RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (Full Version)

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Jakau Ryuu -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/8/2025 9:56:40)

Barrier effects have gotten me through a few battles/quests on certain characters so I can appreciate more sources of it conceptually, but it's certainly not a particularly exciting effect... on its own. The pet certainly packs a wallop when toggled though, curious to see if the armor works similarly and how the misc will fit into things.

Bolter -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/8/2025 10:33:59)

I didn't know that there were no Paintings for all the Frostval events before 2014, if that's the case, then I actually have no qualms if they were to decide to collate all of the rewards of those Frostval events and add them into a single shop like a special LTS or maybe even have them be added into the Decorate The Tree quest shop provided it's truly not that complicated to do so and that the staff are actually willing to do so as well, however, if they do decide to update the rewards, then that's another story I guess.

J9408 -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/8/2025 11:03:23)

I like the pet "animation", I was not expecting that.

The pet is still called My Pet gift Box. I can't rename the pet to the proper name. The name is too long, is it possible that you can extend the character limit?

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/8/2025 12:47:25)

Pet is ok but wish it did more than just damage.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/8/2025 13:02:46)


There is a long-standing bug with giftbox pet names when the giftbox opens. It's been like that forever. They'll change it eventually

taz_td88 -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/8/2025 15:36:03)

So I just gave the new pet a try.[sm=zorb_smilie.gif] My BM Warrior is in love. My gosh! Staff hasn’t been getting a lot of love around this gift boxes yet, but even if the armor is meh, this pet synergizes so well with so much. Yes it’s just damage, but it sure packs a wallop. If you look at my char you’ll see I prefer dots but this little guy may have earned his spot.

Zacky Vengeance Aloy -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/9/2025 7:14:03)

Thank you [:-] iykyk!

Haven't gotten around to testing the new toys yet, but I saw some pics and they look great!
Looking forward to the next war as well! Cheers

battlesiege15 -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/9/2025 22:35:24)

No armor with the 3rd event?

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/9/2025 22:44:57)

Armor will release when ready. We're still missing that and from giftboxes the misc and armor. Hopefully all release soon.

Gn3ranger -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/10/2025 7:30:21)

The Shield and Weapon are Both pretty Bulky and Massive so im hoping the armor ends up being similar In stature, I really need a FO light armor but honestly i don't really care what lean it ends up becoming since I'm sure it's gonna look amazing. I reckon it's gonna be FD since barriers seem to be the name of the game with this set up

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/10/2025 7:57:14)

I just hope the armor isnt catered to any build via type lock. But it does seem to be headed toward warrior friendly and warrior lean in FD lean specifically. Isnt the ranged weapon 0 proc? (I been too busy to test) If so, there goes FD-Ranger. So either it's a FO set with defensive capabilities (some people balk at these types of dichotomies, but I think they're the best ideas) or it's hyper defensive and warrior takes the most advantage. There's an outside shot at SC lean, but then the art essentially kills that. SO likely a FD armor with a melee lock . (These giftbox items should not be made to cater to a build, IMO) But Thats my prediction

chaosnecro -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/10/2025 11:18:44)

@Gn3ranger: I hear Paladin is still incredible. I see your main is a warrior werewolf, that armor slots in quite nicely.

@Sapphire: While I get what you're saying I've noticed many Frostval armors do cater to 1-2 builds over others, partly because no armor can do everything for everyone, but also because Frostval items are heavy on effects and flavor, and that necessitates skewing heavily in a certain direction over more generalist equipment. I'm perfectly happy either way, Frostval giftboxes are sort of like a recurring perk for one-time Guardianship fees; if a Frostval set ends up being a stinker or just less useful to me specifically, it's less offensive than, say, a token package item being bad.

wozzen -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/10/2025 19:01:17)

So, the Misc for the Giftboxes is open. I like it, largely because it's generally useful, though it does have a steeper cost than most miscs in an already SP heavy set. Now we just need to wait for the armor!

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/10/2025 19:23:03)

The cost for the misc should be fixed; it was overpaying for its baseline elemental protection.

Super12345 -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/10/2025 21:07:58)

I accidentally forgot to get the misc so I didn't know there was one. lol.

wozzen -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/10/2025 21:32:43)

...Wait, the SP cost was broken? Before clicking on it in the upper left corner, it says it costs 274, and it looks like that's what it was spending when I first poked around with it. Seemed fine to me, since it's a 2-turn Berserk and extra resistance to Light and Dark.

CarrionSpike -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/10/2025 22:04:13)


...Wait, the SP cost was broken? Before clicking on it in the upper left corner, it says it costs 274, and it looks like that's what it was spending when I first poked around with it. Seemed fine to me, since it's a 2-turn Berserk and extra resistance to Light and Dark.

The SP cost of the innate Light/Darkness resistances from the misc was too high, not the cost of the misc's skill.

Grace Xisthrith -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/11/2025 11:19:07)

Very cool stuff, gonna hit some diabolical clips with these items in the near future yesterday :)

Thanks Tyronius for the gorgeous art and to the team for the exciting mechanics on these items

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/13/2025 11:28:05)

Thank you folks for your incredible patience while our team put the finishing touches on the final pieces of gear. The Festive Legionary Guise is now ready and waiting for you in the war shop! And there's more good news - the armor, the final piece that completes the Guardian Giftbox set, will arrive later today.

Kurtz96 -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/13/2025 14:16:47)

I like the armor, but none of my characters are Rangers. Not sure if it's worth using on a warrior build?

chaosnecro -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/13/2025 14:26:51)

^ Thank you! I don't know what it says about me that I straight-up did not notice the legionary armor missing from the war shop. [8D]

Zacky Vengeance Aloy -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/13/2025 14:30:57)

Can a warrior use this? [8|] Need dem juicy infosubs

Kurtz96 -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/13/2025 14:39:36)


Can a warrior use this? Need dem juicy infosubs

Toggle that locks attacks to ranged Light, x1.7 elecomp to damage. Consumes(?) panic to boost damage and get regeneration.

Another skill that pays 98 SP a turn to deal an extra hit on your attacks (this isn't a toggle, you have to click it each turn which I didn't notice at first)

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/13/2025 14:47:56)

Warriors can use it. Hits decently thanks to the added elecomp for the range/light lock. More damage with dex but hard to complain even without.

Jakau Ryuu -> RE: =AQ= The Ultimate Frostval Surprise (1/13/2025 19:23:30)

Oh funny, I just got my long-neglected spear ranger mostly caught up with my other characters these past couple days. Gotta say she's loving the armor, that toggle does some respectable damage without the Panic-eating boost and becomes downright terrifying with it, and the extra hit on winning Initiative is also welcome.

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