RE: =Where Powers Collide 2025= OOC & Tournament Signups (Full Version)

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Riprose123 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2025= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/18/2025 23:56:18)

Name: Ellian, 43rd Ray of the Eastern Sun
Age: 28
Race: Human
Alignment: Order

Appearance: Ellian stands at an average height with build that leaves him lean and athletic, bristling with potential energy and movement. His skin is golden as if touched by the sun that he swears allegiance to. His hair is long on the sides, growing to shoulder length with the strands that grow towards the front loosely gathered at the back with a tie. His emerald eyes shine brightly from his face, with no other growth or markings adorning his strikingly handsome face.

Equipment: Ellian’s equipment is lean and simple, dressed prim and proper as his vows demand. He wears leather plates over a cloth gambeson and a chain shirt, with lightly splinted vambraces and hardened leather grieves. A long rapier hangs from his belt, its sheathe finely engraved and decorated. He carries no other weapons or armor, only a satchel slung around his shoulder that carries all he needs in his travels.

Skills and Abilities: Ellian is a master duelist, one of the youngest of his order. He is deadly on one on one combat and has experience fighting many different weapon types with just his rapier. He is passable at field first aid and weapon and armor maintenance. He is also an expert on courtly manners and traditions of the regions of his home country.

Blink and You’ll Miss Him: Ellian can manipulate the light around him to become invisible for short periods of time. The time period is comparable to the average time that it takes a normal human to blink, giving him the appearance of phasing in and out of existence. Instead light wraps around momentarily as he moves or stands and then returns lshortly after. He can only use this ability five times within a half a minute before he must wait to regain his focus, which takes about a minute.

Pocket Full of Sunshine: Ellian can pull as many as two rays olf light from his satchel. These rays act as small throwing knives, short, thin and razor sharp. They fly at a rate comparable to most knives and will cut and stab just as normal ones will. The rays will also burn fiercely anyone who touches them or is touched them, hot enough to cauterize wounds if left in contact with them for too long. They replenish every minute if used.

Beam of Light: Ellian’s blade flashes brightly, stunning anyone looking directly at him and the blade. It will leave someone visually disoriented as if their had looked directly at the son for about 10 seconds, before their vision returns mostly the same.

Blaze of Glory: Ellian harnesses the heat of the sun in the sword. He can maintain the heat for up to a minute. The blade of his rapier will heat enough that anyone within five feet will notice the change in temperature; any flammable material touched by the blade during this time will most likely ignite unless properly treated and physical touch will leave burns and injuries.

Kooroo -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2025= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/19/2025 10:28:36)

Name: Zophia
Nothing more, nothing less.

Title: The Iron Magus

Gender: Female
Element: Metal

Age: Over 90 years, though her biological components haven’t aged past 25.
Race: Augmented Human
Height: Precisely 182.88 centimetres
Weight: 102 kilos, with all parts considered.
Alignment: Order

Occupation: Whatever you get when you combine a scientist with a personal development coach.
Class: Hasn’t held one in years, but she’d never really been one for teaching.

From an initial glance, it can be difficult to determine Zophia’s gender, covered mostly from head to toe in what appears to be dark, burnished steel armour. The breastplate is fairly smooth and is made of several interlocking plates in an attempt to allow for more abdominal movement.

Zophia’s right arm from the elbow down is clad in a large gauntlet, which seems a tad large for her. The mage’s left arm is obscured within a slate-coloured sleeve down to the hand, which sports a black leather glove. In contrast to her hands, the pauldron on her right-side is smaller and flatter than the left one.

For the most part, there doesn’t appear to be too much off about her, unless you’re able to examine her more closely. Firstly, you might notice that the large gauntlet on her right hand doesn’t have an opening where a person’s hand would fit through. For another, you’d find that the armour covering her is bolted to another metallic underlayer and isn’t made to be easily removable.

A sleek mask of the same metal enshrouds her head completely; this mask is mostly featureless, save two crimson, glowing eyeholes and a four-slit grille where her mouth would be. Ash-coloured hair flows from the top, tied into a loose, somewhat-messy ponytail.

Besides her armour, Zophia sports an especially ostentatious half-cape, with a matching tasset around her waist. Said cape is pinned around her left collar by a cross-shaped ruby pin, wraps around her neck and drapes across her right arm, down to the elbow. The tasset is split into four different strips; two along the side, a shorter, thigh-length one in front of her groin, and a knee-length strip down the back. Both the cape and the tasset are jet-black in colour, with a scarlet trim and underlayer.

The end of Zophia’s legs are clad in heavy, metal boots that match with the rest of the armour. Their soles are lined with a rubber-like material with a tread pattern similar to combat boots.

Blasted Sarcophagus:
The blackened plates that adorn Zophia’s body are a mix of prosthetic replacements and armour plating that protects her remaining organic parts and organs.

To be specific, the plating around her head and abdomen is more of a shell that protects what remains of her body. With the exception of her right bicep and left arm, she is entirely made up of magitech prosthetics that are integrated with synthetically grown nerves and flesh to allow for some feeling.

All these together make up the Sarcophagus.

The Sarcophagus is composed of materials that have been magically treated to inherit some basic qualities of flesh whilst keeping the advantages of metal. It does not heat up anywhere near as quickly as regular metals, nor does it attract or conduct electricity as easily. Magnets don’t have any effect on it, nor do any magics that typically affect metal. The armour plates can regenerate in a way similar to flesh and the mechanical parts of the prosthetics are capable of self-repairing, though this requires around 12 hours of little to no movement and minimal energy expenditure.

There are some notable downsides of such extensive enchantment however—the most notable being the drastically reduced durability. Whilst the breastplate is still relatively strong due to the armour plates being especially thick, it can be sliced or penetrated much more easily than if it were unenchanted. A relatively well-aimed slash or stab will break through the abdominal plates fairly easily, as though it were thick leather armour, whereas all of the other areas plates can be damaged even more easily. Additionally, most healing or reparative magics will actually slow the self-repairing process further and ice magic or extreme cold can cause the components to seize up or slow much more than they would normally. It also causes much more discomfort, due to some lingering effects on the synthetic tissues.

The Oculus:
A crimson, ethereal eye that hovers roughly a metre behind Zophia, magically tethered to her left pauldron. It can be manipulated at will to either change position relative to its anchor point or adjust the direction it’s looking. The Oculus’ main function—aside from observing—is to aid in Zophia’s various projects by projecting high powered rays for welding, cauterising and precision slicing. Its output can be controlled depending on what’s required, however it only has one setting when used for self-defence.
  • Sight:
    Can be tapped into by Zophia to act as a literal third eye. Useful for getting a different view of her surroundings or checking what’s behind her. However, the Oculus does not give her constant vision of what it’s looking at. Zophia has to actively access and manipulate the eye for it to do anything.
  • Slice:
    Fires a high intensity beam for up to 2.5 seconds that can be used to slice through or ignite most materials. The direction and path of the beam has to be determined before it can fire; Zophia cannot change the ray’s path while it is firing, however she’s able to shut it off early if necessary.

    Once the beam shuts off, the eye is completely blinded until it recharges—this process takes roughly 8 seconds. The Oculus also requires around a second of charging before firing a beam, during which it glows especially brightly.

    Polaris Alpha:
    The large gauntlet on Zophia’s right arm. Whilst technically a part of her armour, the gauntlet has enough functionality for it to be considered a separate piece of equipment. Embedded in the palm is a cylindrical emitter which allows Zophia to fire out an energy pulse.

    Each pulse is around 50 centimetres in diameter, travels around the same speed as a fast tennis serve and will typically disrupt or knock aside any other projectiles in their path. They have a maximum range of about 6 metres, before dissipating completely.

    Getting hit by a pulse is the equivalent of being struck with a strong hammer blow, though with some padding in between.They’re typically enough to knock most foes back or away from her and usually don’t cause lasting or major damage, with the exception of impacts to the neck, head or other tender regions.

    Pulses can be fired every 6 seconds or so. There’s an especially noisy second of charging required before a pulse can be fired.

    If an object is held in the gauntlet when a pulse is fired, however, the object is empowered and launched instead. Unlike projectiles thrown or shot from a firearm, anything launched by Polaris Alpha will not spin or rotate through the air, until it travels 6 metres in distance or strikes a target. The amount of force behind a launched object is considerable, though this is dependent on what is being launched. Regardless of what is launched, however, all empowered objects are typically as fast as a Driver-struck golf ball.

    Exactly what it says on the tin. Large, black nails that each have a head diameter of 10 centimetres and a shaft length of 17 centimeters. There are small barbs at the point of each nail to prevent them from being loosened and removed easily. The only physical indication that these nails are not normal is a small red light on the head of each.

    When hammered into an object, these nails magnify the effects of gravity on the target. The larger and heavier the object, the less impact the nails will have, however one nail is enough to pin an adult man to the floor when hammered through. The effect is further enhanced depending on how well the nails are hammered in. More nails in one object will increase the force pinning the target down.

    Zophia carries Four nails on her person at any time, on the left side of her waist.

    A black, burnt looking cane constructed from a similar metal to Zophia’s armour. At roughly one metre long, the cane’s only notable features are a stubby emitter funnel at the top, a cylindrical sort of case around three-quarters of the way up the staff, and a very sharp, 4-sided blade at the bottom. It is also much heavier than one would expect, especially towards the top, near the emitter.

    The cylindrical body is systematically covered with various grooves and red lights. This section of the cane is especially durable, as it holds both the fine magitech circuitry of the staff and its power source.

    A spherical energy field can be generated around the head of the cane, to change the weapon into a mace. Whilst the field doesn’t have any edges like those found on more primitive many ‘metal weight on a stick’ weapons, it does have a very mild zapping or tasing effect on contact. The field can also be activated at will and does not have a time limit, however it will be shut off if the cane’s power source is used for any other ability.

    The blade on the bottom of the cane is typically concealed under a metal cover, for both safety and concealment. Said cover has a flat base, so that it can be pulled off easily with a boot if necessary. There is an enchantment on the blade so that the staff can stand upright by itself as long as the safety cover is on.

    Ingenuity can only make use of its abilities when it is in contact with Zophia’s left, organic hand. If she were to drop or let go of it, anything it’s generating will be immediately deactivated.

    Power Surge:
    Both Ingenuity and Polaris Alpha can unleash arcs of lightning on demand, though there is a brief delay and increase in brightness just before the bolts are ‘cast’. The maximum range is only around three metres and the mage can sustain bursts comfortably for up to ten seconds at a time; whilst the lightning is rather energy efficient, it generates a lot of heat. Whilst this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense scientifically, Zophia has noted that magic has never played nice with the laws of physics.

    Another magical property of the lightning is that it is especially attracted to metal objects. If a foe were to instinctively try to block it with an outstretched metal object, the bolts would hone in directly on the object. Leather has also proven to be an especially good insulator against this strange brand of lightning, meaning that the ability can be mostly negated by someone blocking it with a leather-gripped metal weapon. Luckily, just the presence of such an object doesn’t mean that the ability will be nullified completely; it will still need to be raised and positioned to block the bolts, or they’ll most likely just catch the lightning full on.

    The lightning can be generated from both Ingenuity or her gauntlet independently or at the same time. The lightning streams can either be kept separate and aimed at two targets, or combined into one, for increased potency. Even at its most potent, however, one full ten second stream is highly unlikely to be fatal—whilst the primary effects are charred cloths, burnt flesh and considerable pain, it typically takes at least 25 seconds of full powered lightning to kill your average humanoid. Repeatedly being hit by lightning bursts of around three to Four seconds long tends to make subsequent applications hurt more, according to Zophia’s testing—she herself has not experienced it, as the lightning does not affect her.

    A last peculiarity is that subjects struck don’t tend to experience many muscle spasms, if any, thus vastly increasing the likelihood of retaliation.

    Combat Prowess/Physical Ability:
    Imperfect Augmentations:
    Zophia is much stronger than most humanoids, due to the additional strength and weight granted by her synthetic components; she is capable of launching a man several metres away from her, though she’ll require both hands to do so. The maximum she can carry in one hand is around 60 kilograms, though she would not be able to throw it or do much aside from drop it.

    When she was a regular human, she was rather skilled in a variety of weapons, being a match for most other combatants. Combining this with her strength would be a death knell for most normal combatants, if it wasn’t for the fact that it has been decades since she has actually fought in such a barbaric manner. As it stand, she would have an advantage against most beings due to her strength and in part due to her combat experience, but not much else.

    Additionally, due to the armoured and mechanical nature of her body, she’s much less flexible than a normal human and can’t move as she used to. Another downside is her speed, as she is considerably less agile than most beings her size, and is only able to maintain a brisk job as her top speed.

    Zophia’s prosthetics and enhancements allows her to resist expected pain, and endure poisons and toxins much better than regular organics. She can survive without food, drink or sleep, however she’s capable of partaking in them if she so feels like it.

  • Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2025= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/19/2025 11:52:17)

    Home stretch! I am no longer accepting any new bios from this post onwards!

    @Riprose123 - Good to see you slip in last minute! We clarified in DMs that the heat of Blaze and Glory can still be felt even if Ellian is invisible via Blink. We also clarified that Pocket Full of Sunshine has an accurate range out to 30 feet, and that Beam of Light is most effective within 5 feet, weakening beyond that. With those details, Ellian, 43rd Ray of the Western Sun, is approved!

    @Kooroo - and a very late hello to you! As I am already balancing other bios anyways, and your lateness does not impact anyone else in this case, I am willing to balance and allow your bio as long as the balancing is absolutely completed within the expected deadline. Please note that tardiness during the actual competition can impact the other writers and cause large issues. I will not be graceful in the future. Onto the balancing!

    For starters, you list a variety of details about Zophia’s status as an Augmented Human, such as the enhanced strength and other capabilities. We confirmed via DM as well that using any of her abilities reduces how much strength she actually has, down to a minimum of that of a regular, smaller human. I would like these strength “costs” included for clarity's sake. I would also like the inclusion of how much she bleeds and if her blood is unaltered, as that is particularly relevant with our other entrants this year.

    Moving onto the abilities themselves, Oculus needs a range (I suggest 10-15 feet, as it is fairly deadly), and exact details on the cutting strength of the laser. It should require a decent amount of exposure before it fully cuts through “most” materials. If it can just glide through them, it's too strong.

    For Gravity Nails, I would like this reduced to requiring two nails to fully pin someone down, with one nail just making movement harder but still possible. This lets us avoid someone becoming instantly incapacitated, and unable to remove the nail because they’re busy being pinned to the floor.

    For Ingenuity, you say she can’t activate the field if the energy source is “used for any other ability”. Is this specific energy source only used for Power Surge? Or is this same energy source drawn on for The Oculus and Polaris Alpha?

    Finally for Power Surge itself, we clarified via DMs that after sustaining the lightning, it takes about another 10 seconds before Zophia can re-cast more lightning.

    Please get these changes in quickly so we can get this show on the road!

    Battlefields and their rosters will go live shortly!

    Oddball -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2025= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/19/2025 12:44:09)

    ROUND TWO! Additions are Bolded and Underlined

    “The organ in the left side of my chest clings to every last moment. Eyes red, in wild revelry.”

    Name: Prillyi Von Groski
    Alias:: “Prisoner S:03”

    ”Experiment 4”

    Age: (Roughly) Late 20’s.
    Race: Human*
    Alignment: Chaos
    Pronouns: She/They
    *Can shapeshift appearance at will as long as they remain vaguely humanoid. This can only affect her physical appearance. They cannot change the properties of their body (Shrinking to a smaller size, hardening her skin, growing gills to breathe underwater etc)

    Appearance: Prillyi stands at close to 6ft tall, often commenting that being smaller would help in their specific line of work. Other than their physical appearance, Prillyi’s hair is the only other part of her that can be changed at a moments’ notice. And as such, is usually subject to many changes throughout the day. This, mostly, stems from Prillyi’s mood… Which can be described as “volatile” at best.
    Prillyi’s eyes are very, very uncommon. The colours alternate between circles of red and white (almost like a target) with her pupils being tiny black dots in the center. Curiously, Prillyi’s eyes shake with an uncontrollable fervor. Which can be unsettling, but is otherwise harmless.
    They wear a long, modest red dress and a pair of 2-inch heels. Neither of these seem to have any negative effects on her balance or movement.

    “Cruelty wears the face of an Angel.”


    “Beauty and Beast”: Two different Cestus’ stolen from different pairs. “Beauty” takes the form of a slim, armoured white glove with a curved blade that wraps around the knuckles. Despite its durability, Beauty is almost impossibly light, and Prillyi shows little to no fatigue after long bouts of combat. “Beast”, predictably, is the weapons’ opposite. A black gauntlet that reaches almost to Prillyi’s elbow, with a moderately large, 9-inch slab of an unidentifiable metal forcefully melted into the knuckles. This metal seems to have a heightened resistance to force, and will not show signs of battle damage. However, it also attracts magical energy to itself akin to a lightning rod, and has no notable resistances to anything magical.This property only extends to magical energy that has a physical presence (A lightning bolt, or a fireball, for example) and its radius covers a roughly 15-feet sphere around Prillyi Beast is, notably, also extremely heavy. And Prillyi can tire herself out quickly if it is used in rapid succession.

    Outside of the abnormal weight distribution, neither of the weapons have any extra effects.

    ”Allvar” A pair of Hook Swords that are just shy of a meter long, with the blades taking 2/3rds of the weapons’ length (67cm/26inches). These swords are made of a light metal, and are relatively thin, but can take a surprisingly large amount of punishment before starting to show wear and tear. Prillyi usually uses these swords when facing opponents who focus more on range, as she finds deflecting projectiles with a sword much easier than with something like her Cestus. There seems to be some sort of magic woven into the weapons, as Prillyi is able to pull one of the blades to the other if they end up separated. Learning this has led her to sometimes using one of the swords as a projectile, launching it at high speeds towards a target akin to a boomerang before pulling it back via the magnetic force the weapons share. The blades must not be further than 40 feet away from each other for the magnetic connection to remain, and a solid barrier between them will weaken the connection. A thick enough wall will completely cut this ability from the weapons, and will require them to be in close proximity to each other for a few seconds before the connection reestablishes itself. There is also nothing stopping anyone knocking the weapon off-balance as it travels back to Prillyi.
    Curiously, the colour of the blades seems to correlate with the colour of Prillyi’s hair.

    “Prillyi’s Best:” Is a long, red dress that they managed to steal while in custody. There is nothing bizarre or otherworldly about the dress, it is a simple dress.


    A Gymnasts’ Balance: Prillyi has an unnatural sense of balance, being able to pull off stunts that others wouldn’t be able to dream of with relative ease. This can range from anything from tricks like sprinting across a tightrope with her hands tied, to maintaining their balance on a single toe while actively engaging in combat. This makes her very difficult to, genuinely, knock off-balance, as this sense of balance combined with Animalistic Tendency causes them to be able to recover from just about any form of knockback.
    The one exception to this is if her opponent can cause a sizable enough tremor if Prillyi has undergone any changes from Animalistic Tendency. As her heightened senses will disorientate her if their movement is shifted too quickly.

    Martial Arts Prowess: While not having mastered any form of martial arts, Prillyi has self-trained to varying levels in many different styles of fighting. Her main style seems to incorporate techniques from Taekwondo, Capoeira and Savate. While Prillyi’s swordplay is nothing to scoff at, a master of the blade could very quickly overwhelm her in a fair duel.

    Animalistic Tendency: The name given to Prillyi’s unique strain of abilities. They are capable of taking on properties of any animal they can think of, as long as it doesn’t change her physical body in any way. For example, Prillyi could gift herself the speed of a cheetah for a small time, or the physical strength of a bear, or the flexibility of a snake. These properties only last for a short burst of a few seconds, and Prillyi can handle two at once. This comes with its own drawbacks, as activating two properties at the same time will cut the effectiveness of both in half.
    However, every time she chooses to adapt more than one property at a time, the usually composed woman’s behaviour begins to change. They become more feral as time passes, losing parts of her sense of self until all that remains is a snarling beast wearing the skin of a human.
    This state, if reached, lasts for 6 seconds, and grants Prillyi strength and speed that exceeds that of a human in peak physical form. However, afterwards, because of her pride, she will refuse to use this ability again until the fight is done.

    “If I was fated to fail, then why do you fear?”

    Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2025= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/19/2025 13:17:14)

    @Oddball - Changes look good, Prillyi is approved and placed in the Field of Neon!

    Battlefields are open! Go check them out!

    Kooroo -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2025= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/19/2025 20:51:58)

    Name: Zophia
    Nothing more, nothing less.

    Title: The Iron Magus

    Gender: Female
    Element: Metal

    Age: Over 90 years, though her biological components haven’t aged past 25.
    Race: Augmented Human
    Height: Precisely 182.88 centimetres
    Weight: 102 kilos, with all parts considered.
    Alignment: Order

    Occupation: Whatever you get when you combine a scientist with a personal development coach.
    Class: Hasn’t held one in years, but she’d never really been one for teaching.

    From an initial glance, it can be difficult to determine Zophia’s gender, covered mostly from head to toe in what appears to be dark, burnished steel armour. The breastplate is fairly smooth and is made of several interlocking plates in an attempt to allow for more abdominal movement.

    Zophia’s right arm from the elbow down is clad in a large gauntlet, which seems a tad large for her. The mage’s left arm is obscured within a slate-coloured sleeve down to the hand, which sports a black leather glove. In contrast to her hands, the pauldron on her right-side is smaller and flatter than the left one.

    For the most part, there doesn’t appear to be too much off about her, unless you’re able to examine her more closely. Firstly, you might notice that the large gauntlet on her right hand doesn’t have an opening where a person’s hand would fit through. For another, you’d find that the armour covering her is bolted to another metallic underlayer and isn’t made to be easily removable.

    A sleek mask of the same metal enshrouds her head completely; this mask is mostly featureless, save two crimson, glowing eyeholes and a four-slit grille where her mouth would be. Ash-coloured hair flows from the top, tied into a loose, somewhat-messy ponytail.

    Besides her armour, Zophia sports an especially ostentatious half-cape, with a matching tasset around her waist. Said cape is pinned around her left collar by a cross-shaped ruby pin, wraps around her neck and drapes across her right arm, down to the elbow. The tasset is split into four different strips; two along the side, a shorter, thigh-length one in front of her groin, and a knee-length strip down the back. Both the cape and the tasset are jet-black in colour, with a scarlet trim and underlayer.

    The end of Zophia’s legs are clad in heavy, metal boots that match with the rest of the armour. Their soles are lined with a rubber-like material with a tread pattern similar to combat boots.

    Blasted Sarcophagus:
    The blackened plates that adorn Zophia’s body are a mix of prosthetic replacements and armour plating that protects her remaining organic parts and organs.

    To be specific, the plating around her head and abdomen is more of a shell that protects what remains of her body. With the exception of her right bicep and left arm, she is entirely made up of magitech prosthetics that are integrated with synthetically grown nerves and flesh to allow for some feeling.

    All these together make up the Sarcophagus.

    The Sarcophagus is composed of materials that have been magically treated to inherit some basic qualities of flesh whilst keeping the advantages of metal. It does not heat up anywhere near as quickly as regular metals, nor does it attract or conduct electricity as easily. Magnets don’t have any effect on it, nor do any magics that typically affect metal. The armour plates can regenerate in a way similar to flesh and the mechanical parts of the prosthetics are capable of self-repairing, though this requires around 12 hours of little to no movement and minimal energy expenditure.

    There are some notable downsides of such extensive enchantment however—the most notable being the drastically reduced durability. Whilst the breastplate is still relatively strong due to the armour plates being especially thick, it can be sliced or penetrated much more easily than if it were unenchanted. A relatively well-aimed slash or stab will break through the abdominal plates fairly easily, as though it were thick leather armour, whereas all of the other areas plates can be damaged even more easily. Additionally, most healing or reparative magics will actually slow the self-repairing process further and ice magic or extreme cold can cause the components to seize up or slow much more than they would normally. It also causes much more discomfort, due to some lingering effects on the synthetic tissues.

    The Oculus:
    A crimson, ethereal eye that hovers roughly a metre behind Zophia, magically tethered to her left pauldron. It can be manipulated at will to either change position relative to its anchor point or adjust the direction it’s looking. The Oculus’ main function—aside from observing—is to aid in Zophia’s various projects by projecting high powered rays for welding, cauterising and precision slicing. Its output can be controlled depending on what’s required, however it only has one setting when used for self-defence.
  • Sight:
    Can be tapped into by Zophia to act as a literal third eye. Useful for getting a different view of her surroundings or checking what’s behind her. However, the Oculus does not give her constant vision of what it’s looking at. Zophia has to actively access and manipulate the eye for it to do anything.
  • Slice:
    Fires a high intensity beam for up to 2.5 seconds that can be used to slice through or ignite most materials. The direction and path of the beam has to be determined before it can fire; Zophia cannot change the ray’s path while it is firing, however she’s able to shut it off early if necessary.

    Once the beam shuts off, the eye is completely blinded until it recharges—this process takes roughly 8 seconds. The Oculus also requires around a second of charging before firing a beam, during which it glows especially brightly. It has a maximum effective range of four metres.

    As the beam is nearly always used to make a cutting or slicing motion, it will normally fail to pierce through plate unless it's especially brittle or has been weakened prior. Drawing the laser across steel generally leaves deep gashes close to penetration and heats it up considerably. Chain and leather armour is typically simple enough to cut through, however both are enough to mostly shield against or prevent major lasting damage. Cloth is generally useless for protection and might even ignite.

    Polaris Alpha:
    The large gauntlet on Zophia’s right arm. Whilst technically a part of her armour, the gauntlet has enough functionality for it to be considered a separate piece of equipment. Embedded in the palm is a cylindrical emitter which allows Zophia to fire out an energy pulse.

    Each pulse is around 50 centimetres in diameter, travels around the same speed as a fast tennis serve and will typically disrupt or knock aside any other projectiles in their path. They have a maximum range of about 6 metres, before dissipating completely.

    Getting hit by a pulse is the equivalent of being struck with a strong hammer blow, though with some padding in between.They’re typically enough to knock most foes back or away from her and usually don’t cause lasting or major damage, with the exception of impacts to the neck, head or other tender regions.

    Pulses can be fired every 6 seconds or so. There’s an especially noisy second of charging required before a pulse can be fired.

    If an object is held in the gauntlet when a pulse is fired, however, the object is empowered and launched instead. Unlike projectiles thrown or shot from a firearm, anything launched by Polaris Alpha will not spin or rotate through the air, until it travels 6 metres in distance or strikes a target. The amount of force behind a launched object is considerable, though this is dependent on what is being launched. Regardless of what is launched, however, all empowered objects are typically as fast as a Driver-struck golf ball.

    Exactly what it says on the tin. Large, black nails that each have a head diameter of 10 centimetres and a shaft length of 17 centimeters. There are small barbs at the point of each nail to prevent them from being loosened and removed easily. The only physical indication that these nails are not normal is a small red light on the head of each.

    When hammered into an object, these nails magnify the effects of gravity on the target. The effect is further enhanced depending on how well the nails are hammered in. More nails in one object will increase the force pinning the target down. The larger and heavier the object, the less impact the nails will have, however two nails are sufficient to pin an adult man to the ground when hammered fully in.

    Zophia carries Four nails on her person at any time, on the left side of her waist.

    A black, burnt looking cane constructed from a similar metal to Zophia’s armour. At roughly one metre long, the cane’s only notable features are a stubby emitter funnel at the top, a cylindrical sort of case around three-quarters of the way up the staff, and a very sharp, 4-sided blade at the bottom. It is also much heavier than one would expect, especially towards the top, near the emitter.

    The cylindrical body is systematically covered with various grooves and red lights. This section of the cane is especially durable, as it holds both the fine magitech circuitry of the staff and its power source.

    A spherical energy field can be generated around the head of the cane, to change the weapon into a mace. Whilst the field doesn’t have any edges like those found on more primitive many ‘metal weight on a stick’ weapons, it does have a very mild zapping or tasing effect on contact. The field can also be activated at will and does not have a time limit, however it will be shut off if the cane’s power source is used for any other ability.

    The blade on the bottom of the cane is typically concealed under a metal cover, for both safety and concealment. Said cover has a flat base, so that it can be pulled off easily with a boot if necessary. There is an enchantment on the blade so that the staff can stand upright by itself as long as the safety cover is on.

    Ingenuity can only make use of its abilities when it is in contact with Zophia’s left, organic hand. If she were to drop or let go of it, anything it’s generating will be immediately deactivated.

    Power Surge:
    Both Ingenuity and Polaris Alpha can unleash arcs of lightning on demand, though there is a brief delay and increase in brightness just before the bolts are ‘cast’. The maximum range is only around three metres and the mage can sustain bursts comfortably for up to ten seconds at a time before requiring another ten for cooling; whilst the lightning is rather energy efficient, it generates a lot of heat. This doesn’t make a whole lot of sense scientifically, Zophia has noted that magic has never played nice with the laws of physics.

    Another magical property of the lightning is that it is especially attracted to metal objects. If a foe were to instinctively try to block it with an outstretched metal object, the bolts would hone in directly on the object. Leather has also proven to be an especially good insulator against this strange brand of lightning, meaning that the ability can be mostly negated by someone blocking it with a leather-gripped metal weapon. Luckily, just the presence of such an object doesn’t mean that the ability will be nullified completely; it will still need to be raised and positioned to block the bolts, or they’ll most likely just catch the lightning full on.

    The lightning can be generated from both Ingenuity or her gauntlet independently or at the same time. The lightning streams can either be kept separate and aimed at two targets, or combined into one, for increased potency. Even at its most potent, however, one full ten second stream is highly unlikely to be fatal—whilst the primary effects are charred cloths, burnt flesh and considerable pain, it typically takes at least 25 seconds of full powered lightning to kill your average humanoid. Repeatedly being hit by lightning bursts of around three to four seconds long tends to make subsequent applications hurt more, according to Zophia’s testing—she herself has not experienced it, as the lightning does not affect her.

    A last peculiarity is that subjects struck don’t tend to experience many muscle spasms, if any, thus vastly increasing the likelihood of retaliation.

    Combat Prowess/Physical Ability:
    Imperfect Augmentations:
    Zophia is much stronger than most humanoids, due to the additional strength and weight granted by her synthetic components; she is capable of launching a man several metres away from her, though she’ll require both hands to do so. The maximum she can carry in one hand is around 60 kilograms, though she would not be able to throw it or do much aside from drop it.

    When she was a regular human, she was rather skilled in a variety of weapons, being a match for most other combatants. Combining this with her strength would be a death knell for most normal combatants, if it wasn’t for the fact that it has been decades since she has actually fought in such a barbaric manner. As it stands, she would have an advantage against most beings due to her strength and in part due to her combat experience, but not much else.

    Additionally, due to the armoured and mechanical nature of her body, she’s much less flexible than a normal human and can’t move as she used to. Another downside is her speed, as she is considerably less agile than most beings her size, and is only able to maintain a brisk jog as her top speed.

    Zophia’s prosthetics and enhancements allows her to resist expected pain, and endure poisons and toxins much better than regular organics. She can survive without food, drink or sleep, however she’s capable of partaking in them if she so feels like it. Her blood is thinner than normal, due to the presence of additives and various other chemicals. Both her fully organic parts hold most of her blood; cutting or damaging a prosthetic sufficiently will also draw blood, but won’t generate a steady flow.

    The mage’s equipment all draw from her own considerable energy source, which is not entirely flawless. As a result, her strength can suffer depending on what abilities are used. Power Surge is by far the most efficient and is relatively simple to maintain, though there is a minor additional cost each time Zophia casts it. Energy pulses from Polaris Alpha cost are more substantial, requiring roughly 15% of her maximum power, whereas beams from the Oculus cost by far the most; almost 25%.

    At around 75% power, Zophia’s strength is comparable to a strong human. When down to around half, a smaller, weaker person would stand a chance of matching her.

    Additional Notes:
    Favourite music genre: Techno
    Favourite literature genre: Documentation
    Favourite flavour: “Flavour. All flavours are good.”
    Most unusual or unique skill: “I can generate green energy from my hand, what more do you want from me?”

  • Chewy905 -> RE: =Where Powers Collide 2025= OOC & Tournament Signups (1/19/2025 22:31:15)

    @Kooroo - Thanks for the corrections, Zophia is approved and has been placed in Field of Sun and Moon!

    And with that, all bios are approved! Battlefields have been opened for posts, and deadlines will officially begin at 11:59PM Server Time! Good luck to all of our writers!

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