Crafting (Full Version)

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Kinger227 -> Crafting (5/8/2024 17:18:27)

Right im sorry i played AQW for years and thought id give AQ3D a go. Been loving it so far at lvl 23 enjoying life but......
Trident Reforged PT1- this had me immediately fumble to the forums there is absolutely no way on this planet you honestly expect me to afk here and click craft every 60 seconds because bulk crafting doesnt exist. Like seriously this single handed makes me want to alt f4 and never return i dont care if it takes 4 years to complete there is absolutely no reason that you shouldnt be able to farm the materials, bulk craft and then get on with something else and return.

Losing 1 member might not bother you but im sure i cant be the only one as a new player getting into the game this is a major red flag and deterant to want to continue playing-questing in this game is already quite tedious and docile but this is totally not okay this has to change.

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