=AQ= Connection Errors (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [AdventureQuest] >> AdventureQuest General Discussion


Lorekeeper -> =AQ= Connection Errors (11/8/2024 20:17:11)

An update from AeWious on AE Official:


For those of you experiencing the following error message, we are aware of the issue and are looking into it right now. In the meantime you should be able to access game windows via the "Hidden Icons" section of your computer's task bar.

Show Hidden Icons > Right click Artix Game Launcher > Select Game



Rastaban -> RE: =AQ= Connection Errors (11/8/2024 21:15:49)

This happens because the launcher defaults to the News menu and attempts to load everything there. If it fails for any reason such as someone clicking to choose a game before an animated News item is finished loading like what happened very recently, the connection error pops up and forcibly closes the launcher.

It is the players who should decide if the launcher should be relaunched. The automatic shutdown should not exist. It would also ideally default to what we last used or at least give us this option.

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