1stClassGenesis -> =AQ= [Item Compilation] Auto Hit and 15+ BtH Lean (1/16/2025 2:43:03)
This is meant to be a resource — THE place — where developers Kamui and Ianthe can look through to get a list (albeit player base derived) of outdated auto hitting items to be updated from a *0.65 penalty or *0.8 to *0.85, instead of having to go through a long list of items AND update them whenever health and time allows. For now, this is my one-off project, subject to whether or not the AQ Team gives the green light for such future threads. Understand that the thread’s purpose is to save developers’ time on one matter on their docket, NOT to request for quick updates to these items. That shall be addressed whenever the opportunity presents itself, possibly even opening up the possibility of these changes to be a weeks’ release on its own. I would humbly ask to get the community’s cooperation on a few, simple rules: – The fewer posts to have to go through, the quicker the task can be accomplished. Please leave a username if a player’s contribution is not from the forums, and I’ll edit the next post to give due credit for items that fit the bill, not currently in the thread. Thereafter, please delete your post. – Outdated auto hitting items (on the *0.65 or *0.8 penalty) will be included. Items with equal or greater than +15 BtH lean will be listed separately, but on the same thread. – PLEASE INCLUDE THE INFO SUBS LINK OR AN ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRY, and format as shown below: Item Category: Item(s): Item Category: Item(s): <<Username, if applicable>> Developers are free to edit the next post to strikethrough what’s been adjusted if need be. Shifted into Suggestions and Pinned ~Ward