Dragon Claw Color (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [DragonFable] >> DragonFable General Discussion


Dragonlord morzen -> Dragon Claw Color (6/15/2024 16:44:30)

One thing that bothers me about our dragon in adult form (the dragonrider class), is that the claws' color can't be changed. They are stuck being a dark grey.
However, in Kid Dragon form its claws are the same color as the horns. And looking at other dragons in the game, it's the same. The horns and the claws are the same color.

So quite simply, I would love if our choice of horn color also applied to the dragon's claws in adult form.

spirit of greed -> RE: Dragon Claw Color (6/16/2024 6:54:12)

I admit i've never realized we can't change our dragon's claw color. It sounds like a nice new option to do so later on

Dragonlord morzen -> RE: Dragon Claw Color (6/21/2024 17:16:10)

Well would you look at that. They just added it.
I'm not even sure I had any influence, whatsoever.

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