=DF= Friday, November 15th Design Notes: Thankstaking 2024: Ruby's Shocking Plan! (Full Version)

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Laeon val Observis -> =DF= Friday, November 15th Design Notes: Thankstaking 2024: Ruby's Shocking Plan! (11/15/2024 18:44:12)


Friday, November 15, 2024
Thankstaking 2024: Ruby's Shocking Plan!
Hey there, heroes!

This year's Thankstaking celebrations have arrived! The celebration preparations are well underway, but one very important ingredient is missing: Family!


The one and only Dr. Voltabolt misses his sister Joules, and who best to consult about this conundrum than the best (?) moglin chef and sister around, Ruby! (And her brother Rudy!)

Of course, she'll need your help too to bring everyone together!

True, Joules hates Thankstaking and all it stands for, but surely the power of sibling bonds can overcome that! Right?

Check out the first part of this year's Thankstaking event in the Book of Lore: Ruby's Shocking Plan!

Also this week, we have a pair of new cosmetic items available for purchase with Dragon Coins!


The Ashened Veil helm and Ashened Texts cape are perfect for any flame-hungry pyromancers out there! You can find them in the Dragon Coin cosmetics shop.

And that's all for this week!

Paw printed, and tagged! ~Gingkage

spirit of greed -> RE: Friday, November 15th Design Notes: Thankstaking 2024: Ruby's Shocking Plan! (11/16/2024 2:02:36)

I love this event so far. Counseling with Voltabolt and Joules sound like a really a fun plot and it's workes best for this event. It's not like Joules 100% evil, at the very least i hope we can make peace between them and make her at least a anti hero. Heck if we could make

see reason why not with her too?
That being said i have a feeling this counseling won't be a success at least not this year BUT i hope i'm wrong.

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