Pirate Monkee War (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Pirate Monkee War (9/28/2024 19:45:00)

Pirate Monkee War

Location: Pirate vs. Ninja Monkee War! -> Continue -> Battle! For the Ninjas
Requirements: None
Release Date: August 1st, 2008

Objective: Defeat all the monkees!
Objective completed: You made it! Think you can take on another wave?

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

Wave 1: (5) Pirate Monkee, (3) L.D. Monkee
Wave 2: (2) Pirate Monkee, (4) L.D. Monkee
Wave 3: (1) Pirate Monkee, (8) L.D. Monkee
Wave 4: (3) Pirate Monkee, (6) L.D. Monkee
Joke Wave: (1) Supermonkee! (Pirate) (Message: Wow! That is one big monkey!)


Time Travel Fairy Ticketstub
Defender's Medal
Blade of Fury (All Versions)
Ripper Staff (All Versions)
Fury's Edge (All Versions)

  • Loads Ninja Monkey.

    Other Information
  • Once the Pirate Monkee counter reached 50%, weapon drops were added to the waves.

    Thanks to
  • westward_ho! for original entry.
  • SalvationXI for initial entry information.
  • Jay for waves appearance images.
  • Stephen Nix for tag information.
  • GhostBear5 for links.
  • Knightstar2001, skindianabones, RamboStrategy, Super Vamp Slaya, and XRayuko for reward information.
  • Gabriel Castro for correction.

  • Page: [1]

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