Is luck needed for status effects? (Full Version)

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Varghus -> Is luck needed for status effects? (5/31/2024 11:09:41)

I am not the greatest at math, but how much does luck play into status effects, since it is considered minor?

Sapphire -> RE: Is luck needed for status effects? (6/2/2024 23:53:13)

99% of all status effects use luck as a minor save.

The way status inflictions work, is like this:

Status System Save Roll Formula

Level: (InflictLevelStatistic - ResistLevelStatistic)/2 (no cap)

Your character's level vs monster level. L150 vs L150 is a wash. L150 vs L140 means (150-140)/2=+5. <-- This will be added to the RNG roll. Like it says, there's no cap.

Major: (MajorInflictStatistic - MajorResistStatistic)/5, minimum -20, maximum +20

Each status has a Major stat to inflict and major stat to resist. Typically, but not always, it's one of the main-stats. Sometimes, it's CHA. ANd a very small used stat for major is END. If you have a spell that inflicts something based on your INT, for example, and the monster saves based on it's END, it's taking those two. 250 stat vs 250 stat is a wash. However, unlike level, there is a cap at +/- 20. So 250 stat inflict vs 0 stat to resist would end up (250-0)/5 =50. However, remember, this is capped to 20. In this instance, you'd get a +20 to the roll. Also, due to this formulation, +100 inflict stat over resist stat is the cap as far as added potency. 350 stat vs 250 stat = +20. More main stat boosting in terms of potency does nothing.

Minor: (MinorInflictStatistic - MinorResistStatistic)/10, minimum -10, maximum +10

Minor inflict stat is 99.99% always Luck. I can think of 1 instance off the top of my head that it isn't luck, but there might be more. So minor is always Player Luck v Monster Luck. It works similarly to the major inflict, except as you can see, the formulation is different and the cap is lower. (+/-10) 250 Luck vs 0 Luck = +25, but again, this is capped to +10.

Additional Modifiers: (NetInflictModifiers - NetResistModifiers) (no cap)

Save Roll Difficulty = 51 + (Major + Level + Minor + Additional Modifiers)

Resist Status Roll = Random # Roll (1,100)

The above means there is a random roll of a 100 sided dice, so you get a 1-100 roll. Statuses themselves can have built-in save modifiers. +0 means 50/50. +10 means you LOST 10 points and is in the monster's favor. However, when this modifier goes towards the monsters favor, the status power goes up. -10 means you GAINED 10 points to help you inflict, however, the power of the status went down. Think of this as a power-to-inflict LEAN system.

If Resist Status Roll < Save Roll Difficulty, the status condition is applied. Otherwise the status condition is not applied.

The save roll difficulty above at baseline is 51. If the roll is 51+, you inflict the status. However, this is where all of those modifiers come into play. I bolded the Level inflict example above at +5. And I bolded the major inflict status above at +20. And I bolded the minor inflict status (luck) above at +10. These are then added into the formula under additional modifiers.

That +5 from level, +20 from major, and +10 from minor take the 51+ needed and they're subtracted from 51. 51 - (20+5+10)=16. The formula in my example lowered the required roll to inflict from 51 to 16+. This doesn't even count other outside factors, such as if the spell has a +/- to the save, or potency gear such as something like Panic Potence 20, which also are considered additional modifiers. Boss boost is another additional modifier. So yes, there can be enough ways to stack potence to push the required roll into less than 0, which means the monster cannot resist ever.

So yes, luck provides a cap +/- 10 points to this system as it's 99.99% always used as the minor .

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