Bun-banneret fight help (Full Version)

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Varghus -> Bun-banneret fight help (7/8/2024 10:46:44)

How do I beat this monster? I always get caught when it starts to do the light and fire attacks. I have checked other places but cannot find any information.

KhalJJ -> RE: Bun-banneret fight help (7/8/2024 13:01:19)

Searching for Bun-banneret on youtube pulls up 2 or 3 copy-able examples I think. It'll depend a lot on your level, and your build. Anything where you can reliably damage him to the next "stage" (where his health sticks and he charges up his nuke) and a reliable stun should see you through. Necromancer works for the damage if you have boosters, but anything would do.

Grace Xisthrith -> RE: Bun-banneret fight help (7/10/2024 17:07:12)

Bun Banneret:
Notable Mechanics:
Bun Banneret is a “cute” wind monster with roughly 9k HP and a 585 damage cap with .25 clawback. She also has Freedom and a +30 Boss Boost. She has several phases, but in essence, she has a mechanic where at each HP threshold (roughly ? of her HP bar), she stops taking damage, and does a charge up. If you don’t stun her here, you’re immediately one hit the next turn by a death element nuke. If you do stun her, she’s stunned for one turn, and can take damage again until her next phase (note: the turn you stun her, you can’t deal damage until she “acts,” even if her acting is just getting stunned. So if you use celerity to stun her, then use a nuke before she acts, it won’t work). Then, she receives a significant boost in power, listed below for each phase. As well, she scales off of CHA for damage, and CHA + DEX for accuracy. She has 225 END, 275 CHA, and 250 DEX. Her highest resistance is earth at 100. Her fire and light attacks have a 25% of happening once she unlocks them, and her wind attack goes to 50%.
Stun phase: -30 Immobility weakness, 0 boss boost. You die immediately no counterplay if you don’t stun her here
Phase 1: 1 wind attack
Phase 2: Popup: Your opponent is all warmed up! She gains permanent celerity, 2 wind attacks
Phase 3: Popup: Your foe is all fired up! She loses celerity, so only one attack, but it’s random element with fire and light and wind
Phase 4: Popup: Your opponent strikes with blazing speed! She gains permanent celerity for 2 attacks, fire and light and wind
Phase 5: Popup: Your opponent goes all out! She gains 1.5 Elempower, permanent celerity for two attacks, fire and light and wind
Bun Banneret requires two things. First off, you 100% need a reliable source of stun. Second, you need a nuke strategy, or a tank strategy
Reliable sources of stun include: Vampire Mesmerize with extra potency, Love Potion, Modgin or Queen Corgi or Necro Wind Wraith with Guest celerity (Mogdin and Queen Corgi require eleswapping her 100% resistance to energy / water respectively), Terminus Twinmaul (until bugfixed), or Tundra Hammer. Additionally, you could use Mermazon Armor's Drowned skill. If you don’t stun Bun Bun at each of the stun phases, you are instantly one hit.
Tanking Bun Bun: There are a few ways to do this, most are harder than nuking, but they can be a good challenge. The easiest way is using Zorbak’s Undeadify Ally Assist and then Retro Golden or Paladin. This allows you to nullify the multiple element attacks, because they all hit on your light resistance. Communicant’s Wisdom Misc is a nice addition as well, if needed. The other way involves getting your light, wind, and fire resistances as low as possible. My preferred method is using Lost Talon Guardian’s shield full set bonus, to get 13 Light and Wind resistance, and then using a misc for fire, to take it from 90-45. You’ll still take a ton of fire damage if you get hit, but it’s manageable. That strategy would also work with other armors that have a low combined Fire, Light, and Wind resistance. Several exist, you can use Nivp’s ShopDB to find a good armor. Finally, you can simply dodge Bun Bun using any dodge strategy. If you reach ~150 MRM, you’ll dodge everything (except the stun attacks, which are autohit)
Nuking Bun Bun: If you nuke Bun Bun from one stun phase to the next, Bun Bun will never attack. There are several ways to do this, so I’ll list a few. Necro’s Primal Fear with boosting, or with celerity, will keep you covered (you can drink an MP potion on turns where you need to stun, if you have a guest stun). You could also use Geomancer’s Robes and any earth spell, ideally with celerity to be safe. H Series would also work, depending on your boosters, with either melee attacks or ranged rockets. You can also use a freeze type effect for your stun, and then the next turn any skill of that element. (example, using Glimpse of the Mountain to petrify the foe, then using Haunted Dragonlord Armor’s Wind Blast Skill)

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