I haven't played in 6 years, got some returning questions (Full Version)

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sebihp2007 -> I haven't played in 6 years, got some returning questions (1/10/2025 10:13:36)

Back when I last played many-a-years ago, FO armors were considered all the rage. If an armor was not FO, it was most likely considered worthless.
There was some applicability to using FD armors together with 100% proc-weapons and/or spells, but that was not very popular.

(Side note, now that I think back on it, it was a bit weird that warriors wanted offensive armors and spellcasting mages wanted defensive ones, it's a bit opposite of what you would expect in an RPG).

I've done some reading around and it seems like things have changed a lot. For once, warriors can now take better advantage of FD armors. I also noticed that there's a spellcaster-lean which is interesting.

So as far as I can tell, there's a few directions in which I could re-build my character (in all of these, it would be main stat 250 + CHA 250 and LUK 250, as that seems to be the only optimal stat distribution):
1. FD warrior with regular weapons
2. FD ranger with 100%-proc weapons
3. FO ranger with 0%-proc weapons (though I don't really like the way DEX works now)
4. spellcaster-lean mage with spells (but I'm not sure if there are enough such armors to support this build)

Since build 3 looks least appealing to me, it seems like I'll be moving all my FO armors to storage (maybe for wars / hard grinds, but not for "serious" fights). But that's fine because I like hunting for and getting new things!

So anyway, which of these builds is considered most powerful/fun? Are there other hidden gems that I have missed?

CH4OT1C! -> RE: I haven't played in 6 years, got some returning questions (1/10/2025 14:58:00)

Several of those are quite popular playstyles.

You're going to struggle a bit more with option 3 since FO Rangers benefit less from DEX's Style Bonus.

Speaking as my character is a Bow Wielding DEX-INT Spellcaster Hybrid, it is very difficult to get a Spellcaster setup off the ground without premium options right now. There are precious few available for Gold, and even those are often seasonal. You can substitute them with FD armours since Spells still generally work the same way they did all those years ago.

FD Warrior is a relatively new playstyle due to changes with the stat revamp, but they have access to all Melee weapons, so they have a decent item pool to work with. FD Rangers have been around for longer, but 100-proc Ranged weapons remain quite rare.

I've seen players have fun with all of these playstyles, so any of them would be a good choice. Happy to discuss my own as well, but it's niche even among niche playstyles!

chaosnecro -> RE: I haven't played in 6 years, got some returning questions (1/10/2025 15:22:33)

As someone who spent her early AQ career as it were as a disorganized hybrid before getting serious and spending the past... decade... as a beastmage, I can't speak to the particular combat efficacy of any playstyle over another. What's the most "fun" build to play is completely up to the tastes of each individual player; AQ is a game designed to be fun! To that end, I agree with CH4OT1C! above: there are few (if any) standard builds that truly lack support or anticipated future support these days (see spellcaster-lean armors, FD warrior). Your plan sounds solid, and you already have a lot of great premium equipment to play around with. The AQ Wiki is sometimes a bit dated, however is still a decent resource for your equipment needs.

Don't feel obligated beyond your own sunk time to commit further to any build/play style changes if you're having less fun.

Aura Knight -> RE: I haven't played in 6 years, got some returning questions (1/10/2025 16:11:20)

You can use any build and have a good time. I've had beastmage for a while until a recent swap to hybrid which is just as enjoyable.

Of the options listed FD ranger with 100%-proc weapons should be easiest to set up. All you really need is the luna neko subrace. Recently switched an alt to this. But you really can do anything.

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