why are we even discussing this, when the stat revamp just happened? Why was END not better addressed at that point? Most notably, the oft-cited OP too much HP being given. I was less involved in that discussion so maybe I have missed reasons why. If then, it wasn't changed at that point for some reason known only to staff, it seems unlikely it will be changed now. If this is the case, it'd be great to know, so we don't waste time discussing something that isn't being considered. And if there is a reason this didn't occur in the stat revamp that is public knowledge then I'd appreciate being informed also!
I'm going to throw Chaotic under the bus here. Why didn't you bring this up during the revamp? *Glares*.

I'd further note that the stated point of this is to make END more desirable - and this change, perhaps similarly to what others have said, doesn't quite check out in this respect. END becomes the healing STAT, but my actual HP benefit is much less. So I need to switch up and use that boosted healing just to get the equivalent benefits as pre-change - in this specific context, END becomes much less desirable than before, for one of the stated END stat characteristics (tank play). So from a pure tank warrior perspective, I may be put off END. Weird. Whereas, as a mage, END would look fairly essential with proposed changes/MP heal affected. This feels, again, just preference based. Why make such a significant change based on preference?

For the plain HP Value, please read my response to LUPUL above.
I feel like this is an issue of interactivity. The 'Original Tank' Warrior is straightforward. It uses its HP as a pure blunt instrument to take hits and throw down. With this proposal, the Tank Warrior can choose not to build into 'Healing' Items, but still has a significantly higher amount of HP than its 0END counterpart. By creating a situation where END is part of making Healing efficient, players will want to build into Healing gear to assist them in tanking. Consequential player choice is a concept that I think is very underrated in AQ. If a Player really wants to tank, then the player should make conscious choices to build into END, pick some Healing equipment, and maybe 1 Healing Pet (Scaling on END :P) and go ham on their enemy.

I can't speak on the numbers you've pulled. If Staff want to get involved in this, that would be entirely at their discretion, but I'm not sure if they even collect numbers on this kind of stuff.

About Healing specifically, I think we must also be very clear on what we are actively choosing to do if we maintain the status quo or change... anything, considering how heated the debate gets. Regardless of whether anything makes it into the game, I think the passionate debate shows that we love AQ. We may have different ideas on what's best for it, but we ultimately want to see this game improve.

Aura Knight -> RE: Healing (3/28/2024 12:45:29)

Removing the extra hp from the known tank stat to make heals more needed kills the purpose of playing a tank. This is why I favor the idea of making endurance help with damage reduction and not heals. One way to do this is secondary effects to every heal. An example is to add barriers or mrm boosts, maybe dodge buffs too. Additional regen from heals might work too. I don't think tank strategies are common but they still deserve to exist.

If the concern is certain builds are offering too much the best fix is to empower those which are found to be lacking.

Telcontar Arvedui I -> RE: Healing (3/28/2024 13:31:59)

Late to the discussion again, but hey I blame Chaotic :P

Regarding Ward's 2 proposals, model (1) seems too harsh a penalty when END is not a mainstat. Thus, I support model (2) with an alternative suggestion to the ratios.

(Heal*0.7) at 0 END,
(Heal*1) at 150 END,
(Heal*1.2) at 250 END.

Yes, I admit to paying homage to Style Bonuses by shifting the scaling.

On another topic, Ward cited implications of Masterclass (MC) 5% Melee bonus being devalued due to his proposals. Thus, I would like to suggest that the MC bonus is exempt from the scaling, and instead simple be added to the final value of Healing power.

* * * * *

Now onto the questions!

A) Are Players agreeable for ONLY Endurance to affect Healing for other equipment across Weapons/Armours/Shields/Spells?
Yes. This is my base stance.
However, I'm open to conceding up to 20% of stat-scaling to other stats, as long as END retains no less than 80% of said total stat-scaling. I'll even go a step further and propose to apply the concession to Pets/Guests that heal HP. (MP and SP healing to be addressed below).
In the opposite direction, I can also accept HP Healing being totally build-independent - I recover %Melee in HP by trading off the exact (proportional) amount of %Melee from somewhere else, totally unaffected by any stats.

B) Should all Healing be modifed based on set %Melee values?
I say yes, any Healing that is modified/boosted by stat should normalise to said Healing's base %Melee value. If we end up with the decision that END should add 100% to all Healing, for example, then a weapon that trades 10% Melee damage to heal should get 20% Melee and not 110% Melee healing, max.
I may concede if the END investment only offers a once-per-turn, low-ish, fixed, additive %Melee buff to healing. Eg. if I cast Transcended Water of Immortality, only the first of the 3 hits get a [END/expected_END*10] %Melee extra healed. This requires players to actively seek at least 1 hit of healing every turn, and promotes Regeneration as a (IMO) currently unpopular status.


C) Besides some sort of Cap to be set on Healing per turn (Thanks Dardiel) to curb the Algern's/CIT combination of yesteryear, what else can be done?
I am here to propose another form of diminishing return, with the purpose to curb healing loop abuses. Behold,

<- Lingering Diminishing HealRes ->

a) Every time the player character conducts an action that includes a Healing effect (eg. a vanilla/quick-cast Healing Spell, an attack with a weapon that Heals on hitcount, or simply chugging a healing potion) reduce the player character's HP_HealRes by a fixed amount (I propose somewhere between 15% and 20%), to a minimum HP_HealRes value (I propose somewhere between 5% and 20%, where the player character can still heal a non-zero, albeit very inefficiently low, amount of HP).
b) After a set amount of turns (I propose 2, but another value between 3 and 5 could work too), at the end of the monster's turn (to prevent Celerity abuse), restore HP_HealRes lost from a) by a fixed amount (I propose this value to be no more than the amount of HealRes deducted after two (2) Healing effects).

The proposal above introduces the concept of lingering diminished returns, to prevent players from simply downscaling their heal-loops and spreading it between multiple turns.

Narrative/Lore-wise, accelerating the body's recovery process via magical means is, simply put, unnatural. Done excessively, the body should resist such processes, not too different from how the immunity system handles cancer cells that grow and multiply excessively. (supernatural races may develop a higher tolerance towards such magical healing, please refer to the Lorekeeper)

IMO, burst-Healing in battles should be reactive, an attempt to recover from a mistake in battle (eg. accidentally wearing the wrong ele armour). But, offensive attrition playstyles (eg. alternate turns healing and attacking in EleComped armour) should still be supported here. An unfortunate side-effect is that Regeneration, the status, will be nerfed, since it might count as 1 instance of Healing effect every turn - so far I can only think of hot-fixing it by slightly up-scaling Regeneration's power, in a similar vein to how damage-over-time statuses get buffed. Who knows, maybe the coders know a cleaner workaround?


D) Should END affect the amount Healed by Status effects like Siphon? Resource Shields? Barriers?
IMO no. I advocate limiting the scope of END's scaling to the HP bar and HP Healing only, but like Chaotic's answer in post #74, I see no reason to allow END to affect those statuses in other ways, such as major/minor rolls.

E) Should END affect Healing MP?
I vote no. Per above, I advocate for END to only affect HP - how much we can have, and how efficiently we can recover it. MP is the sole domain of INT, and allowing END to directly influence it is, I worry, too fine a line to balance. We may end up seeing END's scaling on MP Healing to be too insignificant, therefore changing nothing. Or, for it to be significant enough that END and CHA becomes the meta secondary stat supplement to INT, displacing LUK from INT builds - or worse, turning INT builds into the dominant meta again by virtue of much easier access to MP and therefore more upfront spell damage. We can just stick to HP-cost spells that heal MP on a fixed %Melee ratio - END already helps in this regard by giving players a bigger chunk of spare HP to allocate around.

F) With respect to Healing SP, should Healing be build agnostic... or build independent? This is a particularly scary question, but we should not waver from presenting opinions on the matter.
I am voting for build-independence here. Like the MP healing example I outlined above, if an item wants to heal X %Melee in SP, it has to sacrifice Y %Melee from somewhere, and the X:Y ratio must be equal across all items. While some peeps here worry that this will take away player autonomy on SP Healing/Regeneration, IMO this can be solved by releasing items with SP Healing mechanics that are based on, but not scaled with, mainstat (or M/R/M type).
EDIT March 30th:: However, I can accept build agnostic, trading off the structural order of %Melee mathematics for the chaotic diversity offered to all stats. If only there's a way for END to influence SP indirectly...... is that even possible? /wink

G) With respect to Nickelclad Knight Defender (and by extension to items that modify Heal Resist), should the model of (2) be applied to its Heal Resist as well?
I am tentatively against this, as certain HealRes items may be explicitly designed to alleviate scenarios where regular healing is not enough, from hard-hitting boss fights to a possible future of 0-END builds suffering from inefficient healing. If the devs do not consider the above to be a valid item design goal, then I will switch to support HealRes being END-scaled.

* * * * *

I agree that as it is right now, END is not attractive as a stat. But I wish to withold my (rampant) ideas on how END can be changed, given we just had a stat revamp barely a few months back. I would like to focus myself on helping to find avenues to remedy the problems regarding HP-Healing as a game mechanic, plus how it and END can benefit off each other. But the former takes precedence.

(sorry if this last paragraph is weird, brain not braining well at 0130 hours)

Sapphire -> RE: Healing (3/28/2024 15:04:19)



Generalising from the above, the logical conclusion is (3) 'Direct Damage modifiers cannot interact with Healing in any way'.

That's fine if you feel that way. I do not. It must be the logical conclusion for you, but that doesn't mean forcing your logical conclusion onto others is then somehow automatic. In fact, it's not even ok to do.


Now, you have backtracked completely. You are trying to claim that Spellcaster lean was never intended to boost Healing Spells and attempting to limit the entire Healing discussion to Armour Lean only.

You have backtracked on your stand with Sila's Staff and Poelala so that you would not have to deal with the logical conclusion from (3), where all Items & Style Bonuses cannot affect Healing.

Way back sometime after my original GBI post, Gibby and I had a bit of a back and forth about this topic. He actually convinced me way way way way back then to change my mind about things like Sila's Staff, Poelala, etc. This was long before Ianthe ever responded to that post. I concluded back then after we discussed it and he presented some points that I was OK with Poelala affecting a heal if the heal was magic, or if Dunamis affected a heal, if the heal was melee, or Thernda affecting a heal, if the heal was ranged because in those cases all Archtypes had access to that type of booster. I became OK if Sila's staff affected a heal as long as there were a melee and ranged weapon equivalent that could also boost a heal for Warriors and Rangers on a weapon. Making a pet/guest or a weapon boost a heal is an easier design direction than simply allowing an armor with a lean catered to Mages affect it as a byproduct of it's lean.....unless there's a way to make armors that warriors and Rangers use also do so. But there really isn't a lean specifically designed for them and them IMO it was just easier to kill the boost from SC lean.

I must say, this comes off a bit accusational. It comes off as if my mind was changed maybe recently, or as a result of some of this discussion. So allow me to bluntly say a couple of things. First, I would like to respectfully ask that you or anyone else stop making blatant statements attempting to question my motivation not only from a standpoint of simply holding an opinion, but also attempting to figure when/why I might have changed my mind attached to such motivation. Why? Not only are you flat out incorrect with the massive assumptions given, but
People reserve the right to change their mind, and mine being changed about some of the nuanced details about those items you mentioned isn't a recent change. Not by any means. It happened a good time ago like I said. So really, WHO CARES if I changed my mind at some point on a specific aspect. Being critical of someone changing their mind on something is absurd.

My current stance is , which I have said numerous times, is on a foundational level, when it comes to Archtypes (Warrior v Ranger v Mage) that access to healing should be equal. I do NOT think that secondaries matter in the slightest, as each secondary stat represent a variety of pros and cons as well as the fact that each Archtype has access to each secondary equally. I view this topic to be of importance when it comes to main stat v main stat equality as those are the baseline builds, and then comparing secondaries is of far less importance.

If you wish to debate the merits of CHA v END v LUK on a whole, as it pertains to healing, or anything else under the sun..then fine. But attempting to view "BEastmasters" vs "TAnk Builds" in terms of healing ability IMO is fallacy in my estimation. If a BeastMage had a healing advantage compared to a BeastWarrior or BeastRanger then now we have an issue. If Tank Mage has an advantage over Tank Warrior or Tank Ranger now we have an issue. But the reality is, Warriors and Mages and Rangers all can decide to train CHA or END or LUK all the same. It's the different variety of things that each secondary does that help shape a player's personal decisions.

In addition to that, I have also been saying for a while that I would prefer if END lost a little bit of HP to add back in some other benefits, some of which is heal boosting. (There are other things IMO we could do with END, not just this) If people percieve that training the secondary of CHA over END provides for better healing capability, then IMO provide END the capability to better compete via how I have personally outlined as this doesn't trample on players gaming experience. This is why I actually ran the comparison between END and CHA using heal pet/guest, to see if CHA actually had an advantage in terms of usable HP's in a 20 turn model. It didn't. But because I can compromise and understand the 'feels bad' in light of the Sc lean and berserk changes, then IMO just change ENd to boost heals and support it with more access to item support..and make sure that the END based heal boost doesn't work with pets/guests.

My approach doesn't trample on players gaming experience, but rather enhances others who don't train CHA.

Ward_Point -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 10:14:44)

There is nothing wrong with changing your mind, but one must be critical of the following

1) What made you reach the decision that Spellcaster Lean was somehow imbalanced in the first place?
You claim that Spellcaster Lean, an Armour Lean specifically designed for Mages is imbalanced because Warriors or Rangers get no such benefit. Well, Warriors and Rangers get better Weapon based skills and MP is a vital part of a Mage's arsenal. In a situation where a Weapon based Skill is used, the Mage loses out unless Healing is normalized with a /0.75 function. If your proposal was to nerf Spellcaster lean but allow a /0.75 on the healing value for a Weapon based Skill it would be clear that you are consistent, or to extend the normalization of Healing across Leans by applying an appropriate /0.8 for FD armour or /1.25 for a FO armour, your position would have been more consistent, however, you did not, what followed in your Healing thread was a series of posts pointing this out, which I ultimately decided was better presented in GD.

2) What made you decide to backtrack on Spellboosters, WeaponBoosters and so on? If I presented logical arguments that have convinced you, excellent, but you obviously do not agree with my conclusions, thus I would naturally question what made you change your mind? It obviously wasn't me. It would follow that something else made you change your mind.

I have also clearly informed you that your comparison is flawed. Again, you refuse to engage with my logic and present your stand as if it was logically sound.

Final warning. No further comparisons of CHA vs END.

Furthermore, it needs to be made clear that Chaotic's proposal of having END affect all Healing Items is but ONE line of thought. If you have alternatives, present them.

Damage Resistance, in my opinion, is just extra HP with another name and doesn't solve the core issue, which is that END provides too much HP in the first place. If Damage Resistance was implemented, is there any difference between extra HP and that?
1) Well yes. Assuming that we used a balanced value of ~4500 effective HP at 250 END, the damage reduction would be ~33%. The player would thus gain 33% damage reduction but maintain a HP Cap of 2958. It would be an interesting take for sure, but it needs to be done in combination with something else for END to be desirable.

I would note that this will not be particularly well received. Just read the other replies on this thread.

Aura Knight -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 11:41:43)

Why'd my whole reply get deleted when half commented on how damage resist could be useful? Undo this. I could accept the first part removed but come on you're being unfair with the rest. Don't ask for thoughts if you dislike what's said.

See my post above. Please have the courtesy to read posts in the thread before responding, thank you.~ Ward

Dardiel -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 11:53:42)

I could get behind END providing damage reduction to an extent, but I believe that END does need something active to do; special END gear would be something but I don't think it's necessarily feasible to just rely on a huge swath of END items to come out in any reasonable amount of time. Changing heals to scale with END is a way to suddenly create END gear that lets you notice the impact of the stat; potentially if there was some action(s) that caused END to trigger something then that could also be interesting, like if END was damage reduction (or healing, or gaining/stacking permanent weak regeneration) that only turns on if you didn't attack on your turn (this would also apply to stuns; the endurance stat would help you become tanky while immobilized) or some other player-controlled trigger that creates moments of huge tankiness in exchange for the stat not being passively "on" at all times like bonus HP.

Aura Knight -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 12:01:37)

I'd like to bring up a previous point with regards to sp regen in which I suggested we make every source of regen heal a flat percent per use unaffected by stat choices. Now I think it's a reasonable thought due to sp itself meant as a universal resource but it's come up that this is too extreme. Where's the flaw in my thought?

Lorekeeper -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 12:17:42)

This isn't something I could promise any implementation or timing for, so just for the purposes of discussion for now: Rather than passive damage reduction for END, how would folks like an addition to the battle menu that allows for spending a turn defending?

Mechanically, this could be handled in several ways. For example:

  • An attack with weakened output (Not just reduced direct would be important for status weapons not to simply bypass this downside) in exchange for taking reduced damage.
  • Skipping the player turn, getting no benefits from equipped weapons, to pay the turn value for reduced damage. Likely splitting the value with another effect, such as a small heal.

    Crucially, the effectiveness would scale with END. That way there could be a universal defensive action everyone can use, but END builds would be the masters of it. This would potentially clean up the subject matter: Whether Healing should be END's bag can then be considered without trying to specifically fit it into END lacking an active use.

  • Dardiel -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 12:45:56)

    My immediate gut response is "yes please" (given that I basically suggested it 20 minutes prior); I think there would be plenty of implications around the mechanic, but I would be extremely excited by the potential design space opened by giving END its own action to make the stat interactive.

    Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 12:46:33)

    I'd personally be against that, finding ways to gain benefits while effectively skipping your turn so that your companions can either do the damage for you or for them to heal your resources is already a highly sought after thing. This option, to me, sounds like it'd fix very little while increasing the number of abuse cases and making fights even more trivial than they already are.

    Unless such an action would also prevent companions from doing their actions and prevent their bonuses (or drastically reducing them in power during it) I don't really see a benefit to this.

    Grace Xisthrith -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 13:42:55)

    If the dev goal is to buff END, that's certainly one way to accomplish it. Calculations on the side, possible I made a mistake, but probably not

    100% melee to an eleshield like effect would be 64% damage reduction assuming always useful. If you instead use omni elemental it would be 42%. (100/1.4x.9 vs 100/1.4x.6)
    50% to an eleshield would therefore be 32% damage reduction, or 21%.
    Flat damage reduction with this much power budget would of course give near immunity to almost anything, so I won’t bother calculating that
    100% melee in healing would be probably 298 hp, perhaps slightly (1/8) lower depending on what HP healing standard they use (monster damage vs resource value, ~390 vs ~345). 50% melee would of course be 149 (390x.85x.9)

    There's also the potential they make END spent turns with .75x normal turn, like INT. Can't think of why that would happen though. Then all those numbers would be .75x what they are now

    My opinion is that this would be ridiculous powercreep at base, even ignoring any obvious item synergies to take it even further

    Obligatory- my opinion is- END is a strong stat ATM, has obvious and valuable reasons to be picked. Swapping all healing scaling to END makes explaining items would 1: reduce item diversity 2: make END wildly OP 3: make countless counterintuitive MP bar resource payment interactions - among other things. Nerfing END, if that's the goal, could come in many forms, including reducing max HP

    Sapphire -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 13:45:49)

    Just brainstorming a bit. But in addition to what I personally think should occur (just changing how END behaves itself via Hp's/heals) I was thinking about another way to counter the changes that occurred with SC lean and berserk via leans that's more or less intended for the 3 main Archtypes.

    The lean itself is a status. So this can be altered.

    A. SC lean to still no longer boost healing in the same way it boosts spell damage. Instead, attach to SC lean an INT-based stat bonus boost to all heal spells/skills.

    B. On all FD armors, if you are wielding a Melee weapon, attach a STR-based stat bonus boost to all heal spells/skills.

    C. On all FD armors, if you are wielding a Ranged weapon, attach a DEX-based stat bonus to all heal spells/skills.

    This levels the playing field via leans a bit and has heal helpers that are designed to even the playing field between the 3 Archtypes, which was my original motivation for my original GBI. It wont be as large as what SC was doing, but it could be something noticeable. If you combine this with simply allowing END to boost healing more than it currently does, it might help in alleviating the loss of berserk/old SC lean's effect.

    ALso, I think there's more that can be done with END. For example, END could reduce the power of all DOT's when inflicted upon the player. I know it has the 1x per battle cleanse feature, but maybe it can also reduce the overall power of DoT's. A player with mainstat+END+LUK would likely have luck Lucky Break the status before the cleanse ever happened anyway, so have END reduce the DoT power.

    We could also consider a bit of MRM boost. I think all of these play into having more "Endurance" and not solely make this about more Hp's and/or more healing, although I think the healing boost with appropriate HP reduction would actually b y itself be favorable.

    In fact, I wish we'd even see a 1-2 month-long test and see what players think. It would just be maybe 2 mods to the stat? .75x on the scaling and 1.25x on the healing, no?

    dizzle -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 16:13:35)

    Disclaimer: I misunderstood LKs post before going back and rereading it. It seems he’s proposing an “either-or” scenario which is much better than what I originally interpreted. However I believe the overall point of my post about being careful not to make END too OP still stands so just take that small bit with a grain of salt.


    my opinion is- END is a strong stat ATM, has obvious and valuable reasons to be picked. Swapping all healing scaling to END makes explaining items would 1: reduce item diversity 2: make END wildly OP 3: make countless counterintuitive MP bar resource payment interactions - among other things. Nerfing END, if that's the goal, could come in many forms, including reducing max HP

    I said something extremely similar to this but it was edited out by a moderator for some reason I am not aware of. However I’d like to +1 this idea that END has to get scaled back a bit if it does actually end up enveloping all healing across the board for all resource bars. And a simple slight reduction in HPs would not suffice I do not think. The impact this stat will have on the game will be astronomical. Not only is the proposal for this one single stat to absorb all healing, but now we’re even seeing possible suggestions from LK regarding buffs to END in other aspects as well. Once again I dare say we might not be thinking about this logically. In an alleged pursuit of balance you’re well under way to creating the strongest stat this game has ever seen in its 20 year life span. In attempt to “revive” a stat that arguably was never dead in the first place (just unappealing to a particular subset of players who are knowledgeable enough to not need the extra HPs) we are proposing very questionable solutions that I believe might be getting too much traction. Or maybe we’re just not looking at the other side of this coin.

    Regarding trading damage output for less damage intake, this is effectively just throwing a permanent defensive lean on whoever is invested in END. This compounded with armor leans and other damage mitigating tactics makes this suggestion a very power creepy one I think

    Regarding a turn skip option, this is even more power creepy than above as dreiko and Gibby already explained.

    Is getting a monopoly over every single healing pet and guest, weapon, misc, shield, spell, skill, armor, etc not enough of a buff? Remember this isn’t just a buff to “healing” this is pretty much a buff to the player in every single aspect of resource regeneration which has become a staple in the way AQ is played, and has been ever since EO. Again I’ll say - we cannot produce the most OP stat this game has ever seen in an attempt to balance it. Gotta have the foresight to see how these proposed changes will look, not just in future boss encounters or what have you, but also how they will look with future item releases and how they will affect future item design.

    Ogma -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 16:27:42)


    In fact, I wish we'd even see a 1-2 month-long test and see what players think. It would just be maybe 2 mods to the stat? .75x on the scaling and 1.25x on the healing, no?

    I don't know if it's a thing, but would staff consider an option to switch between normal game play and experimental game play for this kind of stuff. The former will use normal game rules, while the latter will whatever the staff wants players to test, like this nuclear option of make healing END's domain. Similar to the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words", experiencing the change would be easier for players to experience if it's bad or not, how it will impact their gameplay, with the equipment they have (gold, ztoken, GGB...).

    Branl -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 17:20:18)


    In an alleged pursuit of balance you’re well under way to creating the strongest stat this game has ever seen in its 20 year life span.

    This is laughably off base. The proposal would ultimately treat End with regards to healing no different from how effects that scale off of primarily one stat does. Half effectiveness without, full effectiveness with.
    For End supposedly being the healing stat, it currently is the least effective stat FOR healing. This is one of the ways to address that if we believe End is supposed to be the healing stat.

    Aura Knight -> RE: Healing (3/29/2024 19:08:22)

    Are you all so sure the proper course of action is a priority shift for what helps healing? Endurance was never low on appeal. It just happened that of up to 3 stats to max for typical builds it offered the least benefit. But the same can be said of other ones if considering the perspective of varying builds. Builds with endurance exist but you just don't like them. In an attempt to change this the fix is to take from the other ones and offer something as optional as healing like it'll be some benefit.

    Stat choices need to remain optional but I doubt these ideas will allow for that. You can't remove something helpful from one build, add it to another and ignore the consequence of the decision. It makes little sense how in a pursuit of fairness you're pushing for build inequality. If the change goes through all we'll see is inefficiency with resource management for builds which previously excelled at it. It's pretty much a move of the goalpost. Months after endurance will be thought too powerful and will require nerfs too. It's as if there's no satisfaction to be reached.

    At the very least reconsider the regen value changes for with and without endurance and look beyond a heal focus from the endurance stat. We know heals can be optional so don't force them to be mandatory.

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