Is the current Epic Duel newbie-friendly? Planning to start over! (Full Version)

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mrescanor -> Is the current Epic Duel newbie-friendly? Planning to start over! (8/25/2024 15:34:33)

Hello, everyone. It's been ages since the last time I played Epic Duel.
I kinda miss the nostalgic era. However, I could not remember my account at all. No wonder, it's been decade.

Is the match-making in the Epic Duel improved? or will I get matched with higher level enemy than mine due to lack of players?
I am planning to start all over again from zero and spending some fortune to gear up and support this game.

Thank you all.

reverentwolf -> RE: Is the current Epic Duel newbie-friendly? Planning to start over! (1/15/2025 13:38:51)


How long has it been since you played?
I recently started again, and am already level 40, the max "level". From there you increase your legend rank.

I feel that it is relatively newbie friendly with the gameplay, but the depth and build crafting is definitely not. In PvP if you are matched with someone, I believe the level gap is up to 5 (dont take my word on that), but as compensation you are giver a stat boost. There is a youtuber and player called "Urmenace" who made a new player guide, with long-form content.

Duel On!

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