RE: =AQ= Golden Giftbox Cross-game Extravaganza - Week 3 (Full Version)

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CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= Golden Giftbox Cross-game Extravaganza - Week 3 (9/18/2024 19:15:34)

I'd like to second a number of the items that have already been stated:
  • Chaos Slayer Cleric: This is the only currently available spellcaster lean armour in multiple elements. For obvious reasons, we do need to move towards some more accessible options, but for the moment these armours represent vital support for mages. For the same reason, Infinite Darkcaster.
  • Ice Wizard Tome: This is the only updated ice tome in-game. While I would love to see Glacial Short Staff updated sometime soon, this is vital in the meantime.
  • Chaotic Lacerta Staff/Riadne's Venomous Scythe: I don't think we necessarily need both of them, but it's one of the few available dark spellboosters, so I believe at least one should remain.
  • Salek Sprayer/Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Weapon Not Just For Show: We barely get common GGB releases as is. Plus, these ones aren't half bad.
  • Mirror Vordred Armour: This armour offers vital support for FD Warriors, a build that currently doesn't have a lot of FD-dedicated gear. It's also an SC lean option.
  • Human Fisher: We really need an available FO water armour that isn't Kindred.

    Yes, I recognise that a lot of my picks are oriented towards mages and spellcasting. However, as already mentioned by @Mananite, that's basically where a lot of spellcasting support is currently coming from.

  • Slonder -> RE: =AQ= Golden Giftbox Cross-game Extravaganza - Week 3 (9/22/2024 6:22:47)

    Items I'd like to see stay!

    Gluttony pet + guest
    Frostfang Dormius
    Skullcrusher Barrage
    Broodfiend of Nulgath
    Illumia's Spirit/Mystic Gem
    Mirror of Vordred armour

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